Graduate Student Course in Neurosurgery

English Language Program at Semmelweis University:

Program Locations:   Department of Neurosurgery  & National Institute of Mental Health, Neurology and Neurosurgery (1145 Bp. Amerikai út 57.)

Target audience: 4,th 5th year medical students

Course title: Introduction to neurosurgery with case presentations and operating room visit.

Objectives of the subject, its place in the medical curriculum:  

Neurosurgery is a medical specialty concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of complex neurological disorders. Neurosurgeons deal with pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system.

There are several subspecialities in neurosurgery. In neurotraumatology, cranial and spinal injuries caused by an external mechnical forces are treated. Neuro-oncology is an important and developing field in neursciences, that primarily deals with diagnosis and treatment of both primary central nervous system tumours and complications of systemic cancer. Vascular neurosurgery involves the treatment of abnormalities of blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord. Neurological spine surgeons treat several degenerative, neoplatic and vascular pathologies involving the bony spine or the nerual structures. Neurological spine surgeons rather use minimally invasive operative techniques in order to minimaze hospital stay and tissue damage. Functional neurosurgery involves the restoration of neurological condition and function. Pediatric neurosurgery is also a subspeciality and it aims to treat children with operable disorders of the nervous system.

In our institute students can experience the various clinical presentations of central and peripheral nervous system abnormalities. We are able to introduce the diagnostic algorithm and special operative techniques with which they gain practical knowledge about neurology and neurosurgery.


  1. Introduction to neurosurgery: history of neurosurgery.
  2. Basics of micro-neurosurgical anatomy.
  3. Neurological investigation of the neurosurgical patient.
  4. Increased intracranial pressure. Hydrocephalus.
  5. Head and injury and neurotrauma basics.
  6. Spine and spinal cord injuries.
  7. Spinal tumors.
  8. Brain tumors, neurooncology.
  9. Vascular malformations of CNS.
  10. Degenerative spine diseases.
  11. Epilepsy surgery and investigations.
  12. Functional neurosurgery and stereotactic procedures.
  13. Radiosurgery.
  14. Visiting the operating theatre and examination.

Requirements for signature:To gain knowledge from the lectures and write an essey or test written exam.

Type of examination: written essay and/or written test

Method and type of evaluation:
The students will be graded from 1 to 5.
Offered mark: the students have opportunity to get offered mark, if they write an essay the end of the semester (until a predetermined deadline). Written multiple choise test: written test comprises 15 multiple choice quiz questions.

Printed, electronic and online notes, textbooks, guides and literature:

– Moodle system
– Schmidek & Sweet’s operative neurosurgical techniques / Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa –
62. publishing (Notes: I1/412 és I1/413)

Presentations 2023/2024 semester:
Introduction to neurosurgery
Vascular malformations of CNS
Increased intracranial pressure
Head and injury and neurotrauma basics
Spine and spinal cord injuries
Spinal tumors
Brain tumors, neurooncology
Degenerative spine diseases 
Epilespy surgery and investigation
Functional neurosurgery and stereotactic procedure

Thematik des neurochirurgischen Kurses

  1. Einleitung: Geschichte der Neurochirurgie, fundamentale Neuroanatomie, Grundlagen der Untersuchung des neurochirurgischen Patienten
  2. Grundlagen der bild-darstellenden Diagnostik (neuroimaging), sowohl morphologische als auch funktionelle Diagnostik
  3. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung des Hydrocephalus und des erhöhten intrakraniellen Druckes
  4. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung von Hirn(Schädel)- und Rückenmark-(Wirbelsäule)Trauma
  5. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung von gutmütigen Hirn Tumoren
  6. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung von Rückenmark Tumoren
  7. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung degenerativer Wirbelsäule-Krankheiten
  8. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung von Hirnschlag
  9. Diagnostik und operative (mikrochirurgische und/oder endovaskuläre) Behandlung von intrazerebralen vaskulären Mißbildungen
  10. Pediatrische Neurochirurgie
  11. Neurochirurgische Behandlung von Schmerzzuständen, erhöhte Spastizität, pathologische Bewegungsformen
  12. Chirurgische Behandlung der Epilepsie
  13. Diagnostik und chirurgische Behandlung der peripheren Nerven, und infekziöser Zuständen
  14. Schriftliche Prüfung