Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology Department of Urology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena Research Interests
and Areas of Supervision – Molecular biology of urological tumors Focus on molecular profiling of renal cell tumors – role
of tumor associated fibroblasts in tumor development and metastasis

Education and Career

1990 Diploma in Human medicine (Biomedicine), 2.
Medical Institute Moscow, Russia
1996 M.D. (Dr. med.) in Human Genetics, University of
1990–1997 Institute of Human Genetics, University of Jena
1996–1997 Postdoctoral fellowship at the National Cancer
Institute, Frederick, MD, USA
Since 1998 Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Department of Urology, University Jena
2004 Habilitation in Experimental Urology
Since 2003 Senior physician at the Department of Urology

Administrative Experience

2005–present Speaker of the German kidney cancer network
2006–present Member of the Interdisciplinary Task Force
Renal Cell Tumors of the German Cancer
2007–present Speaker of the project: role of tumor associated
fibroblasts in development of
2009–present Board member of the European Society of
Urological Research, Section of the
European Association of Urology

Reviewer for Journals

European Urology
The Journal of Urology
Urologica Internationalis

World Journal of Urology

BMC Cancer
Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology