Classroom finder

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Last updated based on received feedback: March 7. 2025

Classroom nameClassroom building
AOANT- 1B - Floor 1 dissection room 1
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT- 2B - Floor 1 dissection room 2
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT- 3B - Floor 1 dissection room 3
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT- 4B - Floor 1 dissection room 4
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT- 5B - Floor 1 dissection room 5
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT- 6B - Floor 1 dissection room 6
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-1B - Ground floor dissection room 1
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-2B - Ground floor dissection room 2
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-3B - Ground floor dissection room 3
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-4B - Ground floor dissection room 4
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-5B - Ground floor dissection room 5
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-6B - Ground floor dissection room 6
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-2EM-EA - Huzella lecture hall
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-KT-37 - Anatomy Library
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-MF-EA - Lenhossék lecture hall
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-26/a-1 - Histology practice room 1
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-26/a-2 - Histology practice room 2
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-26/a-3 - Histology practice room 3
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-T-1B - Loft dissection room 1
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-T-2B - Loft dissection room 2
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-T-3B - Loft dissection room 3
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-T-4B - Loft dissection room 4
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOANT-T-5B - Loft dissection room 5
Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
AOBL1-EA - Lecture hall
1st Department of Internal Medicine
AOBL1-GYH - Practice room
1st Department of Internal Medicine
AOBL2-A-KT - Department library
2nd Department of Internal Medicine
AOBL2-B-EA - Lecture hall
2nd Department of Internal Medicine
AOBL2-GYH - Practice room
2nd Department of Internal Medicine
AOBL3-GYH - Practice room
3rd Department of Internal Medicine
AOBOR-EA - Lecture hall
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatooncology
AOBOR-GYH - Practice room
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatooncology
AOELT-1 - Floor 1, Corridor A, Room ÉLET-1/1
Department of Physiology
AOELT-2 - Floor 1, Corridor A, Room ÉLET-1/2
Department of Physiology
AOELT-3 - Floor 1, Corridor A, Room ÉLET-1/3
Department of Physiology
AOELT-KT - Department library
Department of Physiology
AOFUL-GYH - Practice room
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
AOGEN-E-20 - Room E-20
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology
AOGY.2-01 - Room 01
2nd Department of Pediatrics
AOGY2-GYH - Practice room
2nd Department of Pediatrics
AOIGS-BONCT - Floor 1 autopsy room
Department of Pathology, Forensic and Insurance Medicine
AOKIK - Room 1.309
Translational Medicine Institute
AOKIK-2 - Room ÉLET-2/2
Translational Medicine Institute
AOKIK-3 - Room ÉLET-2/3
Translational Medicine Institute
AOKOR-L-07 - Lab 07
Institute of Pathophysiology
AOKOR-L-08 - Lab 08
Institute of Pathophysiology
AOKOR-L-09 - Lab 09
Institute of Pathophysiology
AOKSMI-MUTO1 - Teaching operating room 1
Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
AOKSMI-MUTO2 - Teaching operating room 2
Department of Surgical Research and Techniques
AOKUT-EA - Lecture hall
Kútvölgyi Clinical Block
AOMAG-KVT - Department library
Institute of Behavioural Sciences
AONEU/AOPSI-EA - Shared lecture hall of neurology and psychiatry
Department of Neurology / Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
AONO1-EA - Lecture hall
1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
AONO2-EA - Lecture hall
2nd Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology
AONYE-F-1.101 - Room F-1.101
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
AOPAT-BONCT - Autopsy room
2nd Department of Pathology / Department of Pathology, Forensic and Insurance Medicine
AOPAT/AOIGS-EA - Shared lecture hall of pathology and forensic medicine
2nd Department of Pathology / Department of Pathology, Forensic and Insurance Medicine
AOPAT/AOIGS-SZOV - Shared histology practice room of pathology and forensic medicine
2nd Department of Pathology / Department of Pathology, Forensic and Insurance Medicine
AOPTK-EA.TER - Lecture hall
Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research
AOPTK-SZOV-GY - Histology practice room
Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research
AOSB1-GYH - Practice room
Department of Surgery, Transplantation and Gastroenterology
AOSB1_EA - Lecture hall
Department of Surgery, Transplantation and Gastroenterology
AOSZE-0.40 - Room 0.40
Department of Ophthalmology
AOSZE-GYH - Practice room
Department of Ophthalmology
AOTRANS-EA - Lecture hall
Department of Surgery, Transplantation and Gastroenterology
AVI2-414 - Room 414
Avicenna International College
AOFIZ-1 - Floor 1, Corridor B, Practice room 1
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
AOFIZ-2 - Floor 1, Corridor B, Practice room 2
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
AOFIZ-3 - Floor 1, Corridor B, Practice room 3
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
AOFIZ-4 - Floor 1, Corridor B, Practice room 4
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
AOFIZ-5 - Floor 1, Corridor B, Practice room 5
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
AOFIZ-6 - Floor 1, Corridor B, Practice room 6
Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
AOOBI-1 - Floor 1, Corridor C, Practice room 1
Department of Biochemistry
AOOBI-2 - Floor 1, Corridor C, Practice room 2
Department of Biochemistry
AOOBI-3 - Floor 1, Corridor C, Practice room 3
Department of Biochemistry
AOOBI-4 - Floor 1, Corridor C, Practice room 4
Department of Biochemistry
AOOBI-5 - Floor 1, Corridor C, Practice room 5
Department of Biochemistry
AOOMS-EA Markó - Lecture hall
DG National Ambulance Service
Bőrklinika 209 - Room 209
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Dermatooncology
AOKAR-C 103 - Room C 103
Heart and Vascular Centre
AOKAR-GYH - practice venue
Heart and Vascular Centre
Cardiovascularis - Cardiovascular Centre
Heart and Vascular Centre
DEI-SZT Ferenc - Seminar room
Institute of Digital Health Sciences
Institute of Digital Health Sciences
Institute of Digital Health Sciences
Institute of Digital Health Sciences
DEI-SZÁMT Hőgyes - Computer room
Institute of Digital Health Sciences
Manager -
Health Services Management Training Centre
EGyó.Kt - Department library
AOKIK-1 - Room ÉLET-2/1
Translational Medicine Institute
GMFEOK-SZEM-0 - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 0
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZEM-1 - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 1
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZEM-2 - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 2
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZEM-3U - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 3
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZEM-4-5U - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 4-5
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZEM-6 - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 6
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZEM-7 - Ground floor, Corridor A, Seminar room 7
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-BEKESY - Ground floor, Békésy lecture hall
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-BEZNAK - Floor 1, Beznák lecture hall
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-HARI - Floor 1, Hári lecture hall
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-HEVESY - Ground floor, Hevesy lecture hall
Basic Medical Science Center
GMFEOK-SZENT-GYORGYI-EA - Ground floor, Szent-Györgyi lecture hall
Basic Medical Science Center
ETK.Lekt. 206 - ETK Linguistic Proofreading seminar room 206
Faculty of Health Sciences
AONYE-F-005 - Room F-005
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
AONYE-F-103 - Room F-103
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
AONYE-F-104 - Room F-104
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
AONYE-F-201 - Room F-201
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
F-202 - Room F-202
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
F-203 - Room F-203
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
FO-ARKOVY - Árkövy lecture hall
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
FOGFK Gyfog.Kl. - Classroom
Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
FOGFK-TP-T - Conference room
Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Fogp. Kl - Department of Prosthodontics
Department of Prosthodontics
FOOBT-L-06 - Lab 06
Department of Oral Biology
FOOC-039 - Seminar room 039
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
FOOC-47 - Seminar room 47
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
FOOC-BALOGH - Balogh lecture hall
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
FOOC-FIPTL Füldv - Füldvári Imre preclinical practice and odontotechnology teaching lab
Department of General Dental Preclinical Practice / Department of Prosthodontics
FOOC-RNGY - X-ray and Nanotechnology practice room
Department of Oral Diagnostics
FOOC-SLPTL Sugár - Sugár László preclinical practice teaching lab
Department of Periodontology
FOOC-SZEM - Seminar room 135
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
FOOC-VARGA - Varga István lecture hall
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
FOPDK-GYH Parod. - Practice room
Department of Periodontology
FOSZB-EA - Lecture hall
Department of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology
AOFUL-14 - Room 14
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Fül-O-G - Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Fül-Orr-Gége Kl - Practice room
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
GYEGY-CSZT - Csipke Zoltán hall
GYEGY-ZT - Zalai hall
GYFMG-406 - Library 406
Department of Pharmacognosy
GYFMG-410a - Room 410a
Department of Pharmacognosy
GYGYI-IL - Infusion lab
Department of Pharmaceutics
GYGYI-KBTL - Chemistry and Biopharmacy teaching lab
Department of Pharmaceutics
GYGYI-KT - Department library
Department of Pharmaceutics
GYGYI-TGY - Teaching pharmacy
Department of Pharmaceutics
GYGYI-UTL - Industrial technology lab
Department of Pharmaceutics
GYGYK-1.SZ.L - Student laboratory 1
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
GYGYK-2.SZ.L - Student laboratory 2
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
GYGYK-KT - Department library
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
GYHET-EA - Hőgyes lecture hall
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
GYHET-KISTEREM - Hőgyes room
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
GYHET-SZEMT - Hőgyes seminar room
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Gyógyszerészeti - Department library
Department of Pharmaceutics
GYSZK-HALL-LAB - Student laboratory
Department of Organic Chemistry
GYSZK-SZEMT - Seminar room
Department of Organic Chemistry
AOGY.1-01 - Lecture hall 1.01
1st Department of Pediatrics
AOGY.1-KOOS - Koós room
1st Department of Pediatrics
KTKTT - Kármán Tódor Dormitory gym
P.E. and Sport Centre
KBÉ-K01.156 - Consultation room I. K01 156
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
KBÉ-K04.58 - Consultation room K04 58
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
KBÉ-K04.59 - Consultation room K04 59
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
EF-SZK-1.07 - Grand lecture hall
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-IT-SZAM-1 - Computer room (403) IT-1
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-IT-SZAM-2 - Computer room (403) IT-1
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-IT-SZAM-3 - Computer room (403) IT-1
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-E6 - 80 capacity lecture hall
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-GYAK 5 - Physiotherapist practice room 5
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-SZEM-6 - Seminar room 6
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-SZEM-10 - Seminar room 10
Faculty of Health Sciences
EF-8 / EF-08 - Room 8
Faculty of Health Sciences
KGPT-FŐÉP-B01 - Közgazdasági Politechnikum main building room B01
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-FŐÉP-B13 - Közgazdasági Politechnikum main building room B13
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-FŐÉP-T02 - Közgazdasági Politechnikum main building room T02
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-POLIHAZ-014 - Közgazdasági Poliház room 014
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-POLIHAZ-108 - Közgazdasági Poliház room 108
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-POLIHAZ-110 - Közgazdasági Poliház room 110
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-POLIHAZ-111 - Közgazdasági Poliház room 111
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-POLIHAZ-115 - Közgazdasági Poliház room 115
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
KGPT-POLIHAZ-116 - Közgazdasági Poliház room 116
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
AONYE-KONFT - Conference room
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
Konz.Kl. - Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
Faculty of Dentistry Education Centre
AONEI-L-01 - Lab 01
Department of Public Health
AONEI-L-02 - Lab 02
Department of Public Health
AOFRM-NET-L-03 - Lab 03
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
AOFRM-NET-L-04 - Lab 04
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
AOFRM-NET-L-05 - Lab 05
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
AOGEN-L-13 - Lab 13
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology
AOGEN-L-14 - Lab 14
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology
AOGEN-L-15 - Lab 15
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology
AOGEN-L-16 - Lab 16
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology
NET-1016 - Microbiology Library
Institute of Medical Microbiology
AOMIK-L-10 - Lab 10
Institute of Medical Microbiology
AOMIK-L-11 - Lab 11
Institute of Medical Microbiology
AOMIK-L-12 - Lab 12
Institute of Medical Microbiology
AOOVM-1 - Floor 1, Corridor D, Practice room 1
Department of Molecular Biology
AOOVM-2 - Floor 1, Corridor D, Practice room 2
Department of Molecular Biology
AOOVM-3 - Floor 1, Corridor D, Practice room 3
Department of Molecular Biology
AOOVM-4 - Floor 1, Corridor D, Practice room 4
Department of Molecular Biology
AOOVM-5 - Floor 1, Corridor D, Practice room 5
Department of Molecular Biology
AOOVM-KT - Floor 2, Corridor C, 2.101 Library
Department of Molecular Biology
AONEI-2103-2105 - Floor 21, 2103-2105
Department of Public Health
NET-SZ.01 - Seminar room 1
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.10 - Seminar room 10
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.04 - Seminar room 4
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.05 - Seminar room 5
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.06 - Seminar room 6
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.07 - Seminar room 7
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.08 - Seminar room 8
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-SZ.09 - Seminar room 9
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-BARNA EA - Issekutz Béla hall / Brown hall
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-ZÖLD EA / NET-GREEN EA - Selye János lecture hall / Green lecture hall
Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Block
NET-AOKOR-KT - Department library
Institute of Pathophysiology
AOGEN-L-13 - NET Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology L-13
Institute of Pathophysiology
AOMIK-SZ. 06 - NET Institute of Medical Microbiology seminar room 6
Institute of Pathophysiology
FOODT-305 - Room 305
Department of Oral Diagnostics
FOODT-321 - Room 321
Department of Oral Diagnostics
Mentők - National Ambulance Service
Department of Oxiology and Emergency Care
KTSKSTCS - Sports ground and gym
P.E. and Sport Centre
Szájs.Kl. - Department of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology
Department of Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology
KOHSZ-CC-02 - Corvin City Corner - Ground floor, room 02
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-04 - Corvin City Corner - Ground floor, room 04
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-06 - Corvin City Corner - Ground floor, room 06
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-08 - Corvin City Corner - Ground floor, room 08
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-18 - Corvin City Corner - Ground floor, room 18
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-43 - Corvin City Corner - Ground floor, room 43
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-301 - Corvin City Corner - Floor 3, room 301
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-303 - Corvin City Corner - Floor 3, room 303
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-320 - Corvin City Corner - Floor 3, room 320
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-KUPT - Corvin City Corner Cupola Room
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-ANSZOVGYAK-2 - Corvin City Corner - Floor 2, Great hall
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-CC-ANSZOVGYAK-3 - Corvin City Corner - Floor 2, Small classroom
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-SERWTSZI-1 - Raoul Wallenberg School P.E. hall 1
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-SERWTSZI-2 - Raoul Wallenberg School P.E. hall 2
Corvin City Corner Office Building
KOHSZ-PGY-SPT - Pénzügyőr Sporttelep
Corvin City Corner Office Building
LÁGY-3.118 lab. - Lágymányos Északi Tömb laborok
Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
GLSPCS - Gaványi László Sports Hall
Gaványi László Sportcsarnok