2019/2020 year II. semester

Bioethics—Medical  Ethics

Course Syllabus.

(Faculty of Medicne) (Year 4)

(28 hours)

2020/2021 year II. semester

Course objectives:

  • To enable students to recognize ethical issues when encountered in everyday clinical practice and research
  • To provide students with a conceptual-logical system, which helps them to address ethical questions and  toresolve ethical dilemmas in an efficent way
  • To introduce students to a body of knowledge, which helps them to understand, respect and protect the rights of patienst research subjects and fellow health care professionals
  • To help the would be health care professional to undertand the responsibility of the individual, of the health care system and of the society as a whole in maintaining health


Time: Thursdays, 14.35-16.10

Venue: NET, Brown Auditorium  (1089. Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.)

or possibly  Online  lectures via Zoom

  1. week. Lecture (18 February, 2021)

Principles of Medical Ethics

(Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (Lecture) (25 February, 2021)

Informed Consent I. (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (Lecture) (4 March, 2021)

Informed Consent II. (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (Lecture) (11 March, 2021)

Competence and Capacity to Make Health Care Decisions (Orsolya Peter)

  1. week. Lecture (18 March, 2021)

Ethical Questions of Human Research (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week Lecture (25 March, 2021)  

Reproductive Issues (Orsolya Peter)

  1. week. Lecture (1 April, 2021)

Organ and Tissue  Transplantation   (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. Lecture (8 April, 2021)

Information Disclosure  to Terminally Ill Patients. Telling the Truth to Patients (Orsolya Peter)

  1. week Lecture (15 April, 2021)

Confidentiality and Medical Records. Reportable Illnesses, HIV-Related Issues, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) (Orsolya Peter )

  1. week. Lecture (22 April, 2021)

End of Life Issues  (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week Lecture (29 April, 2021)

Doctor-Patient,  Doctor-Doctor Relationship

(Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week Lecture (6 May, 2021)

Doctor and Society (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week Lecture (13 May, 2021)

Malpractice (Orsolya Péter)

  1. week Lecture (20 May, 2021)

The Rigths of Patients (Orsolya Péter)


Course Faculty:

Jozsef Kovacs, MD, PhD,  (Head of the Department of Bioethics), 210-2930/56115; e-mail: kovacs.jozsef@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room 2003)

Ágnes Dósa, MD, JD, PhD e-mail: dosaagi@gmail.com  (Tel: +36-30-9-912-462)

Imre Szebik, MD, PhD e-mail: szebik.imre@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room  1914) (Tel: +36-20-824-3195)

Jenő Lőrincz, MD, JD  e-mail: lorincz.jeno@med.semmelweis-univ.hu  (Room 2007)  (Tel: +36-30-749-4768)

Ágnes Zana, PhD e-mail: zana.agnes@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room 2008) (Tel: +36-30-53-01-647)

Orsolya Péter, JD, PhD, peter.orsolya@med.semmelweis-univ.hu; peterorsolya@gmail.com  (Room 2012) (Tel: +36-30-906-5787)



Institute of Behavioral Sciences

Department of Bioethics

NET Building, 19th, 20th floor

  1. Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.

Tel: 210-2953

 Secretary: Csilla Motyovszki , e-mail:  motyovszki.csilla@med.semmelweis-univ.hu

Tel: 210-2930/56114,

NET Building, 20th floor, Room-2015

 Course attandance statitstics can be found on NEPTUN in the following way:

Taken courses — options — Course details — Attendance statistics.

 List of questions


  1. The principles of medical ethics
  2. Competence and the capacity to make decisions
  3. Paternalism in medical practice
  4. Informed consent
  5. Information disclosure for terminally ill patients
  6. Withholding and withdrawal of medical treatment
  7. Advance Directives
  8. Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders
  9. Withholding Fluids and Nutrition in terminally ill patients
  10. Physician assisted suicide
  11. Active and Passive Euthanasia
  12. Terminal sedation and the law of double effect
  13. Futile medical care
  14. Determination of death and brain death
  15. Ethical probems of live organ donation
  16. Organd donation from brain-dead donors: the system of donor cards.
  17. Organd donation form brain-dead donors: presumed consent
  18. Reproductive issues (abortion, contraception, sterilization, donation of sperm and eggs)
  19. HIV related issues (confidentiality, partner notification, HIV-positive health-care workers, refusal to treat HIV-positive patients) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  20. Malpractice
  21. Doctor-patient relationship (beginning and ending the relationship, gifts from patients, doctor/patient sexual contact)
  22. Doctor and society (child abuse, elder abuse, impaired drivers, physician participation in executions, torture, spousal abuse, gunshot wounds, gifts and industry funding)
  23. Doctor-doctor relationship (reporting impaired phyisicians, physician disagreements)
  24. Confidentiality and medical records
  25. Ethical Questions of Human Research
  26. The Rights of Patients


Conrad Fischer—Caterina Oneto (2016): Medical Ethics fot the Boards.  (Third edition) New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

ISBN: 978-1-259-64121-3

MHID 1-25-964121-X

 The textbook can be ordered in the following bookshop: Medicina könyvesbolt, Budapest, IX. Üllői út 91/a (tel: 06-1-215-3786)

Lectures: The power point slides of the lectures can be found at:


Password is given on the lectures

A thorough knowledge of the textbook  is the absolute minimum for passing the exam, although  in itself it may not be enough to pass it.

Because the power point  slides contain only the outline of each  lecture, participation on the lectures  is indispensable for a full understanding of the subject.

2019/2020 year I. semester

Bioethics Course Syllabus.

(Faculty of Dentistry, 4th year)

(28 hours)

2019/2020 year I. semester

Course objectives:

  • To enable students to recognize ethical issues when encountered in everyday clinical practice and research
  • To provide students with a conceptual-logical system, which helps them to address ethical questions and  toresolve ethical dilemmas in an efficent way
  • To introduce students to a body of knowledge, which helps them to understand, respect and protect the rights of patienst research subjects and fellow health care professionals
  • To help the would be health care professional to undertand the responsibility of the individual, of the health care system and of the society as a whole in maintaining health



Time: Thursdays, 16.15-17.45

Venue: Árkövy Lecture Hall (1088. Budapest, Szentkirály  u. 47.)

  1. week (Lecture) (12 September, 2019)

Principles of Medical Ethics (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week. (Lecture) (19 September, 2019)

Competence and Capacity to Make Health Care Decisions (Orsolya Peter)

Information Disclosure  to Terminally Ill Patients. Telling the Truth to Patients (Orsolya Peter)


  1. week. (Lecture) (26 September, 2019)

Informed Consent I. (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week. (Lecture) (3 October, 2019)

Infomed Consent II. (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week. (Lecture) (10 October, 2019)

Information Disclosure to Terminally Ill Patients. Telling the Truth to Patients (Orsolya Peter)


  1. week (Lecture) (17 October, 2019)

Reproductive Issues (Orsolya Peter)


  1. week. (24 October, 2019)

End of Life Issues (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week. (31 October, 2019)

Organ and Tissue Transplantation (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week. (Lecture) (7 November, 2019)

Doctor and Society (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week (Lecture) (14 November, 2019)

Doctor-Patient, Doctor-Doctor Relationship (Jozsef Kovacs)


  1. week. (21 November , 2019)

Ethical Questions of Human Research (Imre Szebik)


  1. week (Lecture). (28 November, 2019)

Malpractice (Orsolya Péter)


  1. week (Lecture). (5 December, 2019)

Confidentiality and Medical Records. Reportable Illnesses, HIV-Related Issues, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) (Imre Szebik)


  1. week (Lecture) (12 December, 2019)

The Rights of Patients (Orsolya Péter)


Course Faculty:

Jozsef Kovacs, MD, PhD,  (Head of the Department of Bioethics), 210-2930/56350; e-mail: kovacs.jozsef@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room 1919)

Ágnes Dósa, MD, JD, PhD e-mail: dosaagi@yahoo.com  (Tel: +36-30-9-912-462)

Imre Szebik, MD, PhD e-mail: szebik.imre@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room  1914) (Tel: +36-20-824-3195)

Jenő Lőrincz, MD, JD  e-mail: lorincz.jeno@med.semmelweis-univ.hu  (Room 2007)  (Tel: +36-30-749-4768)

Ágnes Zana, PhD e-mail: zana.agnes@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room 2008) (Tel: +36-30-53-01-647)

Orsolya Péter, JD, PhD, peter.orsolya@med.semmelweis-univ.hu; peterorsolya@gmail.com  (Room 2012) (Tel: +36-30-906-5787)



Institute of Behavioral Sciences

Department of Bioethics

NET Building, 19th, 20th floor

  1. Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.

Tel: 210-2953 


Secretary: Csilla Motyovszki, e-mail:  motyovszki.csilla@med.semmelweis-univ.hu

Tel: 210-2930/56126

NET Building, 20th floor, Room-2015


Course attandance statitstics can be found on NEPTUN in the following way:

Taken courses — options — Course details — Attendance statistics.

  List of questions

  1. The principles of medical ethics
  2. Competence and the capacity to make decisions
  3. Paternalism in medical practice
  4. Informed consent
  5. Information disclosure for terminally ill patients
  6. Withholding and withdrawal of medical treatment
  7. Advance Directives
  8. Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders
  9. Withholding Fluids and Nutrition in terminally ill patients
  10. Physician assisted suicide
  11. Active and Passive Euthanasia
  12. Terminal sedation and the law of double effect
  13. Futile medical care
  14. Determination of death and brain death
  15. Ethical probems of live organ donation
  16. Organd donation from brain-dead donors: the system of donor cards.
  17. Organd donation form brain-dead donors: presumed consent
  18. Reproductive issues (abortion, contraception, sterilization, donation of sperm and eggs)
  19. HIV related issues (confidentiality, partner notification, HIV-positive health-care workers,
  20. refusal to treat HIV-positive patients) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  21. Malpractice
  22. Doctor-patient relationship (beginning and ending the relationship, gifts from patients, doctor/patient sexual contact)
  23. Doctor and society (child abuse, elder abuse, impaired drivers, physician participation in executions, torture, spousal abuse, gunshot wounds, gifts and industry funding)
  24. Doctor-doctor relationship (reporting impaired phyisicians, physician disagreements)
  25. Confidentiality and medical records
  26. Ethical Questions of Human Research



Conrad Fischer—Caterina Oneto (2016): Medical Ethics fot the Boards.  (Third edition) New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

ISBN: 978-1-259-64121-3

MHID 1-25-964121-X


The textbook can be ordered in the following bookshop: Medicina könyvesbolt, Budapest, IX. Üllői út 91/a (tel: 06-1-215-3786)


Lectures: The power point slides of the lectures can be found at:


Password is given on the lectures

A thorough knowledge of the textbook  is the absolute minimum for passing the exam, although  in itself it may not be enough to pass it.

Because the power point  slides contain only the outline of each  lecture, participation on the lectures  is indispensable for a full understanding of the subject.

2019/2020 year II. semester

Bioethics—Medical  Ethics

Course Syllabus.

(Faculty of Medicne) (Year 4)

(28 hours)

2019/2020 year II. semester

Course objectives:

  • To enable students to recognize ethical issues when encountered in everyday clinical practice and research
  • To provide students with a conceptual-logical system, which helps them to address ethical questions and  toresolve ethical dilemmas in an efficent way
  • To introduce students to a body of knowledge, which helps them to understand, respect and protect the rights of patienst research subjects and fellow health care professionals
  • To help the would be health care professional to undertand the responsibility of the individual, of the health care system and of the society as a whole in maintaining health


Time: Thursdays, 14.35-16.10

Venue: NET, Brown Auditorium  (1089. Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.)

  1. week (Lecture) (6 February, 2020)

Principles of Medical Ethics and Medical Confidentiality (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (13 February, 2020)

No Lecture

  1. week. (20 February, 2020)

Informed Consent I. (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (Lecture) (27 February, 2020)

Informed Consent II. (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (Lecture) (5 March, 2020)

Competence and Capacity to Make Health Care Decisions (Orsolya Peter)

  1. week. (Lecture) (12 March, 2020)

End of Life Issues  (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. Lecture (19 March, 2020)

Information Disclosure  to Terminally Ill Patients. Telling the Truth to Patients (Orsolya Peter)

  1. week (Lecture) (26 March, 2020)

Reproductive Issues (Orsolya Peter)

  1. week. Lecture (2 April, 2020)

Organ and Tissue  Transplantation   (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week. (9 April, 2020) No Lecture (Spring Holiday)
  2. week (Lecture) (16 April, 2020)

Malpractice (Orsolya Péter)

  1. week. (23 April, 2020) No Lecture
  2. week (Lecture) (30 April, 2020)

Doctor-Patient,  Doctor-Doctor Relationship (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week (Lecture) (7 May, 2020)

Doctor and Society (Jozsef Kovacs)

  1. week (Lecture) (14 May, 2020)

Ethical Questions of Human Research (Imre Szebik)

Course Faculty:

Jozsef Kovacs, MD, PhD,  (Head of the Department of Bioethics), 210-2930/56199; e-mail: kovacs.jozsef@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room 2015)

Ágnes Dósa, MD, JD, PhD e-mail: dosaagi@gmail.com  (Tel: +36-30-9-912-462)

Imre Szebik, MD, PhD e-mail: szebik.imre@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room  1914) (Tel: +36-20-824-3195)

Jenő Lőrincz, MD, JD  e-mail: lorincz.jeno@med.semmelweis-univ.hu  (Room 2007)  (Tel: +36-30-749-4768)

Ágnes Zana, PhD e-mail: zana.agnes@med.semmelweis-univ.hu (Room 2008) (Tel: +36-30-53-01-647)

Orsolya Péter, JD, PhD, peter.orsolya@med.semmelweis-univ.hu; peterorsolya@gmail.com  (Room 2012) (Tel: +36-30-906-5787)


Institute of Behavioral Sciences

Department of Bioethics

NET Building, 19th, 20th floor

  1. Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.

Tel: 210-2953

Secretary: Csilla Motyovszki , e-mail:  motyovszki.csilla@med.semmelweis-univ.hu

Tel: 210-2930/56114,

NET Building, 20th floor, Room-2015

 Course attandance statitstics can be found on NEPTUN in the following way:

Taken courses — options — Course details — Attendance statistics.

List of questions

  1. The principles of medical ethics
  2. Competence and the capacity to make decisions
  3. Paternalism in medical practice
  4. Informed consent
  5. Information disclosure for terminally ill patients
  6. Withholding and withdrawal of medical treatment
  7. Advance Directives
  8. Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders
  9. Withholding Fluids and Nutrition in terminally ill patients
  10. Physician assisted suicide
  11. Active and Passive Euthanasia
  12. Terminal sedation and the law of double effect
  13. Futile medical care
  14. Determination of death and brain death
  15. Ethical probems of live organ donation
  16. Organd donation from brain-dead donors: the system of donor cards.
  17. Organd donation form brain-dead donors: presumed consent
  18. Reproductive issues (abortion, contraception, sterilization, donation of sperm and eggs)
  19. HIV related issues (confidentiality, partner notification, HIV-positive health-care workers, refusal to treat HIV-positive patients) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  20. Malpractice
  21. Doctor-patient relationship (beginning and ending the relationship, gifts from patients, doctor/patient sexual contact)
  22. Doctor and society (child abuse, elder abuse, impaired drivers, physician participation in executions, torture, spousal abuse, gunshot wounds, gifts and industry funding)
  23. Doctor-doctor relationship (reporting impaired phyisicians, physician disagreements)
  24. Confidentiality and medical records
  25. Ethical Questions of Human Research


Conrad Fischer—Caterina Oneto (2016): Medical Ethics fot the Boards.  (Third edition) New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

ISBN: 978-1-259-64121-3

MHID 1-25-964121-X

 The textbook can be ordered in the following bookshop: Medicina könyvesbolt, Budapest, IX. Üllői út 91/a (tel: 06-1-215-3786)

Lectures: The power point slides of the lectures can be found at:


Password is given on the lectures

A thorough knowledge of the textbook  is the absolute minimum for passing the exam, although  in itself it may not be enough to pass it.

Because the power point  slides contain only the outline of each  lecture, participation on the lectures  is indispensable for a full understanding of the subject.