
Phone +36 1 486 5929
Head of the Department Professor Zoltán Balogh, RN, PT, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Background The Department was founded in 1975 as a part of the College of Health Care of the Postgraduate Medical School (now Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences). It was the first college in Hungary to award diplomas to health care teachers in 1977.

The academic-level training of nurses began with part-time courses in 1989/1990. Since 1990/1991, a full-time course has also been offered. The College of Health Care was also the first to introduce a four-year baccalaureate certificate programme in nursing. The Mater’s level programme in nursing was introduced in the 2002/2003 Academic Year.

Education B.Sc. Nursing  is an eight-semester-long programme, which can be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis. It provides students with a general knowledge of science related to nursing, health, and social sciences.

The B.Sc. Nursing programme is based on Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the of the Council of September 7, 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications. Our programme has been running in English since the Academic Year 2011/2012.

M.Sc. Nursing is a new three-semester full-time programme in three specializations: Geriatric, Community and Emergency Nursing was started in February 2018 based on a former bachelor degree in nursing and paramedics. During their studies, Advanced Practice Nurse students learn the planning and managing of nursing in most of the areas of health care, the organisation of the nursing work, the teaching of the basics of nursing and health care, the organisation of research projects in nursing, and the supervision of quality assurance in nursing and patient care.

Research The previous members of the Department’s staff supported projects like the development of a nursing curriculum with the introduction of distance education methodology into nursing training programmes (in collaboration with Columbia University, School of Nursing (USA) in 1995-98 and a Hungarian-Canadian nursing programme for a methodology and model of prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) of nurse-candidates (Douglas College, Canada) in 1999-2000.

The present members of the Department in cooperation with the Chamber of Hungarian Health Care Professionals performed investigative research into the Hungarian situation with regard to needle-stick injuries, in 2006, 2008, 2013, 2018 among health care professionals. The objectives of the study were twofold: to reveal the trend in the extent to which health workers are affected, and to draw the attention of economic and education decision-makers to the importance and actuality of the issue.

Other research program aims to explore, from an international perspective, the meaning of care from the nurses’ and patients’ point of view, and find common and shared definitions between these partners of caring. In addition, it aims to identify the relationship between nurse caring and patient satisfaction and to clarify the opinion of nurses and patients on individualized nurse caring. In this study (2008-2014), participants from 6 EU countries: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Hungary and Italy unite their efforts in order to achieve the aims of the study. More information:

Europe faces severe population ageing in the near future. A new positive vision of ageing and promotion of possibilities in older age is needed. The challenge is how to transfer this vision into practice. Higher education institutes and associations agreed to participate in a project. Funding was received from Life Long Learning Program-Erasmus Academic Networks for a project for the years 2013-2016. More information is available on the project’s webpage:

Teaching staff

Dr. BALOGH Zoltán

College professor, Head of department, Vice-Dean for Clinical Relations


        Master instructor

Dr. ÁCS Andrea

        Senior lecturer

Dr. GALVÁCS Henrietta

        Senior lecturer


Master teacher


Master teacher


Master teacher


Master teacher

Dr. PÁLL Nikoletta

Assistant lecturer

Dr. PÁPAI Tibor

College associate professor

Dr. RAJKI Veronika

College associate professor


Master teacher