Working group for depression and suicide prevention

Leader: György Purebl, MD, PhD

Emma Birkás Emma, PhD
Edit Czeglédi
András Székely
Mónika Ditta Tóth
Anna Varga
Sarah Ihionvien


Research topic

The aim of the working group is to facilitate and manage researches in the field of depression and suicide prevention as well as to organize and to help implementing interventions locally. Strengthening the commitment for prevention of different policy levels is a key activity.

Research areas:
Investigation of psychosocial factors in the background of suicide attempts.
Evaluation of community activities for preventing depression and suicide.
Development and testing of depression and suicide prevention programs.

Selected publications:

Purebl G, Petrea I and the JA WP4 collaborative workgroup (2016). Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being.: Depression, Suicide Prevention and E-health. Situation analysis and recommendation for action.

Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Höschl C, Barzilay R, Balazs J, *Purebl G*, Kahn JP, Saiz PA, Lipsicas CB, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Zohar J. Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review The Lancet Psychiatry. Published Online: 08 June 2016 DOI:

MD Toth, P Osváth, V Vörös, K Futó, N Ágnes, A Székely, G Purebl, S Fekete (2017): Risk factors for multiple suicidality in Hungary. European Psychiatry 41, S403-S404

Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Höschl C, Winkler P, Balazs, J, Purebl, Gy, Kahn JP, Pilar AS, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Rancans E, Hadlaczki G, van Audenhove C, Hennesh H, Sisask M, Peschavan AM, Kapusta N, Adomaitiene V, Steibliene V, Kosiewska, I, Rozanov V, Coutret P, Zohar J. Evidence-based national suicide prevention taskforce in Europe: A consensus position paper. European Neuropsychopharmacology (2017),

Tóth, M. D., Sz. Adam, T. Zonda, E. Birkás, and Gy. Purebl. “Risk factors for multiple suicide attempts among Roma in Hungary.” Transcultural psychiatry55, no. 1 (2018): 55-72.