Research Leader:
Szilvia Ádám, PhD, senior lecturer


  1. Zoltán Cserháti, PhD student, assistant lecturer
  2. Veronika Mészáros, external research fellow
  3. Anikó Nistor, PhD student
  4. Katalin Nistor, PhD student
  5. János Major, PhD student


Research areas:

1. Antecendents, manifestion, and potential consequences of psychosocial stress among medical students, residents, physicians, and nurses.

One of the primary research areas of our team is to explore the challenges of reconciling work and family life. In particular, we have been focusing on the bio-psycho-social and cultural antecedents to role conflict among various professional groups including dual-career families of physicians. Another important research topic is to advance the psychometric assessment of burnout and the differential diagnostics of burnout and depression. A further research area is to explore the impact of organisational culture and working conditions on psychosocial stress and its consequences among hospital employees in 9 countries.

2. The epidemiology of chronic paediatric abdominal pain.

The aim of this research is to understand the pathogenesis, manifestation and course of chronic paediatric abdominal pain and other functional intestinal disorders.


 International collaboration:

HOUPE project: Health and Organisation among University Hospital Physicians in nine European countries: Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Turkey, Spain and Hungary (since 2011 – at present)


Main publications in the last 5 years:

  1. Ádám Sz., Cserháti Z., Mészáros V.: High prevalence of burnout and depression may increase the incidence of comorbidities among Hungarian nurses. Ideggyógyászati Szemle – CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 2015.68:(9-10). 301-309.
  2. Ádám Sz, Nistor A, Nistor K, Cserháti Z, Mészáros V: Facilitating the diagnosis of depression and burnout by identifying demographic and work-related risk and protective factors among nurses. Orvosi Hetilap, 2015. 156:(32). 1294-1303.
  3. Ádám Sz, Nistor A, Nistor K, Hazag A: A megküzdési stratégiák negatív és pozitív prediktív kapcsolata a kiégés három dimenziójával orvostanhallgatók körében. Orvosi Hetilap, 2014. 155(32). 1273-1280.
  4. Mészáros V., Ádám Sz., Szabó M., Szigeti R., Urbán R.: The Bifactor Model of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) — An Alternative Measurement Model of Burnout. Stress and Health. 2014. STRESS AND HEALTH, 2014.30: (1) 82-88.
  5. Ádám Sz., Hazag A.: Magas a kiégés prevalenciája magyar orvostanhallgatók között: az elmélyülés és pozitív szülői attitűdök mint lehetséges protektív tényezők. Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika, 2013. 14(1):1-23.