Part 1
    I am able to

    ... identify a clinical problem that is amenable to research

    ... produce a realistic budget for my research project

    ... formulate a clear research question or testable hypothesis to address a clinical problem

    ... write a balanced and comprehensive literature review

    ... put together a team to help me to conduct my research

    ... teach someone else how to design and implement a simple research project

    ... do an effective electronic database search of the literature

    ... effectively present my study and its implications

    ... choose a research design that will answer my research question or hypothesis

    ... design and implement the best data analysis strategy for my research study

    ... design and implement the best strategy for collecting my data

    Part 2


    Your answers

    What made you decide to do this course?

    What were the best things about the course?

    How satisfied were you with the course content, and how could it have been improved?

    How satisfied were you with the course teaching, and how could it have been improved?

    How satisfied were you with the course organisation, and how could it have been improved?

    How much did the international approach help or impede your learning?

    Overall, how satisfied were you with this course?