The Semmelweis Health Day on 29 April offered an insight into the therapy of the most common musculosceletal diseases and the work routine of physiotherapists and sport medicine specialists. Health Day provided opportunity for online consultation and for a short workout after every presentation. More than 2,000 people registered for 21 presentations.

The specialists of the Department of Orthopedics, Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Sport Medicine and Health Development Center of Semmelweis University prepared a wide variety of presentations in various fields for the event focusing on health education. The presentations about knee pain in adults and physiotherapy as a way of prevention and treatment of shoulder ailments were followed by many. More than 200 people signed up for the program “Core exercises for preventing waist problems”.

Our main goal was to organize presentations, discussions and consultations which can provide patients with useful information and to emphasize the importance of collaboration within related medical fields.

– added dr. Tamás Terebessy, professor of the Department of Orthopaedics.

The department’s physicians introduced the most common musculosceletal diseases and the following topics: knee pain, hip replacement procedure, modern shoulder surgery, treatment of limb deformities, diagnostic techniques of disabled children, orthopedic surgery and conductive development.

The experts of the Department of Sport Medicine of the Heart and Vascular Center gave introductory presentations on various topics including exercise physiology, overtraining, the role of iron deficiency and sudden cardiac death.

The talks of the Department of Physiotherapy emphasized the importance of physical exercise in treating knee pain in children and adolescents. The following presentation illustrated the physiotherapy of patients with hip replacement and gave an insight into the world of parasport.

The interactive presentations of the Health Development Center touched on issues including factors that influence health and the negative effects of sedentary jobs. They also gave advice on how to prevent musculosceletal diseases and how we should set up a home office environment. The lectures were followed by simple exercises that could be done at home. The audience had the chance to join in an exercise treating waist problems at home in front of their computer screens.  

The upcoming event of the Semmelweis Health Days series will focus on topics related to dentistry and otorhinolaryngology.

Orsolya Dávid
Photo: Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University
Translation: Norbert Lukács