EUniWell hallgatói mobilitási programban való részvételre – 5 napos nemzetközi pedagógiai gyakorlat
(angol nyelven) 2023. március, április, május hónapokban
A EUniWell (European University for Well-being) európai egyetemi szövetségnek a Semmelweis Egyetemen kívül tagja a Birminghami Egyetem, a Firenzei Egyetem, a Konstanzi Egyetem, a Kölni Egyetem, a Linnaeusi Egyetem, a Murciai Egyetem, a Nantes-i Egyetem, a Santiago de Compostela és a kijevi Taras Sevcsenko Nemzeti Egyetem.
A EUniWell Teacher Education Arena munkacsoportja az alábbi angol nyelvű tájékoztatóban szereplő nemzetközi hallgatói kurzusokon való részvételi lehetőséget hirdette meg, melyre minden partneregyetemről lehet jelentkezni.
- Course 1 Inclusion connected with natural science at the University of Cologne (13-17 March)
- Course 2 Education toward a sustainable future at the University of Florence (12-17 April)
- Course 3 Guidance in teacher education at the University of Murcia (22-26 May)
A jelentkezés feltételei:
- A EUniWell mobilitási programban résztvevő Semmelweis hallgatók száma: 2 fő / kurzus
- A programban való részvételért elszámolható kreditek száma: 3 kredit / kurzus
Minden kurzus előre láthatóan 75 órás tanulást foglal magában, mely részben jelenléti, részben pedig önirányított tanulási tevékenységeken keresztül valósul meg.
A jelenléti oktatáshoz szükséges kiutazást és a külföldi partneregyetemen való szállást az Egyetem szervezi a hallgatók számára.
A programban való részvételre az államilag támogatott és költségtérítéses, nappali tagozatos, alapképzésben résztvevő hallgató pályázhat, aki a jelenlegi vagy korábbi tanulmányai során legalább két félévre bejelentkezett és legalább 55 kreditet megszerzett.
A programra jelentkezők rangsorolása a tanulmányi munka, nyelvismeret, az előzetes szakmai tevékenység, valamint az egyetemi közéleti tevékenység figyelembevételével történik.
A jelentkezések elbírálásakor előzetes pedagógusképzésben való részvétel, belső vagy külső pedagógiai módszertanon való részvétel, vagy a EUniWell bármely programjában való részvétel előnyt jelent.
A hallgatónak a jelentkezés során nyilatkoznia kell arról, hogy az alapképzéséhez kapcsolódó elméleti és gyakorlati követelményét teljesíti, pótolja, valamint arról, hogy a hallgatói mobilitási programban önként vesz részt.
Dr. Túri Ibolya:
Turopoli Eszter:
EUniWell Call for applications on Teacher Education courses – 5-day-long mini mobility opportunities in March, April, May 2023
EUniWell – the European University for Well-Being – is a European University Alliance, formed by the ten universities of Birmingham (UK), Cologne (Germany), Florence (Italy), Konstanz (Germany), Linnaeus (Sweden), Murcia (Spain), Nantes (France), Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Semmelweis (Hungary), and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine).
EUniWell TEacher Education Arena
The education and training of future teachers is one of the pressing social challenges for many nations, in Europe and the world. The teaching profession represents a societal vanguard, drawing on digital knowledge and bearing the responsibility for a real ecological transition.
Within EUniWell, the Teacher Education Arena is working with the aim of shaping and supporting the education and training of future European teachers. The main focus of this arena is to promote European student teachers and teacher identity by defining a common standard framework as the baseline for individual learning outcomes for European teacher education, leading to a transversal curriculum and the introduction of an international certificate.
What we are working on
The Teacher Education Arena group is now working on analysing the “basic” professional standards recognised by the partner countries and adding new standards according to key values of EUniWell, such as sustainability, well-being, inclusion and healthcare.
Opportunities for future teachers
EUniWell Teacher Education Arena was conceived as a place to promote cooperation between schools, local communities and universities. The objectives of this network are:
- Design and develop an integrated professional training system for future teachers that also includes mobility to promote a fully European perspective.
- Draw attention to some of the key concepts of EUniWell such as well-being, sustainability, inclusion and governance in the school system.
- Promote innovation in the various European education systems, starting from the connection between theory and practice, to respond to real-world challenges across schools and society.
To build on this network the Teacher Education Arena is offering three distinct courses for future teachers.
Now there are places available for two students from each EUniWell partner university to participate in the courses below.
Attendance: in-person and online
Location: University of Cologne (Germany)
in-presence learning: 13-17 March 2023
online preparation meeting: 1 March, 12:00
online post-meeting: 29 March, 12:00
Language: English
Target groups: Bachelor’s and Master’s students from EUniWell universities
Accommodation and travel: Arranged and paid for students by partner university
Course topic: International & inclusion teacher education with a focus on
STEM-education: from Maritime Rhine Station and Science Lab to local Cologne schools
Course Description:
The international students, who visit the University of Cologne, will be invited to the Ecologic Rhine Station. This extracurricular place of learning moors in a crucial position. Scientists monitor the invasion of neozootical organisms into the Rhine as well as the influence of climate change, pollution and microplastics. To make the work of the scientists tangible, a large Science Lab for inclusive school classes and teacher training is installed in the Ship’s Main Deck.
EUniWell Students will work on assigned tasks in the Science Lab, communicate their findings, and jointly develop responsible strategies for their future leadership in science and teaching. During their stay in Cologne, the students will also be visiting a regional school.
More details:
Credits for participating: 3 ECTS
Application deadline: 14 February 2023
Application process: Fill in the application form and sent it to the emails below.
Submission and contact: EUniWell Teacher Education Arena expert at Semmelweis:
Dr. Túri Ibolya:
EUniWell Management coordinator at Semmelweis:
Turopoli Eszter:
Attendance: in-person and online
Location: University of Florence (Italy)
Dates: in-presence learning: 12-17 April 2023
online preparation meeting: tbc
Language: English
Target groups: Bachelor’s and Master’s students from EUniWell universities
Accommodation and travel: Arranged and paid for students by partner university
Course Description:
Today’s professionals must possess the ability to imagine novel solutions to tackle wicked problems that a rapidly changing world has placed before us and that cannot be tackled by using solutions from the past. This workshop week by both indoor and outdoor activities will develop the basic skills needed to learn to work while imagining possible futures. The development of reflective and self-assessment skills will be transversal.
Credits for participating: 3 ECTS
More details: coming soon
Attendance: in-person and online
Location: University of Murcia (Spain)
Dates: in-presence learning: 22-26 May 2023
online preparation meeting: tbc
Language: English
Target groups: Bachelor’s and Master’s students from EUniWell universities
Accommodation and travel: Arranged and paid for students by partner university
Course Description:
Teachers must be able to integrate the labour market in the classroom and, accordingly, must be able to guide students in an attempt to get a more significant learning experience, finding out their abilities and engaging them in lifelong learning. This program analyses contents from the labour market which can be integrated in the classroom, and explores how to work on them, promoting the skills which meet real needs.
Learning outcomes:
– To identify real-world contents to be integrated in the classroom.
– To design methodologies to cope with real-world professional challenges
– To promote self-learning strategies for a professional career.
Credits for participating: 3 ECTS
More details: coming soon