Effective date: … December 2019













Article 1

Purpose and scope of the regulation

(1) The purpose of collecting student feedback on teaching quality (hereinafter: SF) are the following:

a) to contribute to teaching efficiency and to the improvement of educational standards at Semmelweis University based on available feedback of the students;

b) to provide an opportunity for the management and lecturers of the university, the Faculty and its organizational units to get student feedback on their work; to identify the areas to be improved; and to eliminate any possible errors or shortcomings;

c) to promote responsible student feedback on educational quality at Semmelweis University, to ensure active student participation in the public life of the university, thereby fulfilling quality requirements;

d) to increase the efficiency of educational work, to contribute to curriculum and syllabus development;

e) to ensure the efficient operation of the university quality assurance system;

f) to ensure that student feedback is reflected in the qualification of the instructors who are public servants.


(2) The regulations of SF

a) extend over the following participants:
aa) the subjects of feedback: all those who provide educational activities – lectures or instructors – under Nftv., both civil servants and those on a contract basis.
ab) as those providing feedback: students of the university with an active student status;
ac) employees of the university who participate in the SF survey.

b) its material scope extends on the feedback provided by the students on the quality of education at the University;

c) its territorial scope extends across all faculties, educational organizational units and external teaching and practice sites of the university.


(3) The regulations on SF give directions

a) on drafting questionnaires for the students to give their feedback on the teaching activity;

b) on collecting, processing and summarizing questionnaires;

c) on handling all data generated during the process;

d) on making the summary of feedback available to authorized persons, while maintaining their obligation of confidentiality.


Article 2

General Provisions

(1) It is the right of students – arising from their student status – guaranteed by law to express their opinion on the quality of education in the educational units of the university, to give feedback in this regard, and to make suggestions for improvement.

(2) The students can express their opinion on all the subjects they have registered for in the relevant semester, as well as on the teaching of the trainers of the practical lessons they have attended and on the teaching of the lecturers of the lectures they have attended.

(3) The anonymity of the reviewer must be kept in the feedback process, and the feedback cannot be linked to the student. The reviewer shall not be disadvantaged in any way for expressing or refusing to express their opinion.

(4) If an instructor or lecturer continues to teach a group which have already contributed their feedback, they are not entitled to see the feedback on their work until the all their lessons are over.

(5) When referring to the feedback on the work of a lecturer or instructor, the subjective nature of the review should also be considered.


Article 3

Drafting of questionnaires

(1) Regulations on student feedback on teaching quality extends on the evaluation of a. compulsory, obligatory elective and optional subjects, b. the lectures, and the teaching work of the lecturers, and c. the practical lessons and the teaching work of the instructors.

(2) The drafting of the questionnaires and their professional content are determined by the faculty, with the consent of the Students’ Union, at the initiative of the head of the faculty.

(3) A guide that includes the availability, applicability, and use of the questionnaires gives also instructions on how to complete them.

(4) The questionnaires must be made available in all languages in which training is provided at the faculty.

(5) For students in a foreign language course, the questionnaires shall be made available for completion in the language of their training.

(6) In addition to the SF based on the questionnaires, the rector, the head of the faculty, or the head of the relevant organizational unit may initiate other types of student feedback (eg, monitoring group) to map out special educational issues.


Article 4

Execution of student feedback on teaching quality

(1) The method of completing the questionnaires (paper-based or electronic) is decided upon by the head of the relevant faculty. The operation and management of the SF is ensured by the Center for Education Development, Methodology and Organization (OMSZK) of Semmelweis University, under the professional supervision of the dean of the relevant faculty.

(2) The SF must be conducted to ensure that, in the case of subjects completed with an examination, feedback is given at least once on the teaching of the subject, the lectures and practical lessons, and feedback must be collected on the educational activities of all educational units.

(3) The date of the SF is set by the head of the faculty, SF must be completed by the end of the term.

(4) SF is conducted in an anonymous questionnaire, ensuring that the reviewer only has access to the questionnaire to be completed by them, and only once.

(5) Completion of the questionnaire is voluntary. The reviewer has the right not to answer any of the questions and to express their intention not to comment.

(6) The head of the faculty – for the request of the Students’ Union – sets discounts for those who fill in the questionnaire, while preserving the principle of anonymity and data protection rules.

(7) If, in a course, a subject is taught in a block in a semester, as set in the sample curriculum, the SF questionnaire regarding this subject, the relevant lectures and lecturers, seminars and instructors of the block will be available to students on the penultimate day of the block.


Article 5

Evaluation and processing of questionnaires, use of evaluation and disclosure of assessment details

(l) The questionnaires are processed according to the methodology required by the university quality assurance regulations. The processing of the questionnaires (summaries, statistical calculations and analyses) is carried out by the OMSZK within 30 days after the closing of the questionnaire.

(2) The contents of student feedback on teaching quality are summarized at the level of the university, the faculties and the educational units.

(3) Within 30 days of the processing of the questionnaires, the head of the department concerned will draft an action plan, which will be published on the university’s internal website. The action plan shall be published in the language of instruction.

(4) The feedback data referring to an instructor’s teaching work are encrypted with the same numerical codes provided by the OMSZK. The following persons shall have access to the code number, subject to the obligation of professional secrecy, in order to carry out the tasks for which they are responsible under their legal relationship:
a) the rector,
b) the vice-rectors,
c) the head and deputies of the faculty concerned,
d) the instructor who is subject of feedback,
e) the head of the educational unit where the instructor is employed or carries out the educational activity,
f) the director of the OMSZK,
g) participants in the processing of feedback data.

(5) In cases not specified in these regulations, other persons may be disclosed the personal data of the lecturers only on the basis of an individual decision of the university and faculty leaders and the written consent of the lecturer concerned, or in the presence of general legal conditions governing the processing of personal data; furthermore, in accordance with the objectives of these regulations, and accompanied with relevant information that interprets and contextualises the relevance of the result read from the published data.

(6) The results for all lecturers and instructors must be made available to the citizens of the University in an unidentifiable manner, and in a way that is accessible only to them. The head of the faculty publishes the summaries, and the head of each department publishes the feedback summary for each subject for each year.

(7) The Rector of the University, the Vice-Rectors, the Deans, the Deputy Deans and the Head of the relevant educational unit are entitled to use the assessment data in other ways, in order to improve the quality of education at the University and to improve the quality of teaching at the faculty departments.

(8) The assessment data can be used in quality assurance processes for the university.

(9) The assessment for any period concerned is set out in regulation No 395/2015. (XII. 12.) Government Decree.


Article 6

Regulations regarding student feedback on Faculty levels

(l) The detailed rules and tasks referred to faculty competence by these regulations shall be established in faculty SF regulations approved by the relevant faculty.

(2) The consent of the Students’ Union is a condition for the entry into force of the faculty SF regulations.

Effective date: … December 2019