A kutatócsoport magyar nyelvű honlapja és további információ:  https://semmelweis.hu/digitalhealth/

Behavioural Science in Digital Health –working group

Digitalisation effects 90% of healthcare. The adaptation of digital health raised the question of both information technical and social accessibility in connection with equity, choice, efficiency, effectiveness and quality. The new technological innovations may contribute to the widening of the health divide between the advantaged and disadvantaged segments of society.  Hence, investigating the social implications and consequences of digitalisation is becoming more and more important. As we see it, digital health does not only refer to technological transformation but has considerable cultural and social consequences, too. It fundamentally reshapes the roles of the physicians and patients as well as their relationship.  Empowered patients are stepping up, and working with these patients requires a different skillset from physicians. So digital health isn’t only a computer engineering or software science, it is a behavioural and social science as well.

Our research activities are geared towards investigating how physicians and patients use digital health solutions, what advantages and disadvantages they have by implementing and operating such technologies and how all this shapes their roles and relationships. The conditions required for the successful implementation of digital health opportunities are also investigated from a societal, medical and patient perspective.

Besides the teachers and researchers of the Semmelweis University Institute of Behavioural Sciences medical sociology team, our digital health working group is privileged to have among its ranks practicing physicians who are pioneering digital health solutions in Hungary. To facilitate the scientific activity of analysing the world of digital health, we have recruited PhD students, and several undergraduate students active in the Association of Student Researchers.

Postgraduate training: Digital communication in everyday medical practice

Head of the working group: Dr. habil. Zsuzsa Győrffy PhD

Members of the working group: Dr. habil György Purebl MD, PhD, Dr. Virág Katalin Bognár PhD, Dr. Edmond Girasek PhD, Dr. Anna Susánszky PhD, Bence Döbrössy, Dr. Szilvia Zörgő PhD, Dr. Mónika Tóth PhD, Dr. János Kollár PhD, Dr. Imre Szebik PhD

PhD students: Nóra Radó

Student from the association of Student researchers: Anna Peszt, Omer Almog, Yael Hadani

Medical specialists, collaborating partners:

Dr. Tamás Horváth PhD ENT specialist
Dr. Zsuzsa Varga ENT specialist
Dr. Orsolya Németh PhD, dentist, associate professor
Dr. Péter Altorjai , pediatrician
Dr. Sándor Békási GP, mobile-health expert


Döbrössy B, Girasek E, Susánszky A, Koncz Zs, Győrffy Zs, Bognár V: “Clicks, likes, shares and comments” a systematic review of breast cancer screening discourse in social media, PLOS ONE, in press

Mesko Bertalan, Győrffy Zsuzsa: The Rise of the Empowered Physician in the Digital Health Era: Viewpoint, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 21: (3) p. e12490., 2019; https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/3/e025267.info

Meskó Bertalan, Radó Nóra, Győrffy Zsuzsa,: Opinion leader empowered patients about the era of digital health: a qualitative study, BMJ OPEN 9: (3) p. e025267., 2019; https://www.jmir.org/2019/3/e12490/

Meskó B, Hetényi G, Győrffy Zs: Will artificial intelligence solve the human resource crisis in healthcare?, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH 18: 545, 2018; https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-018-3359-4

Arensman E, Koburger N, Larkin C, Karwig G, Coffey C, Maxwell M, Harris F, Rummel-Kluge C, van Audenhove C, Sisask M, Alexandrova-Karamanova A, Perez V, Purebl G, Cebria A, Palao D, Costa S, Mark L, Tóth MD, Gecheva M, Ibelshäuser A, Gusmão R, Hegerl U.(2015). Depression Awareness and Self-Management Through the Internet: Protocol for an Internationally Standardized Approach JMIR Res Protoc 2015;4(3):e99 DOI: 10.2196/resprot.4358, PMID: 26251104

Purebl G, Petrea I and the JA WP4 collaborative workgroup (2016). Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being.: Depression, Suicide Prevention and E-health. Situation analysis and recommendation for action. http://www.mentalhealthandwellbeing.eu/assets/docs/publications/WP4%20Final.pdf

Meskó B, Drobni Zs, Bényei É, Gergely B, Győrffy Zs: Digital health is a cultural transformation of traditional healthcare, MOBILE HEALTH 3: (9) 38, 2017; doi:10.21037/mhealth.2017.08.07 http://mhealth.amegroups.com/article/view/16494/16602Mesko B, Győrffy Z, Kollár J: Digital Literacy in the Medical Curriculum, JMIR MEDICAL EDUCATION 1:(2) e6, 2015