Most asked parts from the Semmelweis University Study and Examination Regulations

We have collected the most frequently asked parts from the Study and Examination Regulations (TVSZ), in which you can search based on hashtags.

Hashtag summary: #absence, #creditrecognition, #deadlineEOAY, #dismissal, #EOAY, #examchance, #exemption, #prerequisite, #posttermexam, #registration, #re-registration, #specialpermission, #SRWP, #suspendedstatus.

The full Study and Examination Regulations is accessible in PDF format here: Semmelweis University Study and Examination Regulations 2023

Most asked parts from Study and Examination Regulations
Article 16 [Suspension and termination of student status]

(6) A unilateral declaration of dismissal terminates the student status
a) if the student fails to fulfill their obligations described in the Regulations and the curriculum regarding the progress of studies,
b) if the student fails to register for the third consecutive semester
c) if the student does not commence studies after the suspension of the student status,
d) if the student could not complete a course at its second repeated announcement,
e) for those students who have failed a total of five upgrading retake and second retake examinations,
provided that the student has been notified in writing in advance to fulfill their obligation within the time limit specified and has been informed of the legal consequences of failure to comply.
Article 23 [Course re-registration]

(1) The missing credits of an unaccomplished compulsory course can be earned no later than in the semester when the course is re-announced for the second time, except if the student’s student status has been suspended.
(2) If the student was unable to earn credits for a registered course at first registration, they may re-register for the course in two of the subsequent semesters provided that restrictions of the prerequisite schedule and the regulations in paragraph (1) are met.
(3) If the student was unable to earn the credits of a course in the way described in paragraph (2), special permission can be requested only once during the whole training, and regarding only one course to re-register for. If the student has already obtained the signature, they only need to take the examination for the subject in the next semester. The student may also request another opportunity to obtain the signature.
(4) In this article, the re-announcement of a course stipulates that the re-announcement of the course is due in a spring semester if the course was first registered for by the student in a spring semester; the course re-announcement is due in a fall semester if the course was first registered for by the student in a fall semester.
Article 15 [Student status, enrollment obligation, course registration]

(4) The student may withdraw their registration within one month from the beginning of the study period, but no later than 14 October in the fall semester and 14 March in the spring semester. If the student does not request the suspension of their studies, the
semester in progress shall be considered an active semester even if the student does not attend courses and does not meet the academic requirements. If the student requests the suspension of their studies, the semester in question is considered inactive.
Article 22 [Rules regarding course registration]

(8) Students may object to their course registration data stored in the records within five days after the end of the course registration period. The application may be submitted in person at the Registrars’ Office or via e-mail. The Registrars’ Office shall modify the student's registration for a course in case of a duly justified modification request. The head of the Registrars’ Office considers the objection request in a way that if the request is accepted, the Registrars’ Office is able to make the change within 8 days following the end of the course registration period. The student may withdraw a course registration upon payment of a late fee by the third week of the study period.
#EOAY or #deadlineEOAY
Article 35 [Examinations taken outside the academic year]

(2) In the single long-cycle medical program and master's programs in health sciences, students may take an EOAY described in paragraph (1) in any course they registered for but failed to complete in the relevant spring semester taking the available examination dates into account. The following conditions shall be met: the Registrars’ Office shall be notified with the examination subjects listed, until the end of the working day following the last day of the examination period, and the student shall not have been dismissed by the end of the spring semester examination period; this is also relevant in cases when the student is exempt from expulsion under a decision of the competent Examination and Studies Committee with regards to special permission. If the student's expulsion is pending and the student is eligible for and also signed up for an EOAY in due time, the Committee shall suspend the proceedings until the result of the EOAY is announced, and then, taking these into account, shall decide either to cancel the proceedings or to proceed with the expulsion.
Article 53 [Special permission]

(1) During the course of training, at the request of the student in particularly justified and justifiable cases, the Examination and Studies Committee may grant an exemption or derogation from those provisions of these Regulations which do not impose an academic or financial obligation. Special permission can be exercised in relation to the order of study, without affecting the content of the academic requirements.
(2) The special permission defined in paragraph (1) may be granted
a) in single long-cycle programs, on one occasion for courses of semesters 1 to 4 in the model curriculum, and one further occasion for courses of semester 5 and beyond in the model curriculum;
b) in bachelor’s and divided master’s programs, on one occasion during the whole training.
(3) Special permissions not used in the first part of the training program as described in point a) of paragraph (2) shall not be transferable to the second part. Special permissions not used in the bachelor’s program shall not be transferable to the master’s program.
(4) The decision on a special permission shall stipulate the terms of the permission and shall state that no further such measures may be granted during that period.

Article 11 [pecial Regulations Concerning Practice Placement Periods at the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences]

(1) The duration of the practice placement period at the Faculty of Medicine: the summer practice placement period and the 6th year students' practice placement period is forty hours per week, during which the student may be assigned to an on-call period (i.e. to take part in a practice placement during an on-call period) of up to 12 hours once bi- weekly, which should be undertaken on weekends or at nights depending on the student’s choice.
(2) The duration of the practice placement period at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences: forty hours per week for the summer practice placement period and forty hours per week for the obligatory placement before the final examination.
(3) Validation (i.e., signature) of a placement shall be denied if the absence has reached 25% of the duration of the practice placement period.
(4) A grade of “fail (1)” means that the student shall not be allowed to continue their studies until the practice placement period is completed.
Article 16 [Suspension and termination of student status]

(1) Student status is suspended
a) if the student declares that they do not wish to fulfill their academic obligations in the upcoming training period, or if the student does not register for the upcoming training period,
b) if the student has withdrawn their relevant registration within the deadline,
c) 25if the student has requested post-deadline inactivation of a semester,
d) if as a disciplinary sanction the student is prohibited from the continuation of their studies,
e) for the duration of the actual military service of the volunteer reserve, during which the student is exempt from the obligations laid down in these regulations.
Article 23 [Course re-registration]

(1) The missing credits of an unaccomplished compulsory course can be earned no later than in the semester when the course is re-announced for the second time, except if the student’s student status has been suspended.
(2) If the student was unable to earn credits for a registered course at first registration, they may re-register for the course in two of the subsequent semesters provided that restrictions of the prerequisite schedule and the regulations in paragraph (1) are met.
(3) If the student was unable to earn the credits of a course in the way described in paragraph (2), special permission can be requested only once during the whole training, andregarding only one course to re-register for. If the student has already obtained the signature, they only need to take the examination for the subject in the next semester. The student may also request another opportunity to obtain the signature.
(4) In this article, the re-announcement of a course stipulates that the re-announcement of the course is due in a spring semester if the course was first registered for by the student in a spring semester; the course re-announcement is due in a fall semester if the course was first registered for by the student in a fall semester.
Article 34 [Participation in examinations]

(11) If a student has failed an examination, they may attempt to take the exam two more times in the same examination period in the form of a retake examination and a second retake examination. The student is allowed to have a third retake examination but only in one subject per semester. The student is not allowed to have a fourth retake examination in the same subject in the same semester – no special permission shall be granted for a fourth retake examination.
#exemption, #creditrecognition
Article 44 [Credit transfer]

(1) During credit transfer, for any passed course, completion of a course shall be recognized if the correspondence (match) is at least 75%. If the correspondence is less than 75%, the Credit Transfer Committee may approve recognition after considering the circumstances, in particular, the role of the course in achieving the training objectives, and may also request the opinion of the program director. In accordance with the nature of credit transfer, the educational-research unit shall recommend the same decision for students presenting the same circumstances.
(2) If the correspondence is less than 75%, instead of credit transfer, it is possible to recognize certain elements of the course as completed and exemption for these may be granted. In such a case, the student shall be required to take a special examination (i.e., an equivalency examination not including the completed require elements) before the examination period (during the final three weeks of the study period) or during the examination period. Registration for these courses shall be done by the Registrars’ Office for the students, and students shall report to the course coordinator of the course about the equivalency examination within 10 working days of receiving the decision.
(3) Registration for a course identical to an already completed course is not allowed. One course is different from another if the course content or the knowledge to be acquired differs by more than 25%.
(4) Only courses that are different from all the courses already taken into account for the completion of the curriculum requirements may be taken into account for the completion of the curriculum requirements.
(5) Prior to registration/enrollment for a given semester, students may request credit transfer for the course(s) already completed and passed at another faculty or higher education institution in accordance with the credit transfer procedure of the given faculty. The credit transfer decision shall be taken by the Credit Transfer Committee in accordance with paragraphs (1) to (4), also taking into account the proposals of the program director or course coordinator. During the credit transfer procedure, the student is required to complete at least one-third of the study program’s credit value at Semmelweis University in order to obtain a Semmelweis University degree.
(6) Any credit transfer based on the specified outcome requirements of a course (module) is done solely by comparing the content elements on which the credit is based. The credit shall be recognized if the content elements compared show correspondence in at least 75%.
(7) Students whose student status has been terminated and who have been re-admitted in a new admission procedure shall have their previously completed courses accepted and the credits earned recognized by the Credit Transfer Committee.
(8) The credit recognition applications submitted within the deadline - in the case of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, no later than 2 weeks preceding the registration week - shall be considered by the Credit Transfer Committee within the deadline - in the case of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, no later than the last workday before the registration period - so that the students applying for admission can build their next semester's curriculum taking the Committee’s decision into account.
Article 2 [Interpretative Provisions]

24. Justified exceptional case: a circumstance beyond the student’s control – in particular, childbirth, accident, illness, or other unexpected condition – which prevents the student from fulfilling their academic obligations arising from their student status.
Article 3 [Persons and bodies competent in study and educational matters]

(8) The Examination and Studies Committee
a) authorizes individual study schedules,
b) authorizes post-deadline inactivation of a semester,
c) authorizes visiting student status,
d) authorizing examinations and permits examinations outside the examination period in justified exceptional cases,
e) considers requests for special permissions,
f) authorizes transfer between programs/specializations, faculties or institutions,
g) manages miscellaneous educational matters,
h) performs other tasks specified in legal acts, university and faculty regulations,
i) proposes regulations for choosing specialization or sub-specialization,
j) conducts the process of choosing specialization or sub-specialization, and assigns the
students to them if they are not assigned during the admission procedure
Article 31 [Organization of examinations]

(1) Examinations are primarily held during the examination period, except in the case of block education.
(2) In a duly substantiated and justified case, the Examination and Studies Committee may permit examinations outside the examination period in the first two weeks of the subsequent semester, and in the case of this permission, the organizational unit concerned shall ensure that the student concerned has the opportunity to take the examination. The examination thus completed shall be considered to have been taken during the examination period.

#SRWP, #prerequisite
Article 2 [Interpretative provisions]

7. CV course (i.e. “Exam Only” course): an opportunity of course completion that does not qualify as a course registration. The CV course is to be completed with an examination that the student can take provided that they have already registered for the course in a previous semester and have obtained a signature but the course has not been completed yet. The course can be therefore completed in the semester of the CV course without the obligation to attend the contact lessons and to fulfill other study period requirements by using any unused examination opportunities remaining from the semester of the last registration of the regular course;
#SRWP, #prerequisite
Article 22 [Rules regarding Course Registration]

(9) In the case of sequential multi-semester subjects, if the student has obtained the signature of the subject in the previous semester but was unable to meet the examination requirements, their registration for the subject’s upcoming course in the following semester may be permitted by the Examination and Studies Committee by the end of the course registration period, on the basis of the approval of the head of the educational-research unit that is responsible for the course. However, the student may only obtain the examination grade of the course in the current semester after earning the credits of the given subject’s courses for the previous semester.
Article 2 [Interpretative Provisions]

24. Justified exceptional case: a circumstance beyond the student’s control – in particular, childbirth, accident, illness, or other unexpected condition – which prevents the student from fulfilling their academic obligations arising from their student status.
Article 34 [Participation in examinations]

(10) The student is obliged to justify the absence from the registered (partial) examination within 3 working days in person, in writing, electronically, or by proxy at the educational-research unit organizing the exam. The justification is considered and decided upon by the educational-research unit or in the event of a dispute between the student and the organizational unit, by the Examination and Studies Committee. If the student properly justifies their absence, it shall be considered as if they had not registered for the given examination; the “did not appear” entry shall be deleted by the educational-research unit.