The 2024/2025/1 study period starts on September 2, 2024.

Please find the official calendar of the semester at the end of this document.

The payment deadline is August 31, 2024. See the details below.

The subject registration period starts on August 26, 2024 (10 AM), which includes the semester activation process too. The registration period ends on August 30, 2024 at midnight.

Remember: before starting the subject registration process you need to activate your status in the Neptun: Neptun/Administration/Enrollment-Registration – choose the semester 2024/2025/1 – when it will be available on the date of the registration (26 August, 2024).

Please consider your options before activating your semester:

  • if you do not pay the tuition fee, but activate yourself in Neptun, you won’t be able to change your status after October 15, 2024 – only by submitting a request.
  • in case you activate yourself in the Neptun, please note that the university will ask you to pay your tuition fee (and in case the deadline passes, you will need to pay an additional penalty fee too).

Friendly reminders: 1) Once we add the new semester to your Neptun profile your student status will automatically change to Undetermined. This relates to your upcoming semester, not the previous ones. You have to change your status by announcing the continuation of your studies as active or passive. (See steps above.) 2) In case you cannot see the new semester please make sure you filter the semesters according to the followings:

If the checkmark is present in the filtering, then it will only show the active semesters. If you delete the checkmark, you will be able to see the new, undetermined semester.

We can issue student status certificates (for the 2024/2025/1 semester) only from October 15, 2024.

Please note that until there are no new restrictions regarding entering the University we won’t be scanning and sending you your documents via email. In case you need documentation from us you have to come to the office during the opening hours. In case you need a transcript of your credits, you have to request it a few days before picking it up.

Of course in case you are outside of Hungary we can arrange the scanning of your documents, but otherwise we will stop doing it.

The University is planning for in-person classes this semester. Currently we do not have information about any valid guideline regarding mandatory vaccination or restrictions. In case we get more information we will let you know as soon as possible.

Regardless of the above mentioned, please make sure you are not infected before entering the University building. In case you are unsure, please go and get tested.


    • before registering your subjects we ask you to please check the prerequisite chart for your own course so you know beforehand which subjects you are able to register and which subjects you can’t (not even with a request).

    • check the Prerequisite charts/Your own starting year/Your own program – with the help of these documents and your Neptun you should be able to check your progress and what subjects you are missing or can register to in the current semester. Please note that it’s not the Secretariat’s job to do it for you. Try and be prepared for your next semester for your own sake.
    • in case there are no more places on a course when you are registering your subjects send your request for raising the limits to the responsible department – the Secretariat still cannot raise limits. (Website/Departments – you should be able to find their contact there.)
    • when registering for subjects please keep to the subjects that you have to fulfill in your current semester, or the ones you are missing from previous semesters. Don’t take away the places from upper year students who are on schedule and can proceed with their studies.

    If you register for a subject for the first time

    choose normal course

    If you need to retake a course, and you already have a signature (see below)

    choose CV course

    If you need to retake a course, but your signature is rejected

    choose normal course again

    If you need to retake a course, and you already took 3 exams that you failed

    choose an FM course

    What is the difference between CV or FM course registration?

    CV course is NOT considered as a new subject registration, it is just an exam retake course, where you do not need to go to classes again. However, you can only use your remaining exam options. For one normal course you can have 3 exam options. If you do not use all 3 during the normal subject registration, you can use the remaining number of exam options in the CV course. (If you have used one exam for the normal course, than you have 2 exam options remaining for the CV course.)

    FM course is considered as a new subject registration, just like a normal course, but you do not need to go to classes again. In this case you have 3 exam options.

    Useful links:

    At Neptun/Studies/Curriculum: you can check which subjects you have fulfilled and the result, and you can also see the number of subject registration(s).

    At Neptun/Subjects/Registered subjects/List the requested term: This will list all your subjects for the semester and gives you the option to check your subject details and results (at + menu).

    At Exams/Taken exams/List the requested term: at + menu you can check exam details and previous exams. At previous exams you can check if you appeared/not appeared at the previous exams (just to be able to calculate with the missed exam fee and to decide if you need to take a CV/FM course).

    The student status needs to be terminated after:

    • having 3 subject registrations (normal+FM+FM OR normal/normal/FM or normal/normal/normal, CV courses do not count as subject registrations) OR

    Uncertified missed exam chances count as failed exams.


Payment deadline is August 31, 2024.

Students have one month (counted from the first day of the semester) for paying the tuition fee of the given semester without penalty: till November 16, 2024.

Please note that students cannot get a student certificate, a valid insurance or validation of their student card until their tuition fee is completely settled. Please note that until you do not pay the tuition fee, you cannot turn in request for study issues either (subject registration, missing grade etc.).

After November 16, 2024 – the tuition fee can be paid with a default penalty of 500 EUR. The penalty is applicable if the debt exceeds 200 EUR.

The latest deadline for paying the tuition fee and penalty is the last day of the study period: December 6, 2024.

Please note that students cannot register for any exam until their tuition fee plus penalty are completely settled.

If the above final deadline is missed, i.e. the tuition fee plus penalty are not settled by the end of the study period, the tuition fee for the current semester can no longer be paid, student’s status will remain active, but every signature acquired and every grade earned by the student during the semester will be deleted. The student’s status remains active means that the debt remains to be made up before the registration to any other active semesters. The status cannot be changed to passive after the end of the teaching term, and the tuition fee of an active semester cannot be remitted.

The student is unable to register for a new active semester until the debt has been settled in full.

In case you have an unfulfilled payment item in your Neptun after the official deadlines are up then the Foreign Students’ Secretariat will forward your case to the University’s Legal Department who are responsible for debt collection (missing tuition fee or missing HUF fees).

What can you do if you have any problem with the payment?

Students can turn in request for two type of allowances:

  • request asking for tuition fee payment delay
  • request asking for installment payment

If necessary, you can turn in these two type of request to the Foreign Students Secretariat latest till November 15, 2024.

The required form is available under FORMS on the Faculty’s website (Request for tuition fee allowances).

In the payment request please indicate the followings:

  • in case of delayed payment: the deadline you will be able to make the payment
  • in case of installment payment: the deadlines of each installment payment and the installment amounts (how many EUR/installment). Please note that in case of installment payment request you need to attach social status certificate.


  • Payment is acceptable without penalty: till November 16, 2024.

BUT students CANNOT get a student certificate, a valid insurance or validation of their student card until their tuition fee is completely settled.

  • Payment is acceptable with penalty (500 EUR): till December 6, 2024.

BUT students CANNOT get a student certificate, a valid insurance or validation of their student card until their tuition fee is completely settled.


Students cannot register for any exam until their tuition fee plus penalty are completely settled.

  • Deadline to turn in request (delay or installment): November 15, 2024.

Please note that in case of installment payment request you need to attach social status certificate.


Tuition fee payment should be made in EUR with bank transfer to the following bank account. Please remember that the tuition fee payment process is done in 2 steps:

  1. You transfer your tuition fee to the University’s summary account:
    Account name: Semmelweis University
    Bank name: OTP Bank Nyrt.
    Bank address: 16. Nádor Street, H-1051 Budapest, Hungary (1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 16., Hungary)

Bank account name: EUR summary invoice
Number: 11763842-00882880
Currency: EUR
IBAN number: HU11117638420088288000000000

When transferring your tuition fee please write your Neptun code into the description in the following format: NK-ABC123 (in which ABC123 stands for your OWN Neptun code, please change it to that). You can also indicate your name there.

  1. You link your active payment item (active tuition fee) and your free balance on the summary invoice in the Neptun:
  • go to Neptun/Finances/Payment – choose the payment item that indicates your tuition fee for the semester.
  • select the active item and choose the option Pay in.
  • at this point the Neptun should take you to the next page where you have to choose to pay your active item by the summary invoice (the only possible option).
  • your previously transferred money which was on the summary invoice is now linked to your active fee, making it possible to fulfill your payment item.
  • you can pay your tuition fee from the summary invoice only in one amount, meaning you have to have the whole amount of your tuition fee (or more) on the summary invoice to fulfill your active payment item.

Please note that it’s not enough that you just transfer the money to the University’s summary account, you have to go to your Neptun and do the 2nd step of the process (linking your free balance on the account to your active payment item) and actually pay in your tuition fee.

Please note that a tuition fee payment can be considered as fulfilled when it arrives to the University’s account and sometimes money transfer takes 1-3 days. Please calculate with these details before starting the transfer. When transferring money please always make sure you’re the one paying for the transfer fee, as they will charge it from your paid amount otherwise.


  1. Please check the following personal data in your Neptun and in case you find it incorrect or missing please let us know so we can refresh it.
  •  Hungarian address (ZIP code, street name, house number, floor, door)
  • mobile phone number
  • valid passport and residence permit (along with the issue and expiry dates!)

Please note that according to the Study and Examination Regulations you are obliged to note us on any changes in your personal data within 8 days.

  1. According to the Rector’s Directive nr.: R/2/2022. (VII.21.), there were changes on how you can get exemption from the PE classes.

Please remember that you will have to apply for the exemption and upload your documents by a deadline communicated soon according to the criteria sent in the Neptun message:

  •  If the condition is not permanent, it must not be older than 1 year,
  • Written in Hungarian or English, typed (not handwritten!),
  • It should contain the student’s details, the doctor’s diagnosis, therapy (if any), the scope (full/partial) and duration of the exemption.

You can also find more information here:

Rectorial Instruction No. R/2/2022. (VII.21.) →

Exemption from P.E. lessons →

Sign in to STEFI →


Autumn Semester of 2024/25 Academic Year

Setting student status in Neptun (active, passive)

August 26 (10AM) – August 30 (midnight), 2024

Modifying student status with a request (passive, active)

14 October, 2024

Subject registration

August 26 (10 AM) – August 30 (midnight), 2024

Study period

August 26 – December 06, 2024

Exam period

09-20 December and 06 January – 07 February 

Supplementary exam

In the last 3 weeks of the study period and/or in the exam period, from November 18, 2024

Last day to obtain a signature for registered subject

December 13, 2024

Exam registration

23 hours before the exam

Exam deregistration

24 hours before the exam

Thesis submitting

Final exam application

25 September 2024


Final exam period

Practical and theoretical written exams:

04 – 08 November 2024

Oral theoretical exams:

11 – 22 November 2024

Complain about subject registration data in Neptun

September 04, 2024

Subject registration request posteriorly

September 06, 2024

Subject deregistration request

September 20, 2024

Complain about result data in Neptun (missing/incorrect signature, grade)

February 21, 2025

Requests related to tuition fee payment (delay, installment)

November 15, 2024

Request about individual study schedule

September 02, 2024

Request about retrospective semester passivation (only in exceptional cases)

December 06, 2024

Request about other study issues


Request about credit transfer (accreditation of previous study results from another University or study program)

from 17 June – 05 July 2024, 1st year students: 12 – 30 August 2024


Study weeks Autumn semester of 2024/25 academic year
Week 0 26 – 30 August 2024
Week 1 02 – 06 September 2024
Week 2 09 – 13 September 2024
Week 3 16 – 20 September 2024
Week 4 23 – 27 September 2024
Week 5 30 September – 04 October 2024
Week 6 07 – 11 October 2024
Week 7 14 – 18 October 2024
Week 8 21 – 25 October 2024
Week 9 28 October – 01 November 2024
Week 10 04 – 08 November 2024
Week 11 11 – 15 November 2024
Week 12 18 – 22 November 2024
Week 13 25 – 29 November 2024
Week 14 02 – 06 December 2024

Important dates and deadlines – Academic Calendar 2024/2025 (pdf)


Elective subjects (for all programs)
Thesis methodology courses (for all programs)

Nursing BSc

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 

Physiotherapy BSc

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4

Midwifery BSc

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4

Dietetics BSc

Year 1, Year 2

Health Tourism Management BSc

Year 1, Year 2

Public Health Supervisor BSc

Year 1, Year 2

Optometry BSc

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3

Advanced Practice Nurse

Year 1, Year 2

Physiotherapy MSc

Year 1