A new online service is available for Semmelweis University researchers following the initiative of the Directorate of Innovation and the Central Library. In-Part creates direct links between university researchers and industry partners, offers new opportunities for collaboration and supports research work with up-to-date academic and market information.

In-Part is an exclusive online platform which interconnects universities and industrial research and development (R&D) players. 272 universities are present on the platform from all around the world, including the University of Cambridge, MIT, Columbia University and the University of Vienna.  Industrialists are represented by more than 5,400 companies and 8,000 decision-makers – said András Balogh, head of the Directorate of Innovation.

On the English online interface, research teams can present their results in a one-page executive summary (one-pager). The essence of the system’s operation is that it is possible to perform thematic search through the uploaded data based on keywords, and it is also possible to make targeted contacts. For example, if research needs some additional expertise, it can be easily and quickly found through the system.

The platform includes a so-called smart matching algorithm that recognizes similar technologies and matches the technology players. In 2017, the system completed one thousand pairings, in 75% of which cooperation started between the partners. In-Part also has a proactive Industry Call for Opportunities (ICO) feature that allows industry players and universities to search for partners for future projects.

András Balogh said that the aim of the Directorate of Innovation by joining the system, besides international relationship-building, is to have a database within the university where all currently active research teams can be accessed in one place. The database can be accessed via the Directorate of Innovation (innovacio@semmelweis-univ-hu).


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Photo (illustration): Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University; In-Part
Translation: Diána Módos