Hungarostudy Research Group

Dr. Susánszky Éva, PhD, associate professor

Ádám Szilvia, PhD, senior lecturer
Bódizs Róbert, PhD, senior research fellow
Győrffy Zsuzsa, PhD, senior lecturer
Purebl György, PhD, senior lecturer
Salavecz Gyöngyvér, PhD, senior lecturer
Sándor Imola, psychologist
Stauder Adrienne, PhD, associate professor
Susánszky Anna, assistant lecturer
Székely András, research contributor
Tóth Mónika, senior lecturer

Research Field:


The first research in the series called Hungarostudy was completed in 1988. Since then, the study had been repeated four times (in 1995, 2002, 2005/2006, and 2013). Hungarostudy  reports on the tendencies in the health condition of the Hungarian population, thus enabling researchers to monitor regularly the most important public health problems and their determinants. The representative population surveys may contribute to preparation of strategic decisions in health policy as well as to organization and evaluation of preventive programs.

Hungarostudy surveys provide reliable data on the frequency of health problems and the bio-psycho-social factors that influence their emergence, development, and outcomes in order to assist the health care system, health professionals, and the public. The surveys have great importance in supplying information on health status and health and illness behavior that are impossible to access from official records, relate to health domains outside of the medical system, or may be retrieved only by population-level personal inquiries. Such information can be for instance the subjective accounts of health condition (self-reports) or opinions about the health care received.

Most of the surveys followed the conventions of the repeated cross-sectional design although the Hungarostudy Health Panel (HEP) which was conducted in 2005-2006 was a prospective longitudinal study.  HEP enabled researchers to study disease prognoses and, perhaps even more importantly, the cause-and-effect relationship between health condition and social, economic, and psychosocial background factors.

Hungarostudy 2013:

The last studies of the Hungarostudy Research Group are based on the Hungarostudy 2013 representative population survey. The novelty in the survey was that a supplement was added to map the family situation, attitudes toward and strategies of family life and parenting of the young generations.

Also, in addition to the general characteristics of health condition, special aspects such as eating disorders, population characteristics of sleep and dreaming, adult attachment, family violence, various forms of stress (including workplace, marriage, and gender role stress), relative deprivation, and attitudes prejudice toward depression were covered.

The Hungarostudy Research Group studies the partnership preferences and attitudes toward marriage among young people. We examine the external and internal factors that influence the motivations toward getting married, strategies of family planning and parenting, and the outlying family models.


Selected publications

Based on the Hungarostudy surveys, four comprehensive volumes of studies had been published so far. These are:

Susánszky É., Szántó Zs. (eds): Magyar Lelkiállapot 2013. Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2013. 266 p.

Kopp M. szerk.: Magyar Lelkiállapot 2008. Esélyerősítés és életminőség a mai magyar társadalomban. Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2008. utánnyomás 2009. 621 p.

Kopp M., Kovács M.E. szerk.: A magyar népesség életminősége az ezredfordulón. Semmelweis Egyetem Magatartástudományi Intézetének tudományos iskolája. Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, 2006. 551 p.

Kopp M., Skrabski Á.: Magyar lelkiállapot, 2. kiadás. Corvinus Kiadó, Budapest, 1995.