Eating Disorder Research Group

Leader: Ferenc Túry, PhD, professor


  1. Bernadett Babusa, PhD, assistant professor
  2. Edit Czeglédi, PhD, assistant professor
  3. Anna Demeter, PhD student
  4. Dukay-Szabó Szilvia, PhD student
  5. Fodorné Mezei Ágnes, PhD student, assistant
  6. Leindler Milán, PhD student
  7. Major Melinda, PhD student
  8. Papp Ildikó, PhD student
  9. Szabó Kornélia, PhD student
  10. Szumska Irena, PhD, senior lecturer
  11. Szalai Tamás, PhD student, assistant professor


Research topic

Eating disorders are the classical forms of civilization disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obesity, binge eating disorder, muscle dysmorphia, orthorexia, and some newer syndromes). The Research Group investigates different aspects of eating disorders from the epidemiology to the prevention, clinical observations, and new treatment possibilities (including telemedicine). The group participates in international collaborations as well.


Five important publications from the last five years:

  1. Papp I., Túry F.: The stigmatization of obesity among Gypsy and Hungarian children. Eating and Weight Disorders 18:193-198, 2013. IF: 0,527.
  2. Papp I., Urbán R., Czeglédi E., Babusa B., Túry F.: Testing the Tripartite Influence Model of body image and eating disturbance among Hungarian adolescents. Body Image 10:232-242, 2013. IF: 1,74.
  3. Mezei Á., Güleç, H., Czeglédi E., Fritz A., Túry F.: Linguistic characteristics of patients with bulimic symptomatology in an online post-treatment program. EWD, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s40519-014-0136-1. IF: 0,527. 
  4. Babusa B., Czeglédi E., Mayville, S.B., Túry F., Urbán R.: Differentiating the levels of risk for muscle dysmorphia among Hungarian male weightlifters: a factor mixture modeling approach. Body Image 12:14-21, 2015. IF: 1,74.
  5. Szabó K., Czeglédi E., Babusa B., Szumska, I., Túry F., Bauer, S.: The European initiative ProYouth for the promotion of mental health and the prevention of eating disorders – screening results. European Eating Disorders Review 2015, DOI:  10.1002/erv.2345. IF: 1,38.