Semmelweis University Organizational and Operational Regulations
– Part III. Student Standards –
Chapter III.2. Study and Examination Regulations

4. Basic Concepts of the Credit System

Article 10 [General Rules Concerning the Practice Placement Period]

(1) The hours to be worked, credits and examination type regarding the practice placement period are determined by the curriculum.

(2) The organization and contents of the practice placement period, the supervision of the external placement sites, as well as possible requirements for a training log or report and the methods of assessment are determined by the course coordinator of the placement, subject to approval by the Dean.

(3) The accredited placement site is responsible to certify the completion of the practice placement period by filling out the course registration and assessment form of the Faculty.

(4) Completion and a term grade after a practice placement period is recorded in NEPTUN by the course coordinator of the placement, the program director, or by their request any officer at the Registrar’s Office or at the educational-research unit concerned.

(5) The practice placement period grade is registered in NEPTUN by any of the persons named in (4), as indicated on the form specified in (3) using a three-grade assessment scale. In case the practice placement period qualifies as ‘fail’, the program director or the course coordinator determines whether and when the practice placement period can be repeated during the training period.

(6) Practice placement periods are completed in accordance with the work schedule of the placement site or institute.

(7) Students are required to undergo an occupational health assessment every year prior to their practice placement period. Registration for the assessment is due each academic year in NEPTUN, and is compulsory, at a date and time set based on Semmelweis University Occupational Health Service recommendations.

(8) In accordance with current legislation, details on how to obtain occupational assessment records are published on the website of the Occupational Health Service no later than the examination period of the academic semester preceding each academic year, grouped by program and specialization.

(9) In the absence of registration in NEPTUN, students may not start their practice placement period. The attendances on the compulsory occupational health assessments shall be checked by the educational-research unit responsible for the given placement or, in the absence thereof, by the Registrar’s Office. In order to fulfill this obligation, the educational-research unit may access the NEPTUN database. The practice placement period may be assigned to the student only after the occupational health assessment and the registration of the Hepatitis vaccinations have been verified by the educational-research unit responsible for the organization of the given practice placement period.

(10) Registration under paragraph (7) is the student’s responsibility and duty. If the student participates in the practice placement period without registration, the practice placement period on question is invalid and the student is liable for any damage caused in connection with this issue.

(11) Students shall complete the practice placement period required by the curriculum either at the educational-research units of the university or at other training sites which have been accredited by the relevant faculty. Students at the Faculty of General Medicine or Dentistry may also complete their summer practice placement period in an institution abroad, following a request submitted by them.

(12) The supervision of practice placement periods is organized and managed by the head of the educational-research unit responsible for the subject.