Leader: Piroska Balog, PhD

Eniko Lakatos,PhD student
Szilvia Adam, PhD
Réka Eszter Cserepes, external member

Research topic
The aim of our research is to explore the psychosocial risk factors of reproductive disorders. The research will include psychometric validation and standardisation of the internationally recognised assessment tool, Fertility Problem Inventory, on a Hungarian sample. This research will also explore mental and somatic health as well as life style and evaluate their relations to reproductive health. The research will be conducted at reproductive health centres in Budapest, at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Teaching Hospital of the Semmelweis University, and among the readers of two websites.
This research topic has been submitted to the Ethics Commission.


Related publications:

Lakatos Enikő, Szigeti, F. Judit, Balog Piroska: A termékenységi problémák/meddőség bio-pszichoszociális szemlélete  KAPOCS I. : 1. pp. 31-32. , 2 p. (2018)

Lakatos, E, Szigeti, JF, Ujma, PP, Sexty, R, Balog, P: Anxiety and depression among infertile women: a cross-sectional survey from Hungary BMC WOMENS HEALTH 17 : 1 Paper: 48 , 9 p. (2017) (34 citations, Semmelweis publication award!)

Lakatos Enikő, Szabó Gábor, Szigeti, F Judit, Balog, Piroska: A pszichés jóllét, az életmód és a termékenység összefüggései. ORVOSI HETILAP 156 : 12 pp. 483-492. , 10 p. (2015)
(2015) https://akademiai.com/doi/10.1556/OH.2015.30104

Lakatos Enikő, Pápay Nikolett, Ádám Szilvia, Balog Piroska: Paradigmák a meddőség értelmezésében. PSZICHOLÓGIA (MTA PSZICHOLÓGIAI INTÉZET) 34 : 3 pp. 261-287., 27 p. (2014) https://akademiai.com/doi/abs/10.1556/Pszicho.34.2014.3.4

Réka Eszter Cserepes, János Kollár, Tamás Sápy, Tewes Wischmann, Antal Bugán. Effects of gender roles, child wish motives, subjective well-being, and marital adjustment on infertility-related stress: a preliminary study with a Hungarian sample of involuntary childless men and women. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Volume 288, Issue 4, pp 925–932. (2013). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00404-013-2835-7