Equal Opportunities at Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences
The Plan of Equal Opportunities is a document laying the guidelines and requirements for the promotion of equal opportunities. It also contains the rules and regulations to aid the implementation of the aforementioned guidelines and requirements. Its main principle is that it is every person’s inalienable right to receive equal treatment and not to be subject of direct or indirect discrimination.
Semmelweis University dedicates special attention to the following areas of equal opportunities:
- it recognises the equal rights of men and women and it aims to promote the fair and proportionate distribution of sexes in its institutions;
- it recognises the right to employment of employees with disabilities and ensures that they are not discriminated against their colleagues;
- it recognises the right to study of students with disabilities and ensures that they are not discriminated against other students;
- in order to promote equal opportunities, it provides services that promote the establishment of good living conditions and a healthy lifestyle for students and helps students with disabilities in assimilation during their studies and after graduation by its counselling and information services;
- during their studies, students with disabilities may be provided with special devices to aid their learning process.
Disability coordinator of Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences:
Mr. Balázs HORVÁTH
E-mail: horvath.balazs@semmelweis-univ.hu
Phone: +36 20 825 8426
The tasks of the coordinator are as follows:
- participating in the evaluation of requests for help, exemptions and allowances, and in the decisions concerning appeal requests (the coordinator who took part in the evaluation of the request does not participate in the appeal procedure),
- communicating with students having disabilities as well as with their caregivers,
- ensuring assistance during the studies and exams of students living with disabilities, and organising consultations required by students,
- making proposals concerning the usage of normative subsidies that aim to help the studies of students having disabilities, and giving proposals for purchasing equipment to help students.
Students shall provide the grounds upon which indicidualization and exemption claims are founded and they shall initiate the process to obtain preferential treatment. The evaluation of applications belongs to the jurisdiction of the Committee of Students with Disabilities, and not to the Faculty.
Semmelweis University’s Code of Conduct
The aim of the university’s Code of Conduct is to set forth and describe those ethical standards that are essential for the university’s community; however, they are not included in general ethical guidelines and codes of conduct referring to professions. Thus, it helps students and staff follow ethical standards, recognise ethical problems, find solutions and sanction non-compliant behaviour. Semmelweis University strives to promote the creation and maintenance of trust which is inevitable in making its operation successful, high standard and respectful.
The university’s Code of Conduct serves as a guideline for the general rules of conduct regarding university identity, education and university work. Besides defining proper behaviour it describes the prohibition of endangerment and the duty of protection. There is a separate chapter on respecting privacy and it also includes regulations on the evaluation of ethical complaints.
Location: basement of 17 Vas street building.
The Students’ Union (SU), or Hallgatói Önkormányzat (HÖK) in Hungarian is Semmelweis University’s organization responsible for student services and the representation of student interest.
The SU is a body of student-elected representatives that surveys the students’ opinion and presents it in front of the University itself and its leadership; represents students in the University’s main decision-making bodies, together with offering services for the students.
All members of the Students’ Union are active university students. All six faculties of the University (including the Faculty of Health Sciences) represent themselves in the SU through their own student representatives, creating smaller faculty government subunits within the Union. The faculty government subunits cooperate with and assist the central organization in resolving social and academic matters, facilitating the easier transfer of information and more direct communication with the students of the faculty, improving the faculty’s sport life and organizing certain cultural and entertaining events, etc. Furthermore, the faculty government subunits delegate student representatives to the highest faculty bodies, the Faculty Councils.
The Student’s Union is led by the Presidency whose mandate lasts for one year and is elected by the Assembly of delegates. The Assembly of delegates is responsible for sending student delegates to the Faculty’s committees. The legal monitoring of the Union’s operation is performed by the Faculty Committee. Within its legal scope, the Faculty Committee has the rigth to raise objection against providions that go against a law or regulation, moreover, the Committee has the rigth to annul such provisions. The financial and material requirements needed for the operation of the Students’ Union and for the completion of tasks prescribed by regulations are ensured by the Faculty’ leadership, the usage of such resources is supervised by the Dean.
SU headquarters is located in Nagyvárad téri Elméleti Tömb (NET), however, there is also another student office in the Faculty of Health Sciences Building for Egészségtudományi Kar Hallgatói Részönkormányzat.
We are delighted to welcome any students who are enthusiastic and interested in what SU FHS-SU does.
If you would like to join us, please contact us by phone (+ 36 (1) 486-5888) or by email (health.hok@semmelweis.hu).
Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences offers a wide range of sporting opportunities for students.
Physical education classes are compulsory during the first four semesters. In classes and during trainings, wearing sport clothing is compulsory and no outdoor shoes are allowed. Students arriving late are not allowed to join the class due to accident risks. Exemption from attending the PE classes can be granted. More information on the exemption: Guide
Free time sport activities can be pursued at the following locations:
Facility at Vas street: 2 gyms, venues of
- weightlifting;
- aerobic;
- table tennis.
Császár-Komjádi Swimming Pool, venue of
- swimming;
- therapeutic swimming.
Dormitory at Hajdu street, venue of
- body building, table tennis, aerobic;
- basketball, volleyball.
Courts and sport fields rented in the vicinity of the Vas street building:
- basketball;
- volleyball;
- handball;
- floorball;
- football.
Club and Team Sports
Besides the obligatory sport courses the University offers sporting opportunities on a more advanced level. The University has its own volleyball, basketball, handball, football, cheerleader- and water polo teams. Preparation for competitions usually involves 2-3 practice sessions a week.
The Division of Physical Education provides regular trainings and participation in university championships in volleyball, basketball, handball, soccer and floorball. Running trainings are organized every week; these serve as a good preparation opportunity for competing in the big running galas of Budapest.
Recreational Facilities
Apart from the sporting opportunities provided by the University there are other independent sporting facilities that the students of Semmelweis University can use for discounted prices. The list of discounted cultural and sporting facilities can be found here.
Students’ Sport Association (Diáksport Egyesület)
Founded in 1985 and declared to be an organisation of public utility in 2002, Students’ Sport Association aims at satisfying the sports needs of students of the Faculty and members of the association, managing sport trainings, and providing the conditions for competitions and free-time programmes.
Tel.: 061-486-5850
Tel./Fax: 061-486-5851
E-mail: etk.testneveles@semmelweis.hu
Room: 424
Head: Mr. Gábor Soós, head PE teacher
Approximately 60 workstations are available for students in the Faculty buildings and the dormitories during the opening hours. The computers enable students to access high- speed Internet, use the Neptun Education System and the University’s library system, search in the catalogue of the Faculty’s library and print online or computer-based documents. Further 190 computers are provided in the Faculty’s classrooms for learning, practising with special programs that are used in the training of dieticians and optometrists, for using word processing and electronic spreadsheet programs, and for preparing and delivering presentations. Computers of the classrooms can also be used by students provided there is no class at that time.
Students may access the Internet via WIFI connection in the Vas street and in the Erkel street buildings.
Pursuant to Article 57 § (1) – (3) of the Act on National Higher Education (Nftv), in the event of the infringements of their rights, students may:
- a) seek legal assistance from the students’ union,
- c) lodge an appeal, which shall be examined by the higher education institution as set out in this Act,
- d) initiate proceedings by the Commissioner for Educational Rights, provided that all remedies available under this Act, except for judicial proceedings, have been exhausted.
(2) In the cases specified in this Act, the relevant government decrees and its rules for organization and operation, and if so requested by the student, the higher education institution shall notify the student of decisions that concern him or her in writing. The decision adopted by the higher education institution concerning the student shall be final if the student concerned fails to lodge an appeal within the time limit set in paragraph (3) or has waived the right to lodge an appeal.
(3) With the exception of decisions relating to the assessment of academic achievements, any decision or measure, or failure to act, of the higher education institution (hereinafter referred to jointly as “decision”) shall be subject to appeal within fifteen days after notification or, in the absence of notification, the student’s becoming aware of it. Students may also initiate proceedings against a decision relating to the assessment of academic achievements if it was not based on the requirements adopted by the higher education institution, or conflicts with the higher education institution’s rules for organization and operation or any provision applicable to the organization of examinations has been violated.
The rules of legal remedies of the University are included in Students’ System of Requirements in Semmelweis University Organizational and Operational Regulations, which is available at the homepage of the Faculty at https://semmelweis.hu/etk/en/students/regulations
Psychological counselling is a 3-6 session facilitation process that can be used to help the candidate to change psychological problems. It primarily supports people who are stuck in their current life situation to achieve their goals or to function more effectively. The counselling process consists of an initial interview to go around the specific issue the student brings, then discussing the purpose and focus of the work and the number of sessions the process will consist of. This typically means meetings on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Psychological counselling at the university is not psychotherapy and therefore does not constitute a medical activity. If it is needed, a referral to an appropriate professional will be made on the basis of the psychologist’s recommendation.
The following are the problem areas for which counselling may be useful:
- exam stress and learning difficulties
- relationships with family, parents, separation
- self-esteem difficulties
- difficulty due to life stage change
- career guidance issues
- conflict management
- relationship problems
- crises arising from life situations
Psychological counselling takes place at a pre-arranged time and place in the ETK building. The counselling sessions are held by Bori Hepke and Zsófia Szeiler.
Registration is possible by clicking HERE. For more information, please contact the following email addresses:
Ms. Bori Hepke: hborcsi@gmail.com
Ms. Zsófia Szeiler: zsofia.szeiler@gmail.com
Address of the ETK Book Store: 17 Vas street, Budapest 1088 – basement, room 042
Administrator: Ms. Zsuzsanna Polónyi
Phone: (1) 486 5860
E-mail: etk.jegyzetbolt@semmelweis.hu
Opening hours | |
Monday: | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm |
Tuesday: | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm |
Wednesday: | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm |
Thursday: | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm |
Friday: | 9:00 am – 1:30 pm |
Our publisher and our publications
Our publisher has been in operation since the foundation of the Faculty of Health Sciences (that was in 1975) as a university book and course book publisher. The faculty publisher serves to publish high-standard university books and course books including the latest knowledge of science for students of health sciences and postgraduate training programmes. During the last years, we also provide the students of countryside universities with university books and course books that primarily deal with the course material of physiotherapists and health visitors. Our publications are always widely welcomed. In harmony with our last years practice, we would like to keep fulfilling our task undertaken: preparing publications that ensure the modern and high-quality education and training of students.
- course books
- university books
- technical books
- study guides
- manuals of practice
- faculty booklets
Some of the university books that were published by the faculty publisher are available through the book-printer system. The great advantage of the system is that students can order even separate parts of the books electronically.
Publications in English
- Applied Biology – print-on-demand only, e-version available MeRSZ online database
Other publications for English-speaking students
Jó reggelt!: Hungarian language book (On SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-805225528/sets/jo-reggelt-hungarian-lessons-sound-files) |
Lívia Gyöngyösi – Bálint Hetesy | HUF 4500 |
Jó napot kívánok!: Hungarian language book (On SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-805225528/sets/jonapot-hungarian-lessons-sound-files) |
Lívia Gyöngyösi – Bálint Hetesy | HUF 4500 |
Egészségére!: Magyar orvosi szaknyelv (Hungarian medical language) (On SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-805225528/sets/egeszsegere-hungarian-lessons-sound-files) |
Annamária Marthy – Ágnes Végh | HUF 4500 |