Dr. Zoltán Benyó
Doctoral Council, President

15 June 1967, Budapest

1992-1995 Fellowship at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1995-2000 assistant lecturer
2000-2006 senior lecturer
2006-2010 associate professor
2008-2010 deputy director
2010- professor, director

Further memberships and engagements

2006- Executive committee member of the Hungarian Physiological Society
2007-2010 Secretary of juniors and member of the presidency of the Hungarian Physiological Society
2007-2010 Secretary of the Hungarian Humboldt Association
2007- member of Semmelweis University’s Evaluation Committee of the Rector’s project proposals
2008-2010 member of Semmelweis University’s Habilitation Committee
2008- member of Semmelweis University’s Committee on Animal Research
2009 member of the Physiology Committee of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
2009-2012 member of the jury for research proposals in experimental medical sciences
2010-2013 representative of Semmelweis University in the MEDINE2 (Medical Education in Europe 2) Erasmus Academic Network
2011-2016 chairman of Semmelweis University’s Social and Equal Opportunities Committee (Faculty of Medicine)
2011-2015 Secretary of the Theoretical Medicine Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2013-2015 chairman of Semmelweis University’s Committee for Students with Disabilities
2013-2016 member of Semmelweis University’s Educational and Credit Committee (Faculty of Medicine)
2013-2019 member of Semmelweis University’s Educational and Credit Committee (Doctoral School)
2014- chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Physiological Foundation
2014- program leader of Semmelweis University’s Theoretical and Translational Dotoral Division
2018- chairman of Semmelweis University’s Social and Equal Opportunities Committee
2019- representative of the general assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2019- member of Semmelweis University’s Habilitation Committee
2019- president of Semmelweis University’s Doctoral Council
2022- Head of the HUN-REN-SU Cerebrovascular and Neurocognitive Diseases Research Group
2023- President of the National Doctoral Council
2023- President of the Hungarian Physiological Society


  • 1985 high school diploma, Mihály Fazekas High School
  • 1992 Doctor of Medicine (summa cum laude) at Semmelweis University of Medicine  Title of thesis: “The role of endogenous opiates in the regulation of arterial blood pressure and cerebral blood flow”

Scientific titles

  • 1998 candidate of medical sciences (PhD) Title of the thesis: “Role of opioid peptides, nitric oxide and their interactions in the cardiovascular system”
  • 2006 doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    Title of the doctoral thesis: “The role and interactions of local regualting mechanisms in the physiological and pathophysiological processes of the circulatory system”
  • 2008 Dr. med. habil. (Semmelweis University)


English and German

Study tours abroad:

  • 1990-91 Cerebrovascular Research Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA (Prof. M. Reivich és Prof. Kovách A.)
  • 1992 Department of Animal Physiology, University of Groningen, Hollandia (Prof. B. Bohus és Prof. P.G.M. Luiten)
  • 1995-98 Department of Physiology, Ludwig Maximilians University, München, Németország (Prof. M. Wahl)
  • 2002-2006 Institute of Pharmacology, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg, Németország (Prof. S. Offermanns)

Awards and fellowship grants:

1989 Rector’s project proposal 1st prize
1989, 1990 1st and 2nd place at the Students’ Scientific Conference of Semmelweis University of Medicine, 1st prize at the competition of the Healthy Veins Foundation
1995-1997 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2 years)
1997-1998 Hungarian State Scholarship (7 months)
1998-2001 Bolyai Research Fellowship (3 years)
1999 2nd prize at Sigma’s young researchers competition
2000 Richter Gedeon Research Prize
2001-2002 Békésy György Postdoctoral Fellowship
2003-2004. Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2 years)
2006 Excellent Teacher of Students’ Scientific Association
2011 Jubileumi OTDK Emlékérem
2021 Huzella Tivadar Memorial Medal and Award

Main areas of research

Physiology and pathophysiology of the circulatory system.
The regulation of cerebral blood circulation.
Signaling processes of the endothelium and smooth muscles.
Physiology and pathophysiology of the lower urinary tract.
Physiological and pathophysiological functions of lipid mediators in the circulatory system.
The regulation of tumour angiogenesis.

Research grants attained as project leader

1994 OTKA W 015186 Young researchers supported by the World Bank (15,400 USD)
1994-97 OTKA F 013241 “The role of nitrogen monoxide free radical synthetase in the regulation of cerebrovascular smooth muscle tone” (1,800K HUF)
1999 Device donation from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (58,000 DEM)
1999 University research grant (500K HUF)
1999 OTKA P31612 Publication grant (55K HUF)
1999-2000 ETT 141/1999 “The role and interactions of local regualtory factors in the cerebral vascular system” (1,280K HUF)
1999-2001 OTKA F 029801 “Paracrine regualtion of cerebral vascular tone and blood flow” (4,500K HUF)
2000 University research grant (1,400K HUF)
2000-2001 MÖB-DAAD 60/2000 “Paracrine regualtion of cerebral vascular tone and blood flow” Hungarian-German research exchange program (600K HUF + 20,800 DEM)
2000-2002 FKFP 0518/2000 “The role and interactions of endothelial and neural factors in the regulation of cerebral blood flow” (3,000K HUF)
2001-2003 ETT 141/1999 “Interactions of cerebral vasoregulatory mechanisms” (3,000K HUF)
2002-2005 OTKA T 037386 “The role and interactions of the reaction pathways of heme oxygenase and nitrogen monoxide synthetase in the regulation of cerebral blood flow” (9,600K HUF)
2006-2010 OTKA K 62375 “The physiological and pathophysiological roles of the PUMA-G receptor in cerebral blood flow.” ( 17,630K HUF)
2006-2010 European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) and SERVIER “G protein mediated signalling pathways and vascular NADPH oxidases in the development of diabetes-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction.” (100,000 EUR)
2007 University research grant (1,800K HUF)
2008-2009 NKTH-OTKA H07-BEL 74286 “The role of G proteins in the regulation of smooth muscle functions of the urinary bladder” (12,401K HUF)
2009-2011 ETT 429/2009 ” The molecular basis of pathologiacal cerebral vasomotion.” (4,500K HUF)
2009-2012 NKTH 2009ALAP1-01298/2009 “The role of G proteins in the regulation of cerebral vascular functions (EMBO SDIG)” (45,000K HUF)
2012-2015 OTKA K 101775 “Signalling pathways of thromboxane receptors in vascular smooth muscle” (28,862K HUF)
2015-2018 OTKA K 112964 “Vascular effects of sphingolipid mediators” (29,808K HUF)
2016-2019 VEKOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00005 “The study of the endothelial effects of nanoparticles and their in vivo distribution by multimode imaging devices” (295,000K HUF)
2017-2019 NVKP_16-1-2016-0042 “Increasing the efficiency of electromagnetic tumour therapy device, its launch on the market and and its preparation for for introduction to oncological therapy” (Total for the projects: 1,655,528K HUF, out of which Semmelweis University’s grant: 898,556K HUF)
2017-2021 OTKA K 125174 “The physiological and pathophysiological functions of lysophosphatidic acid in the circulatory system” (48,000K HUF)
2021-2025 OTKA K 139230 “Cellular and molecular mechanisms of the vascular effects of anaphylatoxins and their role in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm” (48,000 HUF)

Membership in editorial boards

Physiology International (Acta Physiologica Hungarica)
Orvosi Hetilap (Medical Weekly)

Reviewer at the following scientific journals

Physiology International (Acta Physiologica Hungarica)
Brain Research Bulletin
British Journal of Pharmacology
Current Medicinal Chemistry
Neuroscience Letters
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Journal of Neuroscience Research

Reviewer at the following scientific associations

Diabetes UK
Magyar Ösztöndíj Bizottság (Hungarian Scholarship Committee)
National Heart Foundation of New Zealand