IMPORTANT NOTICE! As of 20 March 2024, medical examinations have to be registered for in the Aptitude system. You can make an appointment here:

Please read the User’s guide carefully before registering.

1. Doctor’s hours of Dr. Ferenc Horváth (Assistant: Anett Pető):

2. Doctor’s hours of Dr. Sándor Hollós:

 Between 21 May and 25 July, students should register for Dr. Sándor Hollós via email ( – the applicant will receive the date of the appointment in email.

Location and contact:

Mezzanine 1, 17 Vas street building



Information on the required medical examinations

Required medical examinations for application:

– negative chest X-ray,

– vaccination against Hepatitis-B (if the last one happened more than 5 years ago, anti HBV level test),

– anti-HCV level test,

– rubeola antibody level test,

– HIV-test with negative result (in case of students arriving from non-European countries).

Required medical examinations for clinical internship:

To start the clinical practice, students need to have the negative results of medical fitness examinations, without these results students are not allowed to conduct the internship. Students have to take their valid certification of medical fitness and certificate of immunization (proving 3 shots against Hepatitis-B) with them every time during their internship. On the basis of the negative medical certifications, we issue the „Sanitary booklet” at the Doctor’s Office that is valid for 1 year and has to be renewed after 1 year. The valid hygiene certificate and the Hepatitis-B vaccinations have to be registered in Neptun Educational System according to the Study and Examination Regulations. Registration is done at the Doctor’s Office or at the Foreign Students’ Secretariat.

List of required medical examinations during your studies

Notification to students on the aptitude test

How to carry out medical examinations in Hungary

During enrolment, students have to declare whether they have received the vaccinations against Hepatitis-B infection, or not. If so, it has to be proved by presenting the Certificate of Vaccination. Instead of the Certificate of Vaccination, the result of Anti-HBs test can also be accepted. Students who have not received the vaccinations yet, can have the shots at the Doctor’s Office of the Faculty. Please check the medical examinations that are required during your studies here.

The full completion of the above is the personal responsibility of students before starting their clinical internship. That is why we highly recommend arranging the medical examinations and vaccinations during the summer holiday, before the start of the semester.
