6 years (12 semesters) - full time
Doctor of General Medicine MD / One-tier MSc
9600 USD / semester + one time fees
English language
360 credits
Faculty of Medicine (ÁOK)
Entry requirements: Entrance exam of Biology, Chemistry, English, Biomedical English
Application starts: February 2024
Application deadline: 31 May, 2024
Notification period: Within 2 weeks after the exam
General Medicine

Doctors of General Medicine are concerned with the structure and function of the human body, the description of diseases and the therapies and research applied. They diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses, while being an integral part of health care and medical prevention.

After graduation, a Doctor of General Medicine can enter a specialist training program and/or join a doctoral program in medical research. Doctors primarily work in a clinical environment, such as doctor’s offices, hospitals, and clinics; while non-clinical options include research institutions, public health system, or even health administration.

Interested? Contact us!

Entry requirements: written and oral exams

Semmelweis University puts a great emphasis on selecting outstanding applicants for enrollment and training. Therefore, we persist on undertaking complex entrance examinations composed of written tests and personal interviews, which allow us to reliably evaluate the knowledge, skills, motivation and personality of the applicants.


The written part of the entrance examination at Semmelweis University is carried out using the online Moodle interface. Applicants can take the online tests using their own computers at home.

The written examination is an online test in Medical Biology, Medical Chemistry, General English and Biomedical English. Each part consists of 20 questions.


The personal interview, which focuses on the applicant’s professional attitude, affinity and motivation towards medical sciences, as well as on their communication skills in English and it also includes an oral examination to measure the applicant’s knowledge in the above disciplines.

The interviews including the oral exam will take place after the written tests. They will be held in person or online via the Zoom platform.. Applicants will be notified in a timely manner of the offline or online nature of each interview so that they can prepare.

When and where

Exams will be held regularly, once or twice a week from early March until the end of June. The exact dates and times will be provided to the applicants having submitted their application(s) in the University’s online application system SEMAPHOR. Final details and instructions regarding a specific exam will be sent to our applicants having signed up to the particular exam.

Read more (subjects, recommended books, sample tests, etc.) →  


Required language proficiency

While obtaining a language certificate is not required, we expect students to speak and understand the English language at an upper intermediate level. This means that the applicant should possess the skills to express themselves fluently and spontaneously enough to comfortably communicate with other English speakers and produce clear, detailed text on many subjects and explain a complex viewpoint on a topic, including expressing advantages and disadvantages.

The applicant’s proficiency is gauged through the written tests and an interview in English language.

Please refer to the below list for the required language proficiency equivalence for different grading methods:

  • IELTS 5.5
  • TOEFL 50+
  • CEFR B2
  • Cambridge 162+

In addition to the above mentioned, basic knowledge in biomedical English is also required to pass the entrance examination. This refers to terminology used in natural sciences such as biology and chemistry.

Check the level equivalence here →

Training overview

The theoretical module (years 1-2) contains the basic disciplines: medical chemistry, cell science, biophysics, molecular and cell biology, anatomy, histology, embryology, physiology. The pre-clinical year (year 3) contains pathology, pathophysiology, microbiology, immunology. The clinical module (years 4-5) contain the entire spectrum of clinical disciplines taught in small-group block rotations. Behavioral science-based subjects (e.g., Introduction to medical practice, Ethics, Medical psychology, etc.) are taught throughout the medical training.

The final, 6th year of the medical training is the internship year that focuses on the major clinical disciplines: internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, OB-GYN, neurology, psychiatry. In addition, there are small blocks involving transfusion medicine, infectology, emergency care and family medicine.

The medical thesis is formally processed in the final year of the training. The thesis topic needs to be declared by the beginning of the internship year the latest, and submitted by the middle of the school year (in January). However, we encourage our students to declare the thesis topic earlier, and we provide opportunities to use student-research experience and results towards their theses.

The entire medical training is finalized by written and oral State Exams. The written exam is coordinated by the National State Examination Committee. The oral state exams are done in front of a committee that comprises renowned instructors and examiners in each of the major internship-year clinical subjects. 

⇒ See modules, credits and exams (pdf)

Recognition of the Degree

Our medical diploma is recognized around the globe. Semmelweis University is currently under the WFME accreditation process (World Federation of Medical Education). Read more →

Why study medicine at Semmelweis University?
  • Block-based clinical rotations, combination of classical medical training with cutting-edge, novel educational approaches
  • Strong ground in fundamental principles, involving practical experience in anatomical and pathological autopsies
  • Extensive hands-on medical practical elements combined with strong theoretical background
  • Small-group clinical training with elements of shadowing
  • Medicine taught by instructors of international renown, student research program guided by internationally recognized scientists
  • Counseling and mentoring to assist in learning and student well-being
  • Elective final-year course that bridges into the residency program

How to apply?

Application criteria and Required documents

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age by the end of the calendar year of application, and preferably under the age of 30.

Applicants are requested to either have completed high school/senior secondary school before the time of application, or to currently attend the last year of high school/secondary school. In the latter case, the Matriculation / School Leaving Certificate has to be uploaded into the University's online application system SEMAPHOR by the 21st of August the year of application.

Semmelweis University seeks students who possess a strong background and interest in natural sciences (particularly in biology and chemistry), a good command of English, and a strong motivation to study and practice medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences or other health care professions. Our English language programs are fundamentally available for applicants having no Hungarian citizenship as the Hungarian citizens are eligible to apply for the Hungarian language programs through FELVI.


The following documents are required to be uploaded (original, or as certified copies, in English or in the original language with a certified English translation).

  1. Matriculation / School Leaving Certificate from an accredited high school / senior secondary school. Registration number of documents should be indicated. Those who have not yet received this certificate can also submit their application and take the entrance examination. The final deadline for uploading the Matriculation Certificate is the - 6 - 21 st of August.
  2. CV (Resume) in English.
  3. A personal statement (motivation letter)
  4. Copy of passport (or ID card for citizens of Schengen Area member countries) with your personal data.
  5. Passport photo.
  6. Medical Certificate – to be uploaded when accepting the offered admission: Certification that the applicant is physically and mentally able to complete higher educational studies, and does not suffer from chronic or infectious diseases is requested from the successful applicants for the acceptance of an offered admission. The certificate downloaded from the University’s website should be issued within 90 days before the date of uploading.

Click here to view the Rules and Principles for Application and Admission →

The applicant who violates the rules of the application / admission procedure defined here and/or makes a false statement during the application / admission procedure may be excluded from the procedure at any stage.

Fees and costs of the application and enrollment procedure

Admission Procedure Fee: USD 400
The Admission Procedure Fee is payable upon application.

Deposit: USD 2 000 - deducted from the first semester’s tuition fee.
Applicants admitted to the university have to pay a non-refundable deposit within 14 days after the notification of admittance. 

Enrollment fee: USD 230
The enrollment fee is payable together with the tuition fee after acceptance.

Read more about how and where can you settle your payments →

Enrollment procedure step-by-step
  1. Arrive at Semmelweis University Basic Science Center at the date and time received via e-mail.
  2. Read and fill out documents provided by the enrollment team.
  3. Submit required documents.
  4. Register for subjects at the pre-determined time and date provided via e-mail.

Why Semmelweis?

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"My mother is an obstetrician and due to her influence I have been interested in how the human body works since I was child. I flipped through the anatomy atlas frequently, I was curious all the time. There was no question that I would choose the medical field, and within that, it was the physiotherapy program that immediately appealed to me. As I near the end of my studies, I remain sure I made the right decision: the high quality of the education and the family-like atmosphere of the Faculty of Health Sciences convinced me."

Aliz Zsótér, Faculty of Health Sciences
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"I’ve known since elementary school that I was going to be a doctor, so there was no question that I wanted to study at the country’s most prestigious medical university. I am proud to be able to learn from the best in the profession, without having to forgo the joys of music or sports in the meantime. I almost immediately joined the Medic Orchestra, where I play the flute, but I would also like to perform well in the university’s basketball team."

Félix Takács, Faculty of Medicine
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"Dentistry for me is a lifestyle. It combines healing with engineering science. I can design and create something while at the same time helping people. It fills me with pride that during my studies I came across many articles, books and publications linked to the university. It was the most defining five years of my life."

Máté Tóth, Faculty of Dentistry
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"The country’s best, world-renowned pharmacist training is here, where in addition to high-quality education there are also opportunities for individual research. I am a member of the Frigyes Korányi College for Advanced Studies and in my second year I joined the students’ scientific association program of the university, thus I was able to get a look at the profession before my resident training or PhD studies. The research projects give you an opportunity to acquire a lot of added skills, which provide a competitive edge on the job market."

Márk Fábián, Faculty of Pharmacy
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"I was always interested in how the health care system worked. I would like to contribute to improving the quality of patient care in Hungary, that is why I chose the Faculty of Health and Public Administration. I am very satisfied, the professors here are helpful and despite this being a small faculty, the training is very high quality. My plan is to gain a few years of professional experience before starting the Master’s program, also at Semmelweis."

Melitta Molnár, Faculty of Health and Public Services
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"I’ve always wanted to work someplace where I can help people, and I was immediately interested in the András Pető Faculty’s conductor training program. I like that I can help others using a Hungarian method that is sought-after and well-known worldwide. The faculty’s training is very practice-oriented, as we applied the skills that we learned in theory already in the first week of the first year. The fact that I can be assured in my professional skills gives me self-confidence."

Dóra Dénes, András Pető Faculty
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"The past three years have proven that I made the right choice after graduating high school. Semmelweis was a good choice not only because of the institution’s name and reputation but also because of the exceptionally strong and high-quality practical training it provides. The knowledge I gain here will allow me to practice my profession with confidence once I get my diploma. I am primarily interested in oral surgery, which is an exciting field full of challenges, plus I will have an opportunity to perform operations, which is something that I have always wanted to do."

Bence Áron Benedikti, Faculty of Dentistry
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"Semmelweis University offers lots of opportunities for students, including research, working in the Students’ Scientific Association or volunteering. I learned a lot and made a lot of progress in the years I spent here, and I believe that everyone can get something out of this university. I am proud to have gotten my diploma here."

Jennifer Adeghate, Faculty of Medicine
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"Semmelweis University is a world-class institution, I loved studying here. In addition to gaining extensive knowledge and comprehensive skills in the medical field, I became a real adult while I was here in Hungary, while I also made lifelong friends within the walls of the university."

Ernest Adeghate, Faculty of Medicine
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"I originally wanted to be an actress but when I had to finally decide I realized that it is health care that I am interested in. From there it was a simple choice, as for me being an obstetrician is one of the best professions among those that help people. It is a job where I can definitely be a useful member of society and one that will be in demand in the decades to come as well. I like studying at Semmelweis University, I love the atmosphere of the Faculty building, and it is good feeling going to classes here. I am very excited to start my clinical practice."

Anna Lili Szirmák-Valent, Faculty of Health Sciences
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"In high school I got to like biology and chemistry but I didn’t want to go too deep into pharmaceutical sciences. I am going to be a public health supervisor and my career is taking clearer shape from day to day. Semmelweis University is an elite higher education institution, which is definitely an advantage on the job market. Whenever people ask me, I am proud to say the name of the institution, and it feels good to see the appreciation in their eyes. In addition to my studies, I am also the president of the faculty’s students’ union, and I am also active in the Instructor Self-Active Group. For me, it was important that the university I choose to go to should have a very active community life."

Cintia Szabó, Faculty of Health Sciences
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"Until the end of the eighth grade I was just drifting aimlessly, I wasn’t interested in anything just playing football all day. The turning point came when I had knee surgery in my teens. The empathy and professionalism of the doctor who operated on me impressed me immensely, and I felt this was what I had to do as well. The University of Szeged would have been a more logical choice, but to my immense luck, the Roma Medical Education Program was just starting at Semmelweis University, so I had an opportunity to get into an internationally renowned elite institution. The training program is very difficult, we have to study a lot, but my plan is to become a family doctor once I get my diploma. I would like to help in areas where Roma live, where medical care is limited or entirely missing."

Gusztáv Rostás, Faculty of Medicine
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"Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve gotten along well with the kids who lived near me, but a career as a traditional teacher never really appealed to me. However, at the András Pető Faculty of Semmelweis University I can get a special diploma that only few people in the world have. Within conductor training, I chose a specialization in kindergarten education, because I believe it is in this life stage that I can help disabled children most effectively. During my practice I witnessed marvelous improvements, which is an indescribable feeling that always gives me new momentum to continue my work."

Emese Pongrácz, András Pető Faculty