

Pursuant to Section 15 (10) of the Study and Examination Regulations, the continuation of studies shall announced by registering at least one subject in the Neptun system during the registration week, from January 31, 2024, 4:00 p.m. to February 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m. in the second semester of the 2023/24 Academic Year. Subject enrollment takes place in several phases, we will send information about the exact date to students of each year.

Before taking the course, students who have an active semester in the Neptune system must register first!

How to do this: It can be accessed via the “Administration” menu item by clicking on the link called “Registration/Login”. Then click on the “Opportunities/Enrolment” button in the line with the status “New” in the column of the status of the current semester that appears on the “Registration requests” interface. A window will then open in which you need to declare that you want to register for the given semester with “Active” status. After selecting the appropriate one, you must press the “I declare” button!

Pursuant to Section 15 (7) of the Study and Examination Regulations, students who have not fulfilled their overdue payment obligations may not register.

Exam registration

According to Sec. 13. (7) of the SER, if a student failed to obtain the credits of a subject registered for in a given term, he/she may reregister for it in another term. Provided that the lecturer of the subject has proved by giving his/her signature the fulfilment of the requirements during term at the required level, the student will only need to take an exam in the following term (CV course). According to Sec. 13. (9) of the SER, “Compulsory subjects that end with an exam must be announced every term by offering an adequate number of courses according to the model curriculum in their recommended term; and in cross-terms giving at least the possibility of taking an exam.” According to Sec. 13. (8) of the SER, a student can register for a subject twice during his/her studies (registration for CV course is included); if, however, he/she fails to obtain the required number of credits − after he/she have used up all the possibilities of taking exams − after registering for the subject for the second time, he/she shall be dismissed.

Offered mark

According to Sec. 14. (8) of the SER, “The lecturer of the given subject may offer an excellent or a good mark on the basis of the student’s performance during term time. The student need not accept the proposed mark, he/she can ask for being admitted to an exam.” Accepting the offered mark in Neptun: “Subjects”/ “Offered marks”/ click on the “Click here if you want to decide on them”/ “Mark acceptance”. Attention! You can accept an offered mark only if you haven’t registered for the exam. After accepting the mark, you are not allowed to do modifications. According to Sec. 14. (8) of the SER, “The lecturer of the given subject may offer an excellent or a good mark on the basis of the student’s performance during term time. The student need not accept the proposed mark, he/she can ask for being admitted to an exam.” Accepting the offered mark in Neptun: “Subjects”/ “Offered marks”/ click on the “Click here if you want to decide on them”/ “Mark acceptance”. Attention! You can accept an offered mark only if you haven’t registered for the exam. After accepting the mark, you are not allowed to do modifications.

Retake and corrective retake exams

According to Sec. 15. (9) of the SER, the student can attempt to retake the failed exam (A exam) twice in the examination period of the term of the subject registration, the first one is a retake exam (B exam) and the second is a second retake exam (C exam). There are three possibilities for the student to complete an exam (to obtain the credits) even when registering for the subject for the second time. The third exam and every further retake exam of the given subject are considered as second retake exams regardless of the number of subject registrations from the given subject. According to Sec. 15. (14) of the SER, a student may retake a successful exam in a particular subject in order to obtain a more favourable assessment. Attention! In the case of a corrective retake exam, a worse mark may also be gained. According to Sec. 15. (12) of the SER, during the one week retake period at the end of each exam period only retake exams and second retake exams can be taken (while corrective retake exams cannot be taken).

Fee of the retake exam

A and B exams are free. (A corrective retake exam is counted into the number of possibilities for taking an exam). According to Sec. 15. (10) of the SER “A second retake exam can be taken after the fee stipulated in the Faculty’s Fees and Allowances Regulations has been paid.” It is 3.000 HUF. (You have to show the paid cheque at the exam.) Application for the cheque of the retake exam in Neptun: “Finances”/ “Impose item”/ select: Every semester/ select the given Subject/ if everything is correct: “Create item”. In Neptun, students can only delete unpaid items imposed by them. After marking the check boxes in the list for the items to be deleted, click “Delete” at the bottom of the page. The cheque of the imposed retake exam’s fee can be printed out at the Foreign Students’ Secretariat. The imposed fee can be paid electronically, if you have a bank card suitable for online payment: mark the “Pay in” check box next to the item(s) due, and then click “Next”, if all data is correctly set, click “OK”. Select payment method, give the data of your bank card and “Send”. According to Sec. 15. (16) of the SER, “a retake exam can be taken at the earliest on the third calendar day following the failed exam.” It follows from the above that Neptun Education System will not allow you to register for an exam before the proper number of days have passed and you cannot register for the next exam date until your actual exam date has not expired.

Absence from the exam

According to Sec. 15. (8) of the SER, “absence from the exam should be certified within three working days. In the case of unexcused absence or non-acceptance of absence, the entry “failed to appear” will be recorded in the students’ information system, which does not reduce the number of possibilities for taking the exam in the given subject, but the student has to pay the sum of money prescribed in the Fees and Allowances Regulations.” (4 900 HUF). The fee of an exam where the student fails to appear should be paid through Neptun: you have to impose the item: “Finances”/ “Impose item”/ select the inpayment title/ select the term/ select the subject/ if every data are correct, “Create item”. The imposed item can be paid through Neptun with bank card, or by a cheque printed at the Foreign Students’ Secretariat. You can register for the next exam date only if the item is fulfilled in Neptun Education System that is why we suggest you to pay the fee with bank card. In the case of payment by cheque, the fulfilment of the item will take more days.

Subject dropping

According to Sec. 13. (7) of the SER, if a student failed to obtain the credits of a subject registered for in a given term, he/she may reregister for it in another term. Provided that the lecturer of the subject has proved by giving his/her signature the fulfilment of the requirements during term at the required level, the student will only need to take an exam in the following term (CV course). According to Sec. 13. (9) of the SER, “Compulsory subjects that end with an exam must be announced every term by offering an adequate number of courses according to the model curriculum in their recommended term; and in cross-terms giving at least the possibility of taking an exam.” According to Sec. 13. (8) of the SER, a student can register for a subject twice during his/her studies (registration for CV course is included); if, however, he/she fails to obtain the required number of credits − after he/she have used up all the possibilities of taking exams − after registering for the subject for the second time, he/she shall be dismissed.

Subject registration in Neptun

You can obtain information about the deadline for registering subjects at the Foreign Students’ Secretariat.

Please pay attention to choose the courses that correspond to you group in case of both theoretical and practical courses, because you will only see the exams for the course you applied for in the next exam period. Students who have reached their last semester should pay extra attention in order to ensure that they register for and complete all of the compulsory subjects and optional subjects defined in Training and exit requirements in the upcoming exam period.

Transfer, Credit transfer information & REQUEST

Students who have successfully pursued their studies at other accredited universities (in Hungary or abroad) can apply for admission without being obliged to take an entrance examination. Subjects of previous studies with identical or at least 75% similar content to the subjects included in the curriculum of Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences can be accredited, meaning that admission to an upper year might be possible. Transfer students are required to prove their current student status and previous study results. The previous study results will be examined by Semmelweis Credit Transfer Committee. On the basis of this examination it will be decided how many of the previously completed subjects get accredited, and in which year the applicant can start his/her studies.

Credit Transfer Procedure

Click HERE to complete and submit the online credit transfer request (submission is continuous)

Guide for completing a request for credit recognition
Guide to access the curriculum
Course registry

Appeal Request Form Against a Decision

Neptun user guide for students

Guide for the use of the Semmelweis University – Exemption from Physical Education system (STEFI)

International Scholarships