Semmelweis University puts a great emphasis on selecting outstanding applicants for enrollment and training. Therefore, we persist on undertaking complex entrance examinations composed of written tests and personal interviews, which allow us to reliably evaluate the knowledge, skills, motivation and personality of the applicants.

Exams will be held regularly, once or twice a week from early March until the end of June. The exact dates and times will be provided to the applicants having submitted their application(s) in SEMAPHOR online application system. Final details and instructions regarding a specific exam will be sent to our applicants having signed up to the particular exam.

Written exams

The written part of the entrance examination at Semmelweis University is carried out using the online Moodle interface as follows. Applicants can take the online tests using their own computers at home.

Written tests in Medical Biology, Medical Chemistry, General English and Biomedical English are taken online using the University’s educational platform (Moodle) at the announced dates before the interviews.

    • Each test consists of 20 questions, which have to be answered in the given order.
    • One answer option is correct at each question.
    • Correct answer is worth one point for each question. Fragment points are subtracted for incorrect answers proportionally.
    • Marked answer options can be modified until entering the answer and proceeding to the next question.
    • The questions are asked one after another. They can be left unanswered but one cannot return to any earlier question, either answered or unanswered.
    • A calculator can be used during the test in Medical Chemistry.
    • Each test (Medical Biology, Medical Chemistry, General English and Biomedical English) must be completed in 20 minutes. If a test is completed in less than 20 minutes, the remaining time is not added to the time of another test.
    • The answers can be submitted once all questions have been asked, and the answers are submitted automatically after the 20-minute test period has elapsed.
    • Applicants are requested to stay alone in a room and stay connected to a Zoom video conference during their written exam, with their web camera and microphone turned on at all times.


The personal interview, which focuses on the applicant’s professional attitude, affinity and motivation towards medical sciences, as well as on their communication skills in English and it also includes an oral examination to measure the applicant’s knowledge in the above disciplines.

The interviews including the oral exam will take place at the announced dates after the written tests. The interview is conducted with personal attendance as a default, but online interviews are also available. Applicants will be notified in a timely manner of the offline or online nature of each interview so that they can prepare.

Main Specific Subjects for the Entrance Exams
for General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The main scientific fields covered by the exams are as follows:

  1. Evolution: chemical and biological aspects
  2. Chemical background in Biology: structure of atoms; chemical bonds; ionic compounds and molecules; solutions; types and energetics of chemical reactions; acid-base reactions; redox reactions; inorganic constituents of living organisms; hydrocarbons; organic compounds containing oxygen or sulfur; organic compounds containing nitrogen; carbohydrates; amino acids and proteins; lipids; vitamins; nucleic acids.
  3. The cell and its organization (morphology and function): Prokaryotes (bacteria) and Eukaryotes (focus on cilia and flagella, cell wall, cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, lysosome, mitochondrion, ribosome, centriole, nucleus, nucleolus).
  4. From cells to tissues of different structure and function.
  5. Cell division: mitosis and meiosis.
  6. Anabolic and catabolic pathways regarding nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (bioenergetics included).
  7. The physiology of living organisms: respiration, ingestion and digestion, excretion, circulation, endocrine and neural regulation, immune-biology, locomotion.
  8. Reproduction and development of animals.
  9. Viruses.
  10. Genetics: Mendelian inheritance, human genetics.

Note: Knowledge of English terminology is required in all of these areas!

Topics from Medical Biology and Medical chemistry (pdf) 

Recommended Textbooks
  • Ebbing-Gammon: General Chemistry (latest edition)
  • Stoker: General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (latest edition)
  • Solomon-Martin-Martin-Berg: Biology (latest edition)
  • Lodish: Molecular Cell Biology (latest edition)

Sample tests

You have the opportunity to try the sample version of the online written test as follows.

After login please choose ‘Sample Test for the Entrance Exam’ course in the left side menu.

username: Sample-user
password: Test#1769
username: Entrance-test
password: Test#1769
username: Entrance-exam-test
password: Test#1969

Please note that the sample test as well as the exam tests have been configured so that they can only be attempted using the Safe Exam Browser. Safe Exam Browser must be installed on your computer (laptop or desktop) from the Moodle page of the tests, and can only be run with up to one display (internal or external monitor). Candidates are kindly requested to prepare the appropriate hardware and software setup before taking the written test of the entrance exam. Further details will be sent in the invitation letter about a week before the exam.


The applicants’ performance at the entrance examinations is evaluated by the Admission Committee of the University. The Board makes decisions regarding admissions on the basis of the skills, knowledge and attitude judged by the performance at the entrance examination and by the former scientific record of the applicants revealed by the documents attached to their applications. The University’s strategic aims, including those regarding geographical and cultural diversity and gender balance are also considered.


Applicants have to register (sign up) for the entrance examinations in SEMAPHOR after having submitted a valid application (and paid the Admission Procedure Fee). Registrations can only be withdrawn before the deadline for registration to the given examination. The absence of a registered applicant at the entrance examination is not considered as the withdrawal of registration but as an examination attended without valuable result.