New elective university course
The English language course on Introduction to principles of student scientific research started on September 10, 2020!
The course start at 6.30 p.m. on Thursdays.
Location: the Lecture Hall of the I. sz. Sebészeti Klinika
Register here:
Detailed Curriculum 2020/2021
1. week 10/09/2020 18:30
Next time: 17/09/2020 15:30
Introduction to a Scientific Student Work. Past and present. The process and faults of information processing.
Prof. Dr. Szijártó Attila
professor, director, president of SSA
1st Department of Surgery
2. week 17/09/2020. 18:30
Medical Research: Past-Present-Future?
Dr. Szigeti Gyula
Directorate of Innovation
3. week 24/09/2020. 18:30
Basic biomedical research in the 21st century
Prof. Dr. Mócsai Attila
professor, D.Sc
Department of Physiology
4. week 1/10/2020. 18:30
The basic principles and the ethics of animal experimentation
Dr. Szabó Györgyi
associate professor, intézetvezető helyettes
Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
5. week 8/10/2020. 18:30
Ethical questions of Human Research
Prof. Dr. Kovács József
Institute of Behavioural Sciences
6. week 15/10/2020. 18:30
Introduction to biostatistics
Dr. Pósfai Balázs
PhD student
Laboratory of Neuroimmunology
Institute of Experimental Medicine
7. week 22/10/2020. 18:30
Basic and clinical biostatistics in daily use
Prof. Dr. Prohászka Zoltán
3rd Department of Internal Medicine
8. week 29/10/2020. 18:30
Advanced biostatistics
Dr. Kökény Gábor
associate professor
Dept. of Translational Medicine
9. week 5/11/2020. 18:30
Preparation of scientific works, publications, and theses
Dr. Fülöp András
1st Department of Surgery
10. week 12/11/2020. 18:30
Literature research
Szluka Péter
Semmelweis Univertsity Central Library
11. week 19/11/2020. 18:30
Presentation and style
Leindler Milán
ETK, Alkalmazott Pszichológiai Tanszék
12. week 03/12/2020. 18:30
Data saves lives and public money
Dr. Szócska Miklós
associate professor, director
Health Services Management Training Center
13. week 10/12/2020. 18:30
Course completion, summary, test writing
Dr. Szijártó Attila
professor, vice director, president of SSA
1st Department of Surgery