The minister responsible for higher education awards a national higher education scholarship to students who have demonstrated outstanding performance.

Target group: Gifted students who show outstanding performance both in their studies and in their academic life.
Scholarship amount: 40,000 HUF/month, duration of the scholarship: 10 months.
Application deadline: July 5th, 2024
To be submitted through the Neptune System, application “Nemzeti Felsőoktatási Ösztöndíj-2024” (under Administration > Requests).

Scholarship announcement, application attachments, and further information can be found below by study program.


General Medicine

Reference number: 56821/AOATO/2023


for the National Higher Education Scholarship in the academic year of 2024/25


As the authority designated by Act CCIV of 2011 on higher education [Nftv.] Section 64. Paragraph (5), in accordance with Government Decree No. 51/2007. (signed III.26.) on the benefits given to and certain fees paid by students in higher education, Section 24, the Minister for Education

grants the National Higher Education Scholarship

for the academic year of 2024/2025.

Tenders for the National Higher Education Scholarship can be submitted by those students of the Faculty who hold state scholarships (are state-funded) or are self-financing (in paid courses) in full-time (daytime) courses, who have registered for at least two semesters during their current or former studies, and received at least 55 credits.

Students may receive the National Higher Education Scholarship to maintain the high quality of their academic and professional achievements if they

  • have a rolling, credit-weighted grade average of at least 4.25 when including their results achieved in the second semester of the academic year of 2023/2024. (using the calculations according to the Organizational and Operational Regulations’ Remuneration and Benefits Policy accepted by the Semmelweis University Senate’s Decree No. 22/2021. (signed IV.08.)), as well as
  • performing outstanding work as a student researcher or in professional work, and
  • completing all mandatory courses taken until the last closed semester prior to the application.

Based on the criteria above, the amount of students who may receive the National Higher Education Scholarship on the Faculty is equal to 0.8% of the student body taking part in state-funded, full-time (daytime) courses according to the communication of statistical data on 15th October, 2023.

The National Higher Education Scholarship may be granted for the duration of a full academic year, or 10 months. Its value is HUF 40 000/person/month in accordance with Nftv. Section 114/D. Paragraph (1) Subsection c).

The National Higher Education Scholarship is granted in accordance with the ranking recommended by the University’s Rector, by the Minister for Education, individually.

The recommendation of the Faculty is made by the Dean in accordance with the ranking created according to the point system visible in the appendices.


Submitting the application:

The application is to be submitted through the NEPTUN system (Administration-Requests) by

  •  filling out the form in NEPTUN, and
  •  uploading all necessary attachments.

Application period: from 7th June, 2024, 12:00 PM to 5th July, 2024, 11:59 PM.


At the request of the committee judging the applications, the applicant is required to present the original documentation the judgment of the application is based off of.

During the evaluation of the grade average, only the grades from courses which have a signature and the given grade visible in NEPTUN are to be considered.

We may not consider applications which are submitted as incomplete or after the end of the application period.


Budapest, 30. May 2024


Gábor KOÓS
Head of Faculty at ÁOK, HÖK





for the National Higher Education Scholarship 2024/2025


In accordance with Act CCIV of 2011 on higher education [Nftv.], Section 64. Paragraph (5), as well as Government Decree No. 51/2007. (signed III.26.) on the benefits given to and certain fees paid by students in higher education, Section 24., the Minister for Education – at the request of the Senate – grants the National Higher Education Scholarship to students performing exceptional work.

The National Higher Education Scholarship may be granted for the duration of a full academic year, or 10 months, with its value being HUF 40 000/person/month in accordance with Nftv. Section 114/D. Paragraph (1) Subsection c).

The National Higher Education Scholarship may be given to those who submit an application. The rules of the submission and judgment of applications are governed by the Organizational and Operational Regulations, Part III.4. Section 16., Sections 16/A.-16.E., and Section 16/J.

Tenders for the National Higher Education Scholarship can be submitted by those students of the Faculty who hold state scholarships (are state-funded) or are self-financing (in paid courses) who

a.) have registered for at least two semesters during their current or former studies,


b.) received at least 55 credits.


from 7th June, 2023, 12:00 PM to 5th July, 2023, 11:59 PM.

The application consists of the application form and its appendices. The full application is to be submitted electronically, through the NEPTUN system (Administration-Requests). We may not consider applications submitted after the end of the period detailed above.

The following must be attached to the application:

documents certifying the work specified by the Organizational and Operational Regulations, Part III.4., Appendix 6.4.

Submitted applications will be monitored – in terms of being in accordance with the invitation’s conditions – by the Dean’s Office, and reviewed and ranked by it in cooperation with the Students’ Union’s faculty-specific branch by 10th July, 2024. The aspects of the applications’ ranking (preliminary review) are contained in the Organizational and Operational Regulations, Part III.4., Appendix 6.4. The applying students will be notified of the results of the reviews and the methods of appealing them by the Dean’s Office, via NEPTUN, by 12th July, 2024, who will be able to make observations regarding the review of their application until 12th July, 2024. Applicants who will not recommended to receive the scholarship will be able to submit an appeal with a suspensory effect, addressed to the Appeals Committee, to the Dean’s Office until 17th July, 2024.

Further details about the application will be given to those interested – at their request – by the Dean’s Office.


Budapest, 30nd May, 2024.


Dr. Gábor Gerber

Bernadett Kovács
Head of Faculty at HÖK


Aspects of the decision


Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ref. number: 52632/GYGTO/2023


for the National Higher Education Scholarship 2023/2024


In accordance with Act CCIV of 2011 on higher education [Nftv.] Section 64. Paragraph (5), as well as Government Decree No. 51/2007. (signed III.26.) on the benefits given to and certain fees paid by students in higher education, Section 24, the Minister for Education – at the request of the Senate – grants the National Higher Education Scholarship to students performing exceptional work.


The National Higher Education Scholarship may be granted for the duration of a full academic year, or 10 months, with its value being HUF 40 000/person/month in accordance with Nftv. Section 114/D. Paragraph (1) Subsection c).


The National Higher Education Scholarship may be given to those who submit an application. The rules of the submission and judgment of applications are governed by the Organizational and Operational Regulations, Part III.4. Section 16., Sections 16/A.-16.E., and Section 16/J.


Tenders for the National Higher Education Scholarship can be submitted by those students of the Faculty who hold state scholarships (are state-funded) or are self-financing (in paid courses) who

  • have registered for at least two semesters during their current or former studies, and
  • received at least 55 credits.


from 7th June, 2024, 12.00 PM to 5th July, 2024, 11:59 PM.


The application consists of the application form and its appendices. The full application is to be submitted electronically, through the NEPTUN system (Administration-Requests). We may not consider applications submitted after the end of the period detailed above.


The following must be attached to the application:

  • documents certifying the work specified by the Organizational and Operational Regulations, Part III.4., Appendix 6.5.


Submitted applications will be monitored – in terms of being in accordance with the invitation’s conditions – by the Dean’s Office, and reviewed and ranked by it in cooperation with the Students’ Union’s faculty-specific branch by 12th July, 2024. The aspects of the applications’ ranking (preliminary review) are contained in the Organizational and Operational Regulations, Part III.4., Appendix 6.4. The applying students will be notified of the results of the reviews and the methods of appealing them by the Dean’s Office, via NEPTUN, by 12th July, 2024, who will be able to make observations regarding the review of their application until 17th July, 2024. Applicants who will not recommended to receive the scholarship will be able to submit an appeal with a suspensory effect, addressed to the Appeals Committee, to the Dean’s Office until 17th July, 2024.


Further details about the application will be given to those interested – at their request – by the Dean’s Office’s Educational department.


Budapest, 1st June, 2023

Dr. István Antal

Fann Klaudia PÁLFI
Head of Faculty at HÖK

Aspects of the decision