sebeszetidiakolimpia-450x300Seven students represented Semmelweis University at the International Surgical Competition in Moscow organized by First Moscow Sechenov Medical University (MSMU). The team consisted of three Hungarian and four foreign students, who were invited to participate in the event by the organisers, without entering a formal competition. The leader of the Hungarian team was Dr. Andrea Dorottya Székely, Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology; and the practical preparation of the team was supported by Dr. Krisztina Juhos, PhD student at the Department of Surgical Research and Techniques.

The delegation was made up of the finalists of a home competition organized by the Department of Surgical Research and Techniques: Luca Major, Cintia Nagy, Tamás Varga, Bianca Slotfeldt, Amir Tafesh, Skjalg Remme and Tiago Grohmann Pereira.18.-moszkvai-záró-Prof-Kinkulkina-dékánasszony

According to Dr. Andrea Dorottya Székely, and in accordance with Dr. Ágoston Szél, Rector, First Moscow Sechenov Medical University and Semmelweis University will examine the possible ways of cooperation in the future. 

One of the members of the team posted some information about the preparation for the competition on her blog. You can read more on the link.

Péter Pogrányi
Source: Dr. Andrea Dorottya Székely

Translation: Katalin Romhányi