Allostasis is defined as the body’s ability to maintain internal stability through external changes by modifying the parameters of the neuro-, hormone- and immune system and metabolism.

When recurrent or intense stress is constantly accompanied by increased strain and tension, allostatic overload (AO) occurs, which may cause heart attack, cancer and metabolic diseases, and may result in behaviors harmful to health.

The authors examined the stress overload was caused by the coronavirus epidemic and the restrictive measures in a population of healthy adults performing regular, 20-30 minute-long, moderate intensity aerobic exercises. In 29% of the respondents allostatic overload was diagnosed.

“Additional stressors and anxiety further increased the likelihood of developing AO. The prevalence of allostatic overload was lower in those, who practiced regular physical exercise, at least 3-5 times a week. The appearance of symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety were also lower, while both physical and mental well-being were higher”, said Dr. Ajándék Eőry, senior lecturer of the Department of Family Medicine about the research results.

Physical Exercise as a Resilience Factor to Mitigate COVID-Related Allostatic Overload
Eöry A., Békési D., Eöry A., Rózsa S.
Psychother Psychosom 2021;90:200–206