Technology Transfer in Diagnostic Pathology – Uropathology

It is our pleasure and privilege to invite you to attend the 11th Central European Meeting, Technology Transfer in Diagnostic Pathology – Uropathology which will be held in Visegrád, Hungary on June 24-26, 2021.

The Meeting will bring together basic science and clinical pathology researchers, biologists and clinicians to promote and stimulate collaboration among them.
On the hillside above Visegrád, the hotel offers a breath-taking view of the Danube Bend, with an undisturbed natural environment, quiet surroundings and excellent conference services. Congress attendees will have the chance to benefit from scientific exchange during either the formal activities or the informal meetings with colleagues from different backgrounds. They will also have a chance to relax on the sunny terraces of the hotel.
The congress will cover many important aspects of uropathology. Special emphasis will be given to the role of the communication between pathologists and clinicians; novel entities and novel molecular pathology aspects of selected lesions will be discussed. Challenging cases will be presented during four slide seminars.
The speakers – as usual – are internationally acknowledged specialists and it is an honour for us to have them in the Faculty: Eva COMPÉRAT (A), Ondrej HES (CZ), Murali VARMA (UK) and Clare VERRILL (UK) are our invited guest speakers, while Levente KUTHI (H), Áron SOMORÁCZ (H) and Eszter SZÉKELY (H) are Hungarian expert members of the Faculty.
The venue is the Hotel Silvanus, providing a convenient and well equipped lecture hall and spacious areas for the breaks, where coffee and lunch will be served.
The official language of the congress is English.
We hope you will enjoy the meeting and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Visegrád in June.
Janina Kulka

President of the Hungarian Division of IAP