Summer practice I., II.

Please note that Pharmacy Practice and Summer Practice are both obligatory and are not equal: you have to complete them separately. (e.g if you do the Summer Practice between July and August, it does not cover the Pharmacy Practice time).

  • Prerequisites for:
    a) Summer practice I. : Colloid Chemistry, Physiology I.
    b) Summer practice II. : Pharmaceutical Technology I.
  • The subject “Pharmacy Practice I.” has to be registered during the subject registration period of the 2nd year 2nd semester (in February)
  • The practical training has to be fulfilled in the summer, after the normal examination period and before the 4th year’s first semester starts but SEPARATELY from Pharmacy Practice.
  • You do not have to pay any fee for the practice nor get paid.

Summer Practice I. (after 2nd year – 4 weeks):


Completing the practice abroad or in Hungary

you have to organize it on your own, after that you have to inform Dr. Mária Hajdú via e-mail about the practical place (name, address, telephone number or email address))
the subject “Summer Practice I.” has to be registered during the subject registration period of the 2nd year 2nd semester (in February).
The practical training has to be fulfilled in the summer, after the normal examination period and before the 3rd year’s first semester starts but SEPARATELY from Pharmacy Practice.
The acceptance letter has to be filled out by the pharmacy before your practice and a scanned version has to be sent to us by email: before you start your practices!
after you completed the requirements, an acceptance letter and a certification sheet has to be filled out by the Pharmacy and it has to be submitted at the Secretariat latest until 29th September.
The forms (acceptance letter and certificate) are valid and acceptable only with the stamp/seal of the pharmacy and the signature of the pharmacist in charge.
The acceptance letter, the attendace, qualification sheet and the riport written by you (necessary depending on the practice you pass, see details below) have to be submitted to us by email: within 5 working days after the end of the placement.

Summer Practice II. (after 3rd year – 4 weeks):


Completing the practice abroad or in Hungary

you have to organize it on your own, after that you have to inform Dr. Mária Hajdú via e-mail about the practical place (name, address, telephone number or email address))
the subject “Summer Practice II.” has to be registered during the subject registration period of the 3rd year 2nd semester (in February).
The practical training has to be fulfilled in the summer, after the normal examination period and before the 4th year’s first semester starts but SEPARATELY from Pharmacy Practice.
The acceptance letter has to be filled out by the pharmacy before your practice and a scanned version has to be sent to us by email: before you start your practices!
after you completed the requirements, an acceptance letter and a certification sheet has to be filled out by the Pharmacy and it has to be submitted at the Secretariat latest until 29th September.
The forms (acceptance letter and certificate) are valid and acceptable only with the stamp/seal of the pharmacy and the signature of the pharmacist in charge.
The acceptance letter, the attendace, qualification sheet and the report written by you (necessary depending on the practice you’re completing, see details below) have to be submitted to us by email: within 5 working days after the end of the placement.