Phone +36 1 486 5970
Head of the Department Professor Klára Gadó, M.D., Ph.D.
Background The tasks of the Department of Clinical Studies are the instruction of clinical knowledge within the frame of the Faculty of Health Sciences’ B.Sc. and M.Sc. programmes and participation in the health sciences programmes of Semmelweis University’s School of Ph.D. Studies as consultant or reviewer.
Education The Department’s educational activities include:
- Transmission of evidence-based, modern, medical-clinical knowledge, and allowing students to gain an understanding of the aetiology and pathomechanism of different diseases;
- Enabling students to recognise the signs of diseases, evaluate symptoms, and perform adequate patient care based on available competences;
- Providing basic pharmacological knowledge, therapeutic possibilities and effects, side effects, therapeutic responses.
- Students gain insights into the clinical significance of the most important laboratory, radiological and endoscopic examinations, into the methods of clinical problem-solving, and into the pharmacological basis of medical therapy.
- Preparation of students for assistance in advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods, the understanding of current medical science, and the acquirement of the competences required for health practitioners;
- Development of the solid approach in prevention-remedy-nursing-care-rehabilitation.
The Department actively participates in:
- The preparation of student-focused didactical strategies;
- The development of new subjects and training programmes;
- The preparation of textbooks and lecture books;
- Special didactical and applied clinical research projects.
- Hemostasis changes in pregnancies;
- Diagnosis and therapy of thrombophilias;
- The methodology of teaching clinical knowledge;
- Fitting the level of higher education to the European Qualification Framework;
- Development of validation processes in higher education;
- Family planning, family care;
- Social and cultural background of health care employees;
- The support of parents expecting their first child; application of the APP model (PhD research);
- Family planning and maternity plans of Health Visitor students;
- Anaesthesiology and Intensive therapy – patient security/safety, monitoring;
- Clinical nutrition and its management with pharmaceutical aspects;
- Risk screening, nutritional assessment, oral nutrition support, enteral and parenteral nutrition;
- Parenteral nutrition compatibility and incompatibility;
- Methods of examination of TPN emulsions, physicochemical stability of TPN;
- Role of nutrition team.
Teaching staff
Vice-dean for General Affairs, College professor, Head of department
Dr. DOMJÁN Gyula
University professor, professor emeritus
Senior lecturer
Dr. SVÉBISNÉ LOVÁSZ Barbara Dorottya
Senior lecturer
Dr. SZABÓ Ágnes
Assistant lecturer
Dr. YU Funian
Master instructor