2 years (4 semesters) - full time
MSc / Master of Science (APN)
3750 EUR / semester + one time fees
English language
120 credits
Faculty of Health Sciences (ETK)
Entry requirements: Entrance exam: English language, BSN
Application starts: 10 February 2025
Application deadline: 31 Jul, 2025
Notification period: within 3 weeks after the exam
Nursing MSc

Master’s level nurses characterise the health status of the population, formulate problems, priorities and aims in public health. They conduct research and analyse technical literature, interpret the results of modern statistical methods, perform tasks of organisation and management related to the nursing process. They are able to perform human resource management tasks related to nursing. The Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) MSc program focuses on Primary and Community Health Care and Nursing.

Career opportunities: in the Primary Care Centre, Occupational Health Centre, Home Nursing Service, Nursing Homes, Hospice Care, or in the traditional places of specialized health care: Hospitals and Clinics.

Graduates of the Nursing MSc can continue their studies at the Ph.D. level.

Interested? Contact us!

Entry requirements: entrance examination
Language requirements
Training overview

The first year covers the general aspects of the training: basic clinical knowledge, modern nursing interventions, clinical diagnostics and decision-making, as well as therapeutic knowledge, while the second year contains more specific disciplines like family medicine, community nursing, health care management, infant and pediatric nursing, dietotherapy. 

The Nursing MSc thesis is formally processed in the final year of the training. The thesis topic needs to be declared by the beginning of the second  semester at the latest. The training is finished by written, practical and oral Final Exams.

⇒ See modules and credits (pdf) 

Wide range of study fields

Health promotion-Health education, Health Informatics, Chronic Diseases, Family planning, Antenatal care, Preventive Pediatrics, Multiculturalism-Transcultural Nursing, Place and Relationships of the APN in the Healthcare, Complex Rehabilitation, Pharmacology, Scientific Research and Biostatistics, Acute diseases, Clinical Diagnosis and Decision Making, Clinical Practice, Community Nursing – Modern Nursing Interventions, ECG basics, Communication in Health Care, Health Care Management – Project Management, Healthcare Law, Nursing Management and Leadership, Health ethics, Nursing Ethics, Community Project Practice, Nursing Education in Clinical Practice.

Recognition of the Degree

The Nursing MSc program meets international standards and the educational requirements of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB). The obtained Nursing MSc degree is subject to automatic recognition in the European Union, so you can start working with it immediately after graduation. Outside of Europe, there may be specific rules for the recognition of qualifications, which are required by individual countries. It is advisable to check what kind of validation the target country prescribes to fully accept the degree.

Why choose Semmelweis University?
  • The training is held in small group classes, and the students' individual progress is supported by the Mentor-system.
  • The Faculty has extensive international connections in the field of nursing.
  • The professors have thorough knowledge, domestic and international practice in the field of nursing and community nursing.
  • The Faculty is located in the heart of Budapest, in modern educational buildings and in well-equipped skill labs. The practice-oriented training in clinics takes place under the supervision of tutors.

How to apply?

Application criteria and Required documents
Fees and costs of the application and enrollment procedure
Enrollment procedure step-by-step

Why Semmelweis?

Aliz Zsótér, Faculty of Health Sciences

1 / 10

"My mother is an obstetrician and due to her influence I have been interested in how the human body works since I was child. I flipped through the anatomy atlas frequently, I was curious all the time. There was no question that I would choose the medical field, and within that, it was the physiotherapy program that immediately appealed to me. As I near the end of my studies, I remain sure I made the right decision: the high quality of the education and the family-like atmosphere of the Faculty of Health Sciences convinced me."

Félix Takács, Faculty of Medicine

2 / 10

"I’ve known since elementary school that I was going to be a doctor, so there was no question that I wanted to study at the country’s most prestigious medical university. I am proud to be able to learn from the best in the profession, without having to forgo the joys of music or sports in the meantime. I almost immediately joined the Medic Orchestra, where I play the flute, but I would also like to perform well in the university’s basketball team."

Máté Tóth, Faculty of Dentistry

3 / 10

"Dentistry for me is a lifestyle. It combines healing with engineering science. I can design and create something while at the same time helping people. It fills me with pride that during my studies I came across many articles, books and publications linked to the university. It was the most defining five years of my life."

Márk Fábián, Faculty of Pharmacy

4 / 10

"The country’s best, world-renowned pharmacist training is here, where in addition to high-quality education there are also opportunities for individual research. I am a member of the Frigyes Korányi College for Advanced Studies and in my second year I joined the students’ scientific association program of the university, thus I was able to get a look at the profession before my resident training or PhD studies. The research projects give you an opportunity to acquire a lot of added skills, which provide a competitive edge on the job market."

Melitta Molnár, Faculty of Health and Public Services

5 / 10

"I was always interested in how the health care system worked. I would like to contribute to improving the quality of patient care in Hungary, that is why I chose the Faculty of Health and Public Administration. I am very satisfied, the professors here are helpful and despite this being a small faculty, the training is very high quality. My plan is to gain a few years of professional experience before starting the Master’s program, also at Semmelweis."

Dóra Dénes, András Pető Faculty

6 / 10

"I’ve always wanted to work someplace where I can help people, and I was immediately interested in the András Pető Faculty’s conductor training program. I like that I can help others using a Hungarian method that is sought-after and well-known worldwide. The faculty’s training is very practice-oriented, as we applied the skills that we learned in theory already in the first week of the first year. The fact that I can be assured in my professional skills gives me self-confidence."

Bence Áron Benedikti, Faculty of Dentistry

7 / 10

"The past three years have proven that I made the right choice after graduating high school. Semmelweis was a good choice not only because of the institution’s name and reputation but also because of the exceptionally strong and high-quality practical training it provides. The knowledge I gain here will allow me to practice my profession with confidence once I get my diploma. I am primarily interested in oral surgery, which is an exciting field full of challenges, plus I will have an opportunity to perform operations, which is something that I have always wanted to do."

Jennifer Adeghate, Faculty of Medicine

8 / 10

"Semmelweis University offers lots of opportunities for students, including research, working in the Students’ Scientific Association or volunteering. I learned a lot and made a lot of progress in the years I spent here, and I believe that everyone can get something out of this university. I am proud to have gotten my diploma here."

Ernest Adeghate, Faculty of Medicine

9 / 10

"Semmelweis University is a world-class institution, I loved studying here. In addition to gaining extensive knowledge and comprehensive skills in the medical field, I became a real adult while I was here in Hungary, while I also made lifelong friends within the walls of the university."

Anna Lili Szirmák-Valent, Faculty of Health Sciences

10 / 10

"I originally wanted to be an actress but when I had to finally decide I realized that it is health care that I am interested in. From there it was a simple choice, as for me being an obstetrician is one of the best professions among those that help people. It is a job where I can definitely be a useful member of society and one that will be in demand in the decades to come as well. I like studying at Semmelweis University, I love the atmosphere of the Faculty building, and it is good feeling going to classes here. I am very excited to start my clinical practice."