Education and Career

1992 M.D., Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest, Hungary;
Ph.D., Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest, Hungary; Board
certified pathologist, Ministry of Health, Budapest, Hungary;
2002 Board Exam in Molecular Genetics and Diagnostics, Ministry
of Health; Social and Family Affairs; Board Exam in Diagnostic
Cytology, Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs. Diploma of
Health System Manager, Semmelweis University, 2007.
2002–2007 associate professor of pathology, 2nd Institute of
Pathology, Semmelweis Medical University; 2001- present Head of
the Laboratory of Molecular Pathology; at the 2nd Dept. of Pathology,
Semmelweis University, Budapest; 2007– associate professor of
pathology, 2nd Institute of Pathology, Semmelweis Medical
University, Budapest; 2001– present Head of the Laboratory of
Molecular Pathology; at the 2nd Dept. of Pathology, Semmelweis
University, Budapest; 2006– deputy director of the 2nd Dept. of
Pathology, Semmelweis University, Bp., Scientific degree: 1999
Ph.D. – Hungarian Academy of Science and Semmelweis University.
2007 Diploma of Habilitation, Semmelweis University, Budapest.

Memberships in Scientific Societies

1993– Hungarian Society of Pathologists,
1993– Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology,
1993– Hungarian Cancer Society,
2000– International Academy of Pathology,
2006– International Councelor of the International
Academy of Pathology,

Member in Editorial Board

Lege Artis Medicinae,
Orvosi Hetilap

Research Interest
hepatology, hepatic stem cell compartment, hepatocarcinogenesis,
growth factors, diagnostic
molecular pathology

Glaxo-Falk Award at the XXX. Annual Meeting of the Hungarian
Society of Gastroenterology, 1998. 3 year Bolyai Scholarship of
the Hungarian Academy of Science 1999–2002, 1999. Soros
Scholarship to NCI, NIH, Laboratory of Experimental
Carcinogenesis (Bethesda, Maryland, USA), 2000. exchange
scientist, NCI, NIH, Laboratory of Experimental Carcinogenesis,
(Bethesda, Maryland,USA), 2003– diploma for excellence in
Bolyai Scholarship, 2003–2006 Bolyai Scholarship of the
Hungarian Academy of Science Principal investigator in grants:
ETT (Department of Health) 1998–1999, OTKA (Hungarian
Research Fund) 1999–2002; ETT (Department of Health)
2001–2003; ALK (Applied Research in Biotechnology)
2002–2005; ETT (Department of Health) 2006–2008;
2001– accredited tutor of the Oncology Ph.D. School at
Semmelweis University. 2005– Secretary of the Commettee for
Diagnostics in Molecular Genetics at Semmelweis University. 8
Scientific Publications in Hungarian and 45 Scientific Puiblications
in English Total citation: 471; independent citations: 405. Total
Impact Factor of the publications: 113.478