Post-course questionnaire
    Thank you for having joined us at our recent ‘ABC of family medicine research’ course. We would be very grateful if you would complete this questionnaire, so that we can see what (if
    any) changes have resulted from the course. Please send it back to us as soon as possible.
    Please give your name, so that we can match it up with your answers to past and future questionnaires. Your answers are confidential, and will only be seen by the teaching team.

    How much do you agree with each of these sentences?

    Learning research skills is important

    Understanding how to do research is relevant to my work

    I should incorporate research findings into my clinical practice

    I should do more research myself

    I plan to learn more about how to do research

    I will bring up the idea of incorporating research into our work with colleagues

    I plan to include use of research findings in my clinical practice

    I will suggest that we discuss how to improve our use of research results at our local meetings

    I have suggested casually to some of my colleagues that they should do research

    I have spoken in a formal meeting about increasing the amount of research that we do

    I have changed my clinical practice as a result of doing research

    I have spoken in a formal meeting or to a senior colleague about increasing the use of research in our working

    I am currently working on a research project