Journal Articles in English
1. Balog P, Janszky I, Leineweber C, Blom M, Wamala SP, Orth-Gomer K (2003) Depressive symptoms in relation to marital and work stress in women with and without coronary heart disease. The Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 54: 113-119. (IF:2,019)
2. Blom M, Janszky I, Balog P, Orth-Gomer K, Wamala SP (2003) Social relations in women with coronary heart disease. The effects of work and marital stress. Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 10 (3): 201-206. (IF: 1,990)
3. Székely A, Balog P, Benkő E, Breuer T, Székely J, Kertai MD, Horkay F, Kopp M, Thayer JF (2007): Anxiety predicts mortality and morbidity after coronary artery and valve surgery – a four year follow up study. Psychosomatic Medicine. 69: 625-631. (IF: 3,857)
4. Stauder A, Konkoly Thege B, Kovács ME, Balog P, Williams VP, Williams RB. (2009):” Worldwide stress: Different problems, similar solutions? Cultural adaptation and evaluation of a standardized stress management program in Hungary”. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 17(1): 25-32. (IF: 1,437)
5. Dégi LCs. Balog P, Kopp M, Kállay É, Thayer JF, Csikai EL (2010): Depressive symptoms, negative life events and incidence of lifetime treatment of cancer in the Hungarian population. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies,10 (1): 39-57. (IF: 0.577).
6. Kopp MS, Konkolÿ Thege B, Balog P, Stauder A, Salavecz Gy, Rózsa S, Purebl Gy, Ádám Sz (2010): Measures of stress in epidemiological research. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 69 (2): 211-225. (IF: 2.908)
7. Cserép Z, Balog P, Székely J, Treszl A, Kopp MS, Thayer JF, Székely A. (2010): Psychosocial factors and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events after cardiac surgery. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Journal. 11: 567-572.
Journal Articles in Hungarian
1. Balog P, Dégi Cs.L., Szabó G, Susánszky A, Stauder A, Székely A, Falger P, Kopp M (2010): Hypertension or depression? In bad marriages, men may react differently than women. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 11 (4): 313-333.
2. Ádám Sz, Cserháti Z, Balog P, Kopp M (2010): Gender differences in the level and prevalence of stress and psycho-social well-being. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 11 (4): 277-296.
3. Szabó G, Szántó Zs, Balog P, Kopp M (2010): Gender differences of life events, stress, and coping. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 11 (4): 349-369.
4. Susánszky A, Susánszky É, Balog P, Kopp M (2010): Predictors of marital stress among men. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 11 (4): 391-404.
5. Kopp M, Balog P, Konkoly TB, Salavecz Gy, Stauder A, Csóka Sz, Bódizs R (2009): Epidemiological and psychophysiological examination of the mental health, and opportunities of the mental health promotion. Népegészségügy. Public Health Research and Policy Journal of the Ministry of Health. 87( 2): 52-59.
6. Dégi LCs, Balog P (2009): Medical, psychological and social aspects of cancer diagnosis disclosure and non-disclosure. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 10 (1): 1-19.
7. Cserép Zs, Losoncz E, Malik A, Székely A, Balog P, Kopp M (2008): Psychosocial factors determining life expectancy of patients undergoing open heart surgery. Hungarian Medical Journal. Akadémiai Kiadó. 149 (33): 1549-1554.
8. Balog P, Székely A, Szabó G, Kopp M (2006) The psychometric properties of the Shortened Marital Stress Scale. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 7 (3): 193-203.
9. Balog P, Mészáros E (2005) Marital stress, depressive symptoms and cardiovascular vulnerability in women. Lege Artis Medicinae. 15 (8-9): 685-692.
10. Balog P, Dégi LCs (2005) Family support decreasing psychosocial vulnerability in women with cancer. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 6 (1): 17-34.
11. Balog P, Tarján E, Demetrovics Zs (2002) A possible solution in a relationship crisis: seeking mutual roots. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 3-4: 26-30.
12. Balog P, Séra L (1998): Humor as a coping strategy. Végeken. 9 (1): 14-23.
Book chapters
1. Balog P (2008): A házastársi/élettársi kapcsolat szerepe az esélyteremtésben. In: Esélyerősítés és életminőség a mai magyar társadalomban. Kopp M (szerk.), Semmelweis Kiadó. 240-249.
2. Balog P, Purebl Gy (2008): Pszichoszociális tényezők a szív-és érrendszeri betegek esélyteremtésében (Hungarostudy Egészségpanel 2006). In: Esélyerősítés és életminőség a mai magyar társadalomban. Kopp M (szerk.), Semmelweis Kiadó. 544-550.
3. Székely A, Balog P (2008): Nyitott szívműtéten átesett betegek életesélyeit növelő tényezők. In: Esélyerősítés és életminőség a mai magyar társadalomban. Kopp M (szerk.), Semmelweis Kiadó. 551-556.
4. Purebl Gy, Balog P (2008): A depressziós tünetegyüttes jelentősége az esélyteremtés szempontjából. In: Esélyerősítés és életminőség a mai magyar társadalomban. Kopp M (szerk.), Semmelweis Kiadó. 584-591.
5. Balog P (2006) The quality of life in patients with coronary vascular disease. In: The quality of life of the Hungarian population at the millenary. (Kopp M, Kovács M eds), 6, 444-466.
6. Balog P (2006) Marriage and quality of life: marriage, marital stress, divorce. In: The quality of life of the Hungarian population at the millenary. (eds Kopp M, Kovács M), 5, 233-245.
7. Balog P (2000): Treatment of anorexia nervosa with relaxation. In: Language of body, pictures of our mind. Sepsiszentgyörgy, T3 Publisher, 101-114.
8. Demetrovics Zs, Kovács L, Balog P (2000): Alcohol, smoke and drug habits in youth in Csikszereda. In: Veress A (ed): National Psychiatric Congress Issue. Status Publisher, 173-178.
9. Balog P, Kedves E (1995): The representation in pictures of the notion “harmony” in meditations of students. In Bagdy E, Bognár A, Urbánné VK (eds): Arts-Symbols-Therapies. Pszüchagógosz Publisher. Budapest, 209-214.
1. Balog P (2009): Drog, család, személyiség. Különböző típusú drogok használatának személyiség-pszichológiai és családi háttere. Drog, family, personality. Author: Demetrovics Zs. Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 10 (3): 263-271.
2. Balog P (2011): Az addiktológia alapjai. Viselkedési függőségek. Fundamentals of addictology IV. Behavioral addictions. Demetrovics Zs, Kun B (editors). Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics. 11 (1): 91- 95.
Citable Abstracts
1. Balog P, Janszky I, Leineweber C, Blom M, Orth-Gomer K (2002): Depressive symptoms in relation to marital and work stress in women with and without coronary heart disease: The Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64 (1).
2. Balog P, Baranyai R, Jakab E, Réthelyi J, Kopp M (2003): Self rated health in relation to marital and work stress in the Hungarian population (Hungarostudy 2002): Psychosomatic Medicine, 65 (1), A61.
3. Balog P, Mészáros E, Réthelyi J, Kopp M (2004): Hypertension and marital status in the Hungarian population. Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 1: A78.
4. Baranyai R, Bakos G, Balog P, Kopp M (2004): The role of spiritual history after acute myocardial infarction in the Hungarian population. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56, 241, 581-673.
5. Balog P, Mészáros E, Kopp M (2004): Marital stress as an independent factor of hypertension. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 56, 240, 581-673.
6. Balog P, Mészáros E, Lőrinc J, Kopp M (2005): Gender differences in connection with hypertension and marital stress. Cardiologia Hungarica. (Abstract supplement).
7. Husz A, Balog P, Székely A, Benkő E, Mészáros R (2005): Gender differences in postoperative neuropsychological disabilities after cardiopulmonary bypass. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 22. suppl.35. p.19.
8. Balog P, Husz A, Székely A, Benkő E, Mészáros R (2005): Neuropsychological disabilities after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Supplement issue of the 23rd Congress of the Hungarian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine.
9. Balog P, Mészáros E, Kopp M (2006) Marital stress and cardiovascular vulnerability. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. May 2006 Vol. 13 Suppl. 1. pS71, Nr.560.
10. Balog P, Mészáros E, Szabó G, Kopp M (2006) Marital stress, hypertension and treated depression. Psychology and Health. Official Journal of the European Health Psychology Society. Vol.21.Suppl.1.p.15.
11. Balog P, Mészáros E, Kopp M (2006): Marital stress and depression in women. Supplement issue of the 9th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine.
12. Balog P, Kopp M (2007): Marital stress and hypertension in men. Supplement issue of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society.
13. Balog P, Salavetz Gy, Ádám Sz, Stauder A, Purebl Gy, Székely A, Keltai M (2007): Work stress and mental health among nurses. Health Psychology Review. Official Journal of the European Health Psychology Society. Vol.1.suppl.1.No.411.p.222.
14. Salavetz Gy, Balog P, Kopp M (2007): The effect of work and marital stress on depressive symptoms. Health Psychology Review. Official Journal of the European Health Psychology Society. Vol.1.suppl.1.No.456.p.243.
15. Balog P, Ádám Sz, Martos T, Susanszky A, Stauder A, Neculai K, Kopp M (2007): depression and stress. Gender differences. Supplement issue of the First Conference of the central and Eastern European Society of Behavioural Medicine. p. 23.
16. Balog P, Ádám Sz, Martos T, Susánszky A, Stauder A, Neculai K, Kopp M (2007): depression in relation with different sources of stress. Book of abstracts for the 2nd World Conference of stress. 7B-01-P.p.413.
17. Balog P, Cserép Zs, Malik A, Losoncz E, Székely A (2007): Daily worry predicts hospitalization after coronary artery and valve surgery. Book of abstracts for the 2nd World Conference of stress. 7B-03-P.p.413.
18. Stauder A, Balog P, Martos T, Kovács M, Williams V, Williams R (2007): Learn to survive chronic stress! Long term benefits of a structured behavioural intervention program. Book of abstracts for the 2nd World Conference of stress. 7A-18-P. p.404.
19. Ádám Sz, Györfi Zs, Neculai K, Balog P, Martos T, Kopp M (2007): High prevalence of work-family conflict int he Hungarian population: potencial stressors and consequences. Book of abstracts for the 2nd World Conference of stress. 7D-05-P. p. 440.
20. Martos T, Balog P, Kopp M (2007): Extrinsic life goal oreintation is associated with marital stress for women but not for men – evidence from the Hungarostudy Epidemiological Panel 2006. Book of abstracts for the 2nd World Conference of stress. 7K-03-P. p. 474.
21. Balog P, Szabó G, Kopp M (2008): Sources of stress and depressive symptoms. Supplement issue of the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society.
22. Balog P, Szabó G, Kopp M (2008): Marital stress and depression: the chicken or the egg? International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Suppl.
23. Balog P, Szabó G, Kopp M (2008): Marital stress related to personality dimensions.
Health Psychology Review. Official Journal of the European Health Psychology Society.Vol.23. Suppl.1.p.60.
24. Balog P, Falger P, Purebl Gy, Székely A, Kopp M. (2010): Vital exhaustion and depression: Risk factors for CVD. Psychology and Health. Vol. 25, Supplement 1, August 2010, 137–376. p. 152.
25. Bognár V, Balog P, Kopp M. (2010): Marital stress of parents or other primary caregivers of autistic children and youngsters. Psychology and Health. Vol. 25, Supplement 1, August 2010, 137–376. p. 160.
26. Rafael B, Balog P (2010): Quality of life and psychological risk factors in hospitalised cardiovascular patients. Psychology and Health. Vol. 25, Supplement 1, August 2010, 137–376. p.313.
1. Balog P, Falger P, Purebl Gy, Székely A, Kopp M (2010): Vital exhaustion and depression: Risk factors for CVD. 24th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2. Bognár V, Balog P, Kopp M (2010): Marital stress of parents or other primary caregivers of autistic children and youngsters.24th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
3. Rafael B, Balog P (2010): Quality of life and psychological risk factors in hospitalised cardiovascular patients. 24th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
4. Szent Imrey O, Falger P, Kovács ME, Balog P, Kopp M (2009): Vital exhaustion, a psychobiological marker of coronary inflammation, and associated factors in the Hungarostudy 2002. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Medicine. Chicago, USA.
5. Balog P, Szabó G, Kopp M (2008): Marital stress related to personality dimensions.
22nd Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, „Behaviour, Health & Healthcare: From Physiology to Policy”, Bath, UK.
6. Balog P, Szabó G, Kopp M (2008): Marital stress and depression: the chicken or the egg? 10th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. Tokyo, Japan.
7. Balog P, Szabó G, Kopp M (2008): Sources of stress and depressive symptoms. 66th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Baltimore, Maryland.
8. Balog P, Salavetz Gy, Ádám Sz, Stauder A, Purebl Gy, Székely A, Keltai M (2008): Work stress and mental health among nurses. 21st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Maastricht.
9. Salavetz Gy, Balog P, Kopp M (2007): The effect of work and marital stress on depressive symptoms. 21st Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Maastricht.
10. Balog P, Ádám Sz, Martos T, Susánszky A, Stauder A, Neculai K, Kopp M (2007) Depression in relation with different sources of stress. 2nd World Conference of Stress. Budapest.
11. Balog P, Cserép Zs, Malik A, Losoncz E, Székely A (2007): Daily worry predicts hospitalization after coronary artery and valve surgery. 2nd World Conference of Stress. Budapest.
12. Stauder A, Balog P, Martos T, Kovács M, Williams V, Williams R (2007): Learn to survive chronic stress! Long term benefits of a structured behavioural intervention program. 2nd World Conference of Stress. Budapest.
13. Ádám Sz, Györfi Zs, Neculai K, Balog P, Martos T, Kopp M (2007): High prevalence of work-family conflict int he Hungarian population: potencial stressors and consequences. 2nd World Conference of Stress. Budapest.
14. Martos T, Balog P, Kopp M. (2007): Extrinsic life goal orientation is associated with marital stress for women but not for men – evidence from the Hungarostudy Epidemiological Panel 2006. 2nd World Conference of Stress. Budapest.
15. Balog P, Kopp MS (2007): Marital stress and hypertension in men. 65th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Budapest, Hungary.
16. Balog P, Mészáros E, Kopp MS (2006): Marital stress and depression in women. 9th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand.
17. Balog P, Mészáros E (2005): Marital stress, psychosocial vulnerability and hypertension. Gender differences. First Symposium of the Central Eastern European Behavioural Medicine Network, Targu-Mures, Romania.
18. Balog P, Dégi LCs, Mészáros E (2005): Family support decreases psychosocial vulnerability in women with cancer. 19th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland.
19. Balog P, Mészáros E, Lőrincz J, Kopp MS (2005): Gender differences in connection with hypertension and marital stress. Hungarian Cardiologist Society’s Annual Meeting, Balatonfured.
20. Balog P, Mészáros E, Kopp MS (2004): State of health related to marital status in the Hungarian population. EHPS Congress in Helsinki, Finland.
21. Balog P, Mészáros E, Baranyai R, Kopp MS (2004): Psychosocial distress related to hypertension in the Hungarian population. ICBM Budapest Satellite Meeting „The role of Behavioral Medicine in understanding and preventing the mortality and morbidity challenges occuring in Central and Eastern European Countries”.
22. Gémes K, Balog P , Kopp MS (2004): The possible effect of psychosocial stress on menstrual pain. presented at the ICBM Budapest Satellite Meeting „The role of Behavioral Medicine in understanding and preventing the mortality and morbidity challenges occuring in Central and Eastern European Countries”.
23. Balog P, Mészáros E, Baranyai R, Kopp MS (2004): Marital stress as an independent factor of hypertension. 25th European Congress on Psychosomatic Research, Berlin, Germany.
24. Balog P, Mészáros E, Réthelyi J, Kopp MS (2004): Hypertension and marital status in the Hungarian population. 62th American Psychosomatic Society’s Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
25. Balog P, Baranyai R, Jakab E, Réthelyi J, Kopp MS, Orth-Gomer K (2003): Self rated health in relation to marital and work stress in the Hungarian population (Hungarostudy 2002). 61th American Psychosomatic Society’s Annual Meeting, Arizona, Phoenix.
26. Balog P, Réthelyi J, Baranyai R, Jakab E, Kopp MS (2003): Self rated health in relation to marital and work stress in the Hungarian population (Hungarostudy 2002) presented at the Hungarian Psychiatric Society’s Annual Meeting, Sopron.
27. Balog P, Purebl Gy, Mészáros E, Kopp MS (2003): Type D personality and chronic stress in the Hungarian population (Hungarostudy 2002). Third International Conference on the (Non) Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
28. Balog P, Orosz K, Lazar I (2002): Where leads us the unexpressed aggression?
(our experience in relaxation therapy group with chronic bowel disease patients) presented at the Hungarian Psychiatric Annual Meeting, Budapest.
29. Balog P, Réthelyi J, Belicza É, Kullmann É (2001): The effect of outpatient rehabilitation in depression after myocardial infarction. PhD Scientific Days, Budapest
Lectures and Discourses
1. Balog P (2010): Marital stress and cardiovascular vulnerability. Scientific Meeting of the Hungarian Association of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation. Sopron, Hungary.
2. Balog P (2009): Vital exhaustion and depression as independent predictors of cardiovascular disease. 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Medicine, Chicago, USA.
3. Balog P (2009): The quality of marital relationship and mental health. XV th Congress of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association. Debrecen, Hungary.
4. Balog P (2007): Depression and stress. Gender differences. First Conference of the Central and Eastern European Society of Behavioural Medicine. Pécs, Hungary.
5. Balog P (2006): Marital stress and cardiovascular vulnerability. EuroPrevent (European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation) Congress, Athens, Greece.
6. Balog P (2006): Gender differences in relation with marital stress, hypertension and depression. Hungarian Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Annual Meeting, Debrecen, Hungary.
7. Balog P (2006): Marital stress, hypertension and treated depression. 20th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Warsaw, Poland.
8. Balog P (2005): Marital stress and cardiovascular vulnerability. 10th Scientific Meeting of the PhD School, Semmelweis University, Budapest.
9. Balog P (2005): Gender differences in postoperative neuropsychological disabilities after cardiopulmonary bypass. EACTA (European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists) Annual Meeting, Montpellier.
10. Balog P (2004): Psychotherapy and bowel diseases. Hungarian Dietitians Society’s Annual Meeting, Budapest.
11. Balog P (2003): Gender differences in relation to marital stress and hypertension. 8th Scientific Meeting of the PhD School, Semmelweis University, Budapest.
12. Balog P (2003): Health and diseases and marital status in the Hungarian population. Gender differences. 1st Hungarian-Romanian Psychiatric Conference, Budapest.
13. Balog P (2002): Depressive symptoms in relation to marital and work stress in healthy middle aged women and in women with coronary heart disease.Conference: “Woman and man, man and woman. The research of social sexes in Hungary at the millenary”, Budapest.
14. Balog P (2000): The place of S.O.S. Telephone Service in County Mental Health Network. Annual Neurology and Psychiatry Conference, Miercurea-Ciuc.