Neptun financial information for students

For further information, check the official pdf version: Neptun financial information (pdf).

Chapters I-V


USD collective account Recipient’s name: Neptun collective account
Recipient’s IBAN account number: HU69 1176 3842 0088 3018 00000000
First line of „Comment” field: NK-NEPTUN CODE
HUF collective account Recipient’s name: Neptun collective account
Recipient’s account number: 11784009-22236720
Recipient’s IBAN account number : HU36 1178 4009 2223 6720 0000 0000
First line of „Comment” field: NK-NEPTUN CODE



1. DEPOSITING MONEY INTO THE collective account

In case it is not you who pays the amount of money to be paid (you request a corporate invoice), the transferable amount is to be paid to the account number indicated (VII. point).

Payment items of „active status”, which have already been billed, cannot be paid via collective accounts.

The necessary payment should be made by bank transfer from an identifiable bank account to one of the above account numbers; however, the currency type of the account number should be the same as that of the amount of money to be paid. In other words:
– HUF payments should be made to a HUF collective account in HUFs,
– Euro payments should be made to a EUR collective account in euros,
– US dollar payments should be made to a USD collective account in US dollars.

Any other type of payment (cash, cash deposit, or VIBER transfer) to the collective account results in either non-identifiable or poorly identifiable transfers, which may cause further difficulty for the transferer.
From the point of view of the identification of the transferred amount, it is essential to fill out the „comment” field accurately. The „NK” prefix followed by the student’s Neptun code of a sequence of 6 characters composed of letters and numbers should be entered, starting from the very first character of the first line of the „comment” field. Attention needs to be paid to differentiating character „0” from character „o”.

For example, NK-Neptun code: NK-A1B2C3

It is essential to provide the Neptun code because here, it serves the purpose of transfer identification enabling the transferred amount to be identified.
Transferring an amount of money to the collective account does not result in an immediate collective account transaction. It takes a minimum of one day for the transferred amount to be credited to the Neptun account. The transferred amounts are being collected by the bank throughout the day, and only then are they credited to the University’s account. Subsequent to this, the transfers are entered in the Neptun collective account balance. Special attention needs to be paid to this lead time during the exam period. Therefore, it is advisable to transfer the necessary amount earlier to be able to make the expected payments.

The HUF, EUR, and USD collective accounts are not interoperable, in other words, it is not feasible to transfer a collective account balance or a given transaction to another collective account of a different currency type. In case the transfer was made to an account of a different currency type, the amount should be transferred back to your own bank account (see VII point), and transfer of the necessary amount of money needs to be made to the account of the same currency type.


2. Completed payment

HUF payment items can only be paid from a HUF collective account, Euro payment items can only be paid from a EUR collective account, and US dollar payment items can only be paid from a USD collective account.
Transferring an amount of money to the collective account does not mean that your payment has been completed. Completion of your payment needs to be made in Neptun.
You can find information about the payments you need to make in the „Finances/Payment” menu of Neptun.

The collective account balance is seen above the filters semester and status; therefore, it is easy to check if you have the necessary coverage to make your payments. From the items to be settled (in other words, the payments to be made) you can select the ones to be shown, in the filter section. The list can be filtered by the semester and the status of the items to be settled by clicking on „Listing”. You need to go through the following steps to complete your payment: first put a tick in the box next to the item to be settled, then click on „Pay”, next choose „Collective account”, and then click on „Pay” again. Now you have settled your payment.



Details of the application:

  • Only the whole items to be paid can be settled, in other words, paying in instalments is not possible.
  • You need to have an e-mail address entered in Neptun.
  • Several items to be paid can be settled via one transaction.
  • Any card which is suitable for making online payments can be used without needing to download Simple app.
  • Immediately after the transaction has been completed, the item status will appear as „completed” in Neptun.
  • If a transaction is completed, students will be sent an e-mail to confirm it.
  • If the transaction is not completed, you may inquire about its details contacting SimplePay help desk, using your SimplePay identification number.
  • Foreign currency items cannot be settled by bank card! Students have access to their items to be settled in Neptun in the „Finances/Payment” menu. The following steps need to be followed: first, put a tick in the box next to the item to be settled, then click on „Pay”, next answer „yes” to the question „Are you sure you would like to pay?”, then choose „SimplePay” payment by bank card, then by clicking on „Pay” again, you will be redirected to the SimplePay website. You will be asked to agree to their Privacy Policy.
    1st possible way to pay
    After providing your bank card details, click on the „PAY” button.
    2nd possible way to pay
    Log into your Simple account with either your Facebook account, your Google account, or your e-mail address and password. After logging in, you have access to the cards you saved, or you can enter a new card.
  • If the transaction is completed, students are sent an e-mail to confirm it. If the transaction is not completed, you may inquire about its details contacting SimplePay help desk, using your SimplePay identification number and the information in the message you received.


In case that during a transfer to the collective account you fail to enter your Neptun code in the comment section, you will need to send the bank statement to the Registrar’s Officer so that the identification can be completed. The officer will contact the colleague responsible for summary and main accounts.


1. Via collective account

As a first step, you will need to deposit money into the collective account as described above. You will need to deposit money into the collective account of the currency type of the title to be transferred back. By clicking on the „Repay” button, the amount to be transferred back will appear in the „Finances/Payment” menu. The title to be paid will immediately be settled after you put a tick in the box next to the title to be paid, then click on „Pay”, then choose „Collective account”, then click on „Pay” again.

2. Via SimplePay bank card

The title to be paid back will appear in the „Finances/Payment” menu after you click on the „Repay” button.
Next, money transfer can be completed following the steps of point III. above.

Chapter VI


1. Entering the bank account number in Neptun

By clicking on the „New bank account” button in the right bottom corner of the „Finances/ Settings” menu, a new bank account number can be entered in Neptun.

A 3×8 character bank account number will automatically appear in the pop-up window.

In case a foreign currency/IBAN-type bank account is to be entered in Neptun, the box titled „Foreign” should be chosen. Here the IBAN system appears, and the line for the SWIFT code appears as well.
When entering a foreign currency/IBAN account in Neptun, it is also necessary to enter the SWIFT code. When making foreign currency transfers, the bank asks you to enter the name and address of the bank in addition to the bank account number and the SWIFT code. The registrar officer must record the above data; therefore, the data should be sent to the Registrar’s Office.
Should you fail to enter the above four bank account details in Neptun, the bank will refuse to make the money transfer.

2. Changing the bank account number

In case a transaction is already attached to the bank account number, in other words, a money transfer to the account has already been made, the bank account number can no longer be changed. In this case, a new bank account number should be entered in Neptun.
Both transfers of the grant will automatically be made, and collective account money will automatically be refunded to the student’s default bank account number entered in Neptun.
The default bank account number can be both set and changed by clicking on the „+” button at the end of the line of the bank account number.

Special attention needs to be paid to the following when setting a default bank account number:

  • Money refund from a HUF collective account can be made only to a HUF-type (3×8 character) HUF bank account. In this case it is practical to set a HUF bank account number as default.
  • Money refund from EUR and USD collective accounts can be made only to IBAN-type foreign currency accounts, which can accept foreign currency payments. In this case, it is practical to set a foreign currency bank account number as default.
  • Grants to be paid in HUF will automatically be settled in HUF by the University. To receive the grant, students should have a HUF-type bank account. If you expect to receive a grant from the University, you should set a HUF-type bank account number as default.

3. Cancelling a bank account number

It is not possible to cancel a bank account number in Neptun.

Chapter VII


Student bank account balances can be accessed in Neptun at all times. Complete or partial refunds of the balance can be initiated by the default bank account registered in Neptun.
Before initiating a money refund, it is important to check if there is an adequate default bank account number registered in Neptun and if the necessary basic data have also been entered.

It is important to note that:

  • money refund from a HUF collective account can only be made to a HUF account number that was registered as a default HUF account number in Neptun (using 2×8 or 3×8 characters, e.g., 11111111-22222222-00000000).
  • A money refund from EUR and USD collective accounts can only be made to IBAN-type bank accounts, which can accept refunds in either Euro or US dollars.
    The bank needs to receive four basic sets of data to be able to refund money to an IBAN-type bank account:
    1-2. The IBAN bank account number and SWIFT code registered in Neptun by the students.
    3-4. The name and address of the bank are also necessary for the refund, which should also be sent to the registrar officer so that he/she can enter them in Neptun.
    After the registration of the above four sets of data, the money refund can be started. If the above four sets of data are not registered in Neptun, the bank will refuse to make the refund.
  • You need to proceed with the following steps to initiate a money refund:
    • Go to the „Finances/List of transactions” menu,
    • filter for „Collective account”,
    • click on „Refund”,
    • enter the correct amount of money in the next field,
    • choose the correct account number, and click on „Refund”.
    • The refund will be made after the University confirms and starts the transaction.


Chapter VIII


An account request form needs to be filled out only if a company or employer pays the tuition fee on behalf of the student!
Details of the employer as payer should NOT be supplied by the student towards the contributing organization!
The account request form can be downloaded from the „Downloadable documents” menu on the Neptun homepage of the University website. The name of the form is „SE_account request form”.

To prepare the invoice, the account request form needs to be filled out, scanned, and sent to the „” e-mail address by August 15th in the fall semester and by January 15th in the spring semester.

The Office of Finance will prepare an electronic invoice as requested by the employer, which should be paid by the due date, and which is identical to the due date of the title to be settled. In other words, the last date to prepare a requested invoice is the due date of paying the invoice. If the invoice is prepared on the last day, all three dates of the invoice will be the same: the date of preparing the invoice, the date of settling the invoice, and the due date.

The due date cannot be extended by requesting an account.

If the account request form is not filled out and sent to the Office of Finance by the above deadline, then the invoice will automatically be sent to the student through name and address.

The invoice which was prepared should be saved from the „Finances/Invoices” menu in Neptun.


If an account is requested, the tuition fee to be paid should be sent to the bank account number on the account!