A University of Oxford, az Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, a Central European University és a Semmelweis Egyetem munkatársainak közös szervezésben EAST Network 2016 Workshop: ‘Long Term Care, Spatial Planning and Public Policy in Central and Eastern Europe’ címmel kétnapos workshopra kerül sor időskori hosszan tartó ápolás, idősbarát környezet témájában.

Helyszín: Budapest
Időpont: 2016. június 10-11.
Az absztraktok és posztetk beküldési határideje: 2015. árpilis 15.
Részletek: http://www.ageing.ox.ac.uk/events/view/289

This EAST Research Network Workshop will provide an opportunity for members of EAST to share research, policy and practice on this important topic. The two day Workshop also provides an opportunity to discuss emerging issues with colleagues and provides an ideal platform for developing future research collaboration.

The programme will include plenary lectures, paper presentations and discussion, and poster sessions.

Speakers include:

Professor Andreas Hoff (University of Zittau-Görlitz, Germany)

Professor Valentina Hlebec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Professor Zsuzsa Széman (Institute of Mental Health, Semmelweis University, Hungary)

Dr. Mihaela Ghenta (National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection (INCSMPS),Romania)

Dr. Lucie Vidovicová (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)

We are inviting papers and poster presentations, deadline for submission is 15th April 2016.

2016. június 10-11.

A workshop programja letölthető.