Please check NEPTUN for exam dates


Registration to the written exam:

Only students registered and accepted for the particular exam date are eligible for sitting for the exam.
Registrations for the written examination are to be taken exclusively through the NEPTUN system.



Registration to the oral exam:

Only students with a known grade of  written MCQ test in Intensive therapy and anesthesiology  are eligible for oral exam!
Apart from this restriction the registration should be performed as those for the written exam.


About the exams:

The written exams starts according to the time and venue given in the NEPTUN.

Oral exams starts according to the time and venue given in the NEPTUN.

Candidates are supposed to arrive strictly on time.


The exams are organised on two level:

The primary examination is written, using the well known MCQ test.

For the few, who failed the written part, or want to improve their grade obtained during the written exam, oral examinations are organised as well.

In order to help you to prepare to the exam here is a possible topic list for the oral exams. 

Question group “A”
1. Shock states: pathophysiology, classification, diagnosis, therapy
2. Cardiogenic shock: pathophysiology, causes and therapy
3. Anaphylactic shock: pathophysiology, causes and therapy
4. Hemorrhagic shock: pathophysiology, causes and therapy
5. Electrolyte homeostasis and disturbances: hypo- and hyperkalaemia, hypo- and hypernatraemia
6. Acid-base balance disorders and their therapy: metabolic and respiratory acidosis, alkalosis
7. Fluid homeostasis and its disturbances: dehydratation, hypo- and hypervolaemic states and their therapy
8. Volume therapy (indication, colloid and cristalloid solutions) and transfusion
9. Sepsis, SIRS, septic shock and MOF: pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy
10. Basics of acute respiratory failure and ventilatory support
11. Obstructive pulmonary disease and severe bronchial asthma (patomechanism,
diagnostic steps and therapy)
12. Pneumonia (community and hospital acquired) and ARDS
13. Postoperative respiratory failure and weaning

Question group “B”
1. Acute renal insuffitiency: patomechanism and therapy
2. Acute pancreatitis: patomechanism and therapy
3. Diabetic disorders (DKA, HHS and hyperglycaemia)
4. GI bleeding: patomechanism and therapy
5. Acute liver failure and hepatic coma
6. Acute left and heart failure and acute coronary syndromes in the ICU
7. Basics of antiarrythmic therapy: cardioversion and chemotherapy of tachy- and bradyarrhythmias
8. The politrauma patient: patomechanism and basics of therapy
9. Basics of anesthesiology I.: anxiolytics, opiates, muscle relaxants
10. Basics of anesthesiology II: hypnotics (thiopentone, propofol, etomidate and ketamine)
11. Basics of anesthesiology III: inhalative agents (N2O, halotane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane)
12. Basics of anesthesiology IV.: epidural and spinal anesthesia, local anesthetics (lidocaine, procaine, bupvacaine, ropivacaine)
13. Pulmonary embolism and DIC: pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy
14. Stroke: pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy

Last update: 01.01.2019