Health Visitor B.Sc. (only in Hungarian)
Graduates are able to provide counselling concerning family planning and parenthood, help and provide nursing care to the pregnant woman, and perform screening tests. After the childbirth, the health visitor teaches the mother the ways of breastfeeding and her tasks related to the child. They monitor the health condition and development of neonates, provide community health care for children (aged 3-18), aid in the prevention of behavioral disorders and bad habits, solve the problems of teenagers and direct them to the appropriate professional. Health visitors give mental hygiene support to families and organize vaccinations. They take part in planning, organizing and conducting health development and promotion programs for individuals and communities. They perform their duties either independently or in cooperation with doctors and other medical experts.

Duration of the programme: 4 years / 8 semesters
Degree: B.Sc.
Entrance requirements: applicants must successfully complete a language test in English.
Career opportunities: Regional Health Visitor Services, Hospitals, Public Educational Institutions, Family Care Services, Other Fields of Prevention and Health Promotion.