Public Health M.Sc. (only in Hungarian)

Master’s level public health professionals, with their knowledge of the scientific basis of public health and the related methodological and practical skills, contribute to improving the health status of the population and preventing diseases through professional, social and intersectoral cooperation. They can also put their skills into practice in the country or institution where the legislation, guidelines and protocols in force allow them to do so.

Who are we expecting to attend the course?

This program is designed for graduates in health professions who want to contribute to a high level of health protection and prevention of diseases and risks. We welcome students who have a strong understanding of the importance of prevention in relation to both communicable and non-communicable diseases and who wish to develop their knowledge in this field to the highest level.

a) Epidemiology
b) Environmental and Occupational Health

Length of studies: 3 semesters, 90 credits

Degree: M.Sc.

Main areas of expertise

Common themes: Advanced Public Health, Basics of Research Methodology and Biostatistics, Evidence-based Practice, Public Health Planning and Management Methodology, Emergency Response.

Epidemiology specialization: Environmental Risks in Epidemiology, Methodology of Epidemiological Studies, Advanced and Interventional Epidemiological Studies, Hospital and Clinical Epidemiology, Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology, Applied Epidemiological Biostatistics.

Environmental and occupational health specialization: Environmental and Occupational Health Medicine, Radiobiology, Public Health Aspects of Environmental Challenges, Environmental Monitoring, Impact Assessment Methodology, Environmental Health Projects.

Conditions for participation in the training

A minimum of 50 credits from previous studies in the following subjects must be recognized:

  • Natural and Health Sciences: 40 credits in Microbiology, Chemistry, Public Health (including Epidemiology and Prevention of Communicable Diseases, Environmental Health, Occupational Hygiene, Chemical Safety, Food Hygiene, Epidemiology of Non-communicable Diseases, Public Health Medicine);
  • Social Sciences: 10 credits in Health Administration, Health Law, Health Management, Professional Ethics.

To be admitted to the Master’s programme the student must have at least 30 credits in the listed subject areas. The additional 20 credits must be acquired in parallel with the Master’s degree programme within two semesters of admission, as specified in the study and examination regulations of the higher education institute.

Further study opportunities
• Health Manager
• Medical Engineer
• Environmental and Occupational Safety
• Law
• Ph.D. training

Career opportunities
• Organizing, developing and managing activities at different levels of public health administration
• Manager or head positions in infection control and hygiene in public and private hospitals
• Health insurance institutions
• Roles in units organizing and/or performing environmental health tasks
• Roles in units organizing and/or performing occupational health services
• Health promotion and prevention advisor