Oral presentations

The length of oral presentations are as follows:
-International invited speakers: 25 min + 5 min discussion
-Hungarian invited speakers: 15 min + 5 min discussion
-Short talks selected from submitted abstracts: 10 min + 5 min discussion

We will have a tight schedule, therefore the speakers are requested to strictly adhere to the agreed time. A timer will be projected on the lower left corner of the screen for assistance.

A Windows-based PC will be available for presentation, with a clip-on microphone, remote control and laser pointer. We suggest that you prepare your presentation in MS Powerpoint (any version is fine) and hand it to the technicians on a USB stick at least 30 min prior to the start of your session. Speakers are kindly requested to use the common computer for presentation. If absolutely required, connecting your own computer or using other file formats are possible. Please discuss technical details with the technicians as soon as possible. No Mac-based PCs will be provided by the organizers, therefore be prepared to provide your own Mac if absolutely needed.

Poster presentations

Posters should be prepared in A0 size (84 x 119 cm) in portrait orientation. Pins and adhesive tapes will be provided. Poster numbers will be printed in the final program. Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting; they should be mounted on Thursday evening or Friday morning and removed on Saturday afternoon. A formal poster session combined with buffet dinner will be held on Friday evening (see the program). Poster presenters should be available to discuss their research during that session. A committee will select a number of posters for poster awards based on the quality of the posters and the presentation of their content. Poster award recipients will be named during the Saturday sessions. A substantial cash payment for award recipients will be made on site.