How many retake opportunities do I have in a semester and in an academic year?

There are 3 exam opportunities in each subject per semester (1 exam, and 2 retakes) when the subject is offered as a normal or FM course. In the following semester – when the subject is offered as a CV course – only the remaining chances left from the previous semester can be used. There is a special 4th try once a semester (the 3rd retake), which may be used exclusively in 1 chosen subject. After using this 4th exam opportunity in one subject, the student shall not have a 4th try in any other subjects; they also will not be granted “special permission” for a 5th opportunity. Please count your remaining exam opportunities carefully!

For example, if you use 2 exam opportunities for Biophysics II in the 2nd semester, you will have only one remaining opportunity for the retake in the following semester (plus the one extra (4th) chance, if you haven’t used it already in that specific semester for another subject).

What if I can’t attend an exam or class at the time scheduled?

Students are required by university regulations to present written justification stating the reasons of their absence.  Upon returning to school after an absence, students should report to the department’s office and present a doctor’s note, if their absence was caused by medical reasons. Excuses not provided within 3 days after the missed exam or class will result in the absence being marked as an unexcused absence.

It should be noted that the student will be recorded absent even if s/he is absent for a valid reason such as sickness. In the case of absence with a valid reason, an official document that proves the reason of absence should be provided. The department has the right to reject any document of questionable credibility. If you are sick and cannot take the exam or class, you should telephone your tutor immediately and leave a message for the department office even if this is not the first day of your absence.

When is the EOAY held?

Article 35 [Examinations taken outside the academic year]

(6) The EOAY date shall be set in a way to make sure that during the 5 working days following the Hungarian national holiday of 20th August, students shall be able to take their examinations according to paragraph (11) of Article 34. The examinations shall be organized in such a way that all the students concerned can register for and sit for the exam.

What can I do if I was unable to pass my exams during the normal exam period? What is EOAY and exam outside of the exam period?


Students of the undivided medical trainings or master’s degree trainings in health sciences, who are unable to fulfil the examination requirements arising from their student status during the spring semester’s examination period of the academic year may take an examination organized outside the academic year (hereinafter referred to as EOAY). The result of an EOAY shall be considered as that of an examination taken during the spring semester of the academic year. If the institution of higher education has a vacant Hungarian state-funded position, the reclassification decision made by 31 July at the latest shall be reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted in the light of the results of the EOAY.

During EOAY the student may take examinations in any subject as many times as many exam opportunities he/she has left in the given semester.

Exam out of exam period:

Examination after the exam period and in the first two weeks of the subsequent semester can be authorized by the committee competent in educational and examinational affairs, in duly justified cases. The examination thus completed shall be considered to have been taken during the examination period.

The request has to be submitted to your registrar at the Directorate of International Studies.

How can I enter an exam?

Students are not allowed to take an examination without identifying themselves. Student may identify themselves at the examination by any suitable document, which contains both a signature and a picture. If the student is unable to verify his/her identity, a “did not appear” note has to be recorded on the examination sheet and in NEPTUN, which does not reduce the number of exam opportunities, yet the student is obliged to pay an exam administration fee.

What if I can’t attend an exam or class at the time scheduled?

Students are required by university regulations to present written justification stating the reasons of their absence.  Upon returning to school after an absence, students should report to the department’s office and present a doctor’s note, if their absence was caused by medical reasons. Excuses not provided within 3 days after the missed exam or class will result in the absence being marked as an unexcused absence.

It should be noted that the student will be recorded absent even if s/he is absent for a valid reason such as sickness. In the case of absence with a valid reason, an official document that proves the reason of absence should be provided. The department has the right to reject any document of questionable credibility. If you are sick and cannot take the exam or class, you should telephone your tutor immediately and leave a message for the department office even if this is not the first day of your absence.

The student is obliged to excuse his/her absence from the (partial) examination at the educational-research unit within 3 workdays personally, in writing, electronically or by proxy. The acceptance of the student’s justification is decided upon by the educational research unit and, in case of a debate between the student and the educational-research unit by the committee competent in educational and examinational affairs. If the student excuses his/her absence properly, the examination is considered as though it had not been registered for, and the “did not appear” note is deleted by the educational-research unit.

Once the administration is done by the responsible department and the student paid the concerning fees, he/she can register for another exam date.

When should I pay the fees?

Retake fee has to be paid before you take the retake exam.

Missed exam fee and Administration fee has to be paid after the missed exam.

How can I pay the fees?

Log on to your Neptun account, go to “Finances”, choose “Payment”, then “Transcribe item”. From the “Payment titles” Choose “Retake exam”, from the “Terms” choose the term of the exam you pay for, then choose the relevant subject from the from the “Subject” list and finally click on “Create item”.

Once the item is created, you can pay it in the same menu by choosing it (checking in the checkbox) and clicking “Pay in”.

You can pay the fees from any bank account. The card used for payment does not need to be the student’s own card.

Do I have to pay a fine if my absence from an exam remains uncertified?

Students are obliged to attend the (partial) examination which they have registered to via NEPTUN. If the student fails to do so, his/her performance cannot be evaluated, and – unless the absence is excused – a “did not appear” note has to be recorded to the given (partial) exam in NEPTUN. Unexcused absences have to be counted in the maximum number of exam opportunities of the semester, and the student is obliged to pay a missed exam fee and an exam administration fee, which are specified in the Regulations of Refunds and Allowances.

The fees and penalties are listed here.

Do I have to pay for exams?

Retake fee: Only the first exam and the first retake exam is free of charge from a given subject. For every other exam from a subject (3rd to 6th) a retake fee has to be paid.

Missed exam fee: In case a student is absent from a registered exam without leave, the student it obliged to pay a missed exam fee.

Administration fee: In case a student is absent from a registered exam without leave or is unable to provide identification at the exam, the student is obliged to pay an administration fee.

The fees and penalties are listed here.

Can I ask for another examiner for my retake exam?

The student can sit the retake examination before a different examiner or examination committee if so authorized by the head of the educational-research unit on the basis of the student’s duly reasoned written or electronic request addressed and submitted to the head of the educational-research unit no later than three working days before the commencement of the examination. If the head of the educational-research unit is involved in the examination, the appointment of a different examiner can be requested from the Dean of the faculty responsible for teaching the subject.

Can I improve my results obtained at an exam?

The student may modify the result of a previously passed examination by having a retake examination.

The student has the opportunity to improve the result of a successful exam until the end of the exam period. The student must be informed that the result of the examination may be impaired. Additional credit(s) cannot be earned by retaking a successful exam. In case of limited places at the examination, a student registered to retake a failed exam has an advantage over the ones registered to retake a successful exam.

Students willing to retake a failed (partial) exam or to improve the result of a successful (partial) exam of the same examination period should be privileged at the registration to (partial) examinations, which have been formerly announced as retake exams.

How can I take a 4th exam?

Please send you request about taking a 4th exam to your registrar at the Directorate of International Studies by email.
Please include your name, Neptun code, the exact name of the subject and your request and do not forget to pay the retake fee.
In case you did not use this possibility in the given semester yet, the registrar will enter a note to your Neptun profile, that you use your 4th exam chance for the semester and he/she will register you for the fourth exam.

How many exam dates and places should be opened from a subject?

Educational-research units must provide at least two exam days per week for the oral exam and one exam day per week for the written exam in each course and in each year in every exam period. The exam, final exam can be retaken no sooner than on the first calendar day after the failed exam. A maximum number of students can be set for each examination. The sum of the maximum numbers of students per exam – or per a partial examination in the case of a complex exam – may not be less than twice the number of students who have registered to the course. The overall maximum number of students of all examinations shall be divided so that at least 10% of the places are offered in every week of the examination period.

The committee competent in educational and examinational affairs may also allow the announcement of a smaller overall number of places for the examinations than defined in paragraph (5) until the deadline of the announcement of the examinations, if the educational-research unit so requests. The Vice Dean for Education can approve a smaller number of examinations than defined in paragraph (5) but not less than 4 examination days throughout the entire exam period on the basis of the students’ demand in the case of divided training, and simultaneously informing the Student Council. In both cases, care must be taken to avoid conflicts between the exam days of the compulsory subjects included in the model curriculum of the same semester, and to allow every eligible student to register for and take the examination, as well as to ensure that failed exams can be retaken during the same exam period as many times as is allowed by the regulations.

How many exam opportunities do I have in a semester or in an academic year?

The student who fails an examination, can attempt to complete the exam two more times during the normal/FM plus the CV registration of the given subject. The student is allowed to have a third retake examination only in one subject per semester. The student is not allowed to have a fourth retake examination in any subject in the same semester even with special permission.

How many exam opportunities do I have from a subject?

The student who fails an examination, can attempt to complete the exam two more times during the normal/FM plus the CV registration of the given subject. The student is allowed to have a third retake examination only in one subject per semester. The student is not allowed to have a fourth retake examination in any subject in the same semester even with special permission.

The university terminates by unilateral statement the student status of a student whose total number of unsuccessful retake and repeated retake examinations in the same subject unit reaches five. This provision applies only to those who have commenced their studies in the relevant program in the fall semester of 2012/2013 or thereafter.
The student may not attend and is not allowed to register for the seventh examination (the sixth retake examination) of the given subject after having failed the exam six times during his/her student status.

After the sixth “fail” examination result in a given subject, the student may submit a special permission request within 3 days of their sixth failed examination in order to
take a seventh examination (fifth second retake examination), regardless of any prior special permissions for any other reason.

What should I do if none of the exam dates fit my schedule?

Please contact the responsible department and ask if they are able to open a new exam date.

What can I do if the exam places are full?

Please contact the responsible Department and ask if they can raise the limit of the exam. If not, please choose another exam date.

What is the requirement to register for an exam?

A student may only participate in an examination of a subject that he/she has obtained a signature for.

A student may only take a final examination if he/she has fulfilled the prerequisites and obtained the credits of the subjects linked to the final examination as determined in the model curriculum.