Leader :
Adrienne Stauder MD, PhD

Szilvia Ádám, PhD
Éva Susánszky, PhD
Gyöngyvér Salavecz, PhD
András Székely, contributor
Zoltán Cserháti, MD
Katalin Nistor, PhD student
Anikó Nistor, PhD student
Konkoly-Thege Barna, PhD, contributor
Szabó Anita, contributor
Zakor Tünde, contributor
Williams Lifeskills facilitator network (approx. 60 persons), indirect contributors


Research topic:

The research group investigates the effects of work related stress on physical and mental health, and the possibilities of the prevention or the reduction of the negative health effects. For this purpose our workgroup develops and/or validates relevant questionnaires, performs epidemiological research, develops and implements stress management interventions, and studies their efectiveness. Several doctoral works are related to this topic: Szilvia Ádám (2009), Gyöngyvér Salavecz (2011), Zoltán Cserháti (PhD student), Katalin Nistor (PhD student), Anikó Nistor (PhD student). Our workgroup has created an information website about work stress: www.munkahelyistresszinfo.hu, and a free on-line questionnaire, recommended by the National Labour Office, that measures psychosocial stress at the workplace www.munkahelyistresszkerdoiv.hu . More information about the stress management interventions can be found at www.eletkeszsegek.hu .


Previous research grants (with on-going data analysis and publication of the results):

OMMF-11-0104  Development of a questionnaire to assess the psychosocial risk at the workplace

TÁMOP 5.4.1-12    HUNGAROSTUDY 2013


 The most important publications of the workgroup related to the research topic:

Nistor K, Ádám Sz, Cserháti Z, Szabó A, Zakor T, Stauder A. A Koppenhágai Kérdőív a Munkahelyi Pszichoszociális Tényezőkről II (COPSOQ II) magyar verziójának pszichometriai jellemzői. (Psychometric characteristics of the Hungarian version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ II).) Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika, 2015:16(2), 179-207.

Nistor K, Nistor A, Ádám Sz, Szabó A, Konkolÿ Thege B, Stauder A. Munkahelyi pszichoszociális kockázati tényezők kapcsolata a depressziós tünetegyüttessel a magyar munkavállalók körében. Az Országos Munkahelyi Stresszfelmérés előzetes eredményei. (The relationship of work-related psychosocial risk factors with depressive symptoms among Hungarian workers. Preliminary results of the Hungarian Work Stress Survey.) Orvosi Hetilap, 2015: 156(11), 439-448.

Ádám Sz, Nistor A., Nistor K., Cserháti Z., Mészaros V.: Facilitating the diagnosis of depression and burnout by identifying demographic and work-related risk and protective factors among nurses, ORVOSI HETILAP, 2015: 156: (32)

Stauder A, Nistor K, Susánszky É, Ádám Sz:  Egyes személyiségjellemzők szerepe a stressz észlelésében és a megküzdésben. (The role of personality factors in the perception of and coping with stress.) In: Susánszky Éva, Szántó Zsuzsa (eds.) Magyar lelkiállapot 2013. (Hungarian State of Mind 2013.) Budapest: Semmelweis kiadó, 2013.  pp. 123-136

Salavecz Gy:  A munkahelyi stress és az egészségi állapot összefüggései. (The relationship between workplace stress and health status.) In: Susánszky Éva, Szántó Zsuzsa (eds.) Magyar lelkiállapot 2013. (Hungarian State of Mind 2013.) Budapest: Semmelweis kiadó, 2013.  pp. 89-104

Ádám Sz: Work-Family Conflict among Female and Male Physicians in Hungary: Prevalence, Stressor Predictors and Potential Consequences on Physicians’ Well-Being, Szombathely, 2013, PÁLÚR Kft., 141 p. (book in English)

Stauder A, Konkolÿ Thege B, Kovács M E, Balog P, Williams V P, Williams R B. World wide stress: Different problems, similar solutions? Cultural adaptation and evaluation of a standardized stress management program in Hungary. Int J Behav Med. 2010;17(1):25-32. (IF 1.591)

Kopp MS, Skrabski A, Székely A, Stauder A, Williams R.: Chronic stress and social changes: socioeconomic determination of chronic stress. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007;1113:325-38                                                            (IF: 1.731)

Salavecz G., T Chandola, H Pikhart, N Dragano, J Siegrist, K-H Jöckel, R Erbel, A Pajak, Malyutina, R Kubinova, M Marmot, M Bobak, M Kopp. Work stress and health in Western European and post-communist countries: an East–West comparison study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2010;64:57-62 (IF: 3.186)

László KD, Pikhart H, Kopp MS, Bobak M, Pajak A, Malyutina S, Salavecz G, Marmot M. Job insecurity and health: A study of 16 European countries. Soc Sci Med. 2010 Mar;70(6):867-874. (IF: 2.604)

Kopp MS, Stauder A, Purebl G, Janszky I, Skrabski A.: Work stress and mental health in a changing society. Eur J Public Health. 2008 18(3):238-44. (IF: 2,176)

Kopp M S, Konkolÿ Thege B, Balog P, Stauder A, Salavecz Gy, Rózsa S, Purebl G, Ádám Sz: Measures of stress in epidemiological research. J Psychosom Res 2010 (69) 211-225  (IF: 2.540)

Ádám Sz., Győrffy Zs., László K. (2009): High prevalence of job dissatisfaction among female physicians: work-family conflict as a potential stressor. Clinical and Experimental Medical Journal, 3(3), 453-461.

Ádám, S., Győrffy, Z., Susánszky, É. (2008). Physician burnout in Hungary: a potential role for work-family conflict. Journal of Health Psychology, 13(7), 839-.848. IF: 1.423