World-class education with 250 years of tradition

Semmelweis University is the oldest medical university in Hungary with 250 years of experience in the field of biomedical sciences and in training physicians, dentists and pharmacists. Today, students of this long-established university have the opportunity to acquire hands-on and up-to-date knowledge from the most distinguished professors in an inspiring environment equipped with state-of the-art technological solutions.

Semmelweis University is built on the trinity of education, research and health care, making it an internationally renowned centre of excellence. Training programs →

Widely recognized degrees and competitive knowledge

Semmelweis graduates are highly appreciated in the job market worldwide. Hungarian medical and health sciences degrees are recognized all over the European Union, which enables holders of the degrees to practice in all member countries without taking further exams.

Based on our previous experiences, graduates of Semmelweis University also achieve excellent results in countries, such as the USA, Japan and Israel, where licensing examinations are required.

Practice and patients in focus

Semmelweis University’s international reputation was founded by its outstanding level of theoretical and practical education. The acquisition of practical skills is done in small groups, which creates a solid basis for the establishment of close student-teacher relationships. Semmelweis University is one of Hungary’s largest health care providers; its four clinical centres accommodate nearly 40 departments where patient care, education and research go hand in hand. The university clinics operate at the highest level of progressivity, so students have a unique opportunity to encounter rare cases during clinical practices that they would not have the chance to deal with elsewhere.

40 years of experience in international education

German and English language programs have been available for four decades. German language programs have been run at Semmelweis University since 1983 while the English language program was founded in 1989.

The first two academic years are taught solely in English or German, however, participation in clinical practice requires that students acquire a certain level of Hungarian language skills to be able to communicate with patients. 

Multicultural environment, vibrant student life

Students from 5 continents study at Semmelweis University. The most represented countries are Germany, Norway and Iran, however there are students from Yemen, Mongolia or Vietnam as well.

The university’s cultural, scientific and sport events are open to Hungarian and international students, enabling them to socialise and feel at home as active members of a real multicultural community. One of the most important events is Semmelweis Carnival bringing together hundreds of students and offering insight into different cultures. 

Live in an exciting metropolis in Central Europe!

Semmelweis University is located in the centre of the Hungarian capital. Budapest is an exciting metropolis in the heart of Central Europe at the crossroads of past, present and future, offering a wide variety of cultural entertainment, tasty local food and vibrant nightlife.

Budapest is not only a cultural hub, but the home of several universities and colleges. Student life is centred around libraries, cafes and eateries during the day, while at night cinemas, theatres, bars, clubs and concert halls provide entertainment for all tastes. Studying and living in Budapest promises to be an experience of a lifetime.

Why Semmelweis University?

Why Semmelweis?

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"My mother is an obstetrician and due to her influence I have been interested in how the human body works since I was child. I flipped through the anatomy atlas frequently, I was curious all the time. There was no question that I would choose the medical field, and within that, it was the physiotherapy program that immediately appealed to me. As I near the end of my studies, I remain sure I made the right decision: the high quality of the education and the family-like atmosphere of the Faculty of Health Sciences convinced me."

Aliz Zsótér, Faculty of Health Sciences
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"I’ve known since elementary school that I was going to be a doctor, so there was no question that I wanted to study at the country’s most prestigious medical university. I am proud to be able to learn from the best in the profession, without having to forgo the joys of music or sports in the meantime. I almost immediately joined the Medic Orchestra, where I play the flute, but I would also like to perform well in the university’s basketball team."

Félix Takács, Faculty of Medicine
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"Dentistry for me is a lifestyle. It combines healing with engineering science. I can design and create something while at the same time helping people. It fills me with pride that during my studies I came across many articles, books and publications linked to the university. It was the most defining five years of my life."

Máté Tóth, Faculty of Dentistry
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"The country’s best, world-renowned pharmacist training is here, where in addition to high-quality education there are also opportunities for individual research. I am a member of the Frigyes Korányi College for Advanced Studies and in my second year I joined the students’ scientific association program of the university, thus I was able to get a look at the profession before my resident training or PhD studies. The research projects give you an opportunity to acquire a lot of added skills, which provide a competitive edge on the job market."

Márk Fábián, Faculty of Pharmacy
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"I was always interested in how the health care system worked. I would like to contribute to improving the quality of patient care in Hungary, that is why I chose the Faculty of Health and Public Administration. I am very satisfied, the professors here are helpful and despite this being a small faculty, the training is very high quality. My plan is to gain a few years of professional experience before starting the Master’s program, also at Semmelweis."

Melitta Molnár, Faculty of Health and Public Services
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"I’ve always wanted to work someplace where I can help people, and I was immediately interested in the András Pető Faculty’s conductor training program. I like that I can help others using a Hungarian method that is sought-after and well-known worldwide. The faculty’s training is very practice-oriented, as we applied the skills that we learned in theory already in the first week of the first year. The fact that I can be assured in my professional skills gives me self-confidence."

Dóra Dénes, András Pető Faculty
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"The past three years have proven that I made the right choice after graduating high school. Semmelweis was a good choice not only because of the institution’s name and reputation but also because of the exceptionally strong and high-quality practical training it provides. The knowledge I gain here will allow me to practice my profession with confidence once I get my diploma. I am primarily interested in oral surgery, which is an exciting field full of challenges, plus I will have an opportunity to perform operations, which is something that I have always wanted to do."

Bence Áron Benedikti, Faculty of Dentistry
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"Semmelweis University offers lots of opportunities for students, including research, working in the Students’ Scientific Association or volunteering. I learned a lot and made a lot of progress in the years I spent here, and I believe that everyone can get something out of this university. I am proud to have gotten my diploma here."

Jennifer Adeghate, Faculty of Medicine
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"Semmelweis University is a world-class institution, I loved studying here. In addition to gaining extensive knowledge and comprehensive skills in the medical field, I became a real adult while I was here in Hungary, while I also made lifelong friends within the walls of the university."

Ernest Adeghate, Faculty of Medicine
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"I originally wanted to be an actress but when I had to finally decide I realized that it is health care that I am interested in. From there it was a simple choice, as for me being an obstetrician is one of the best professions among those that help people. It is a job where I can definitely be a useful member of society and one that will be in demand in the decades to come as well. I like studying at Semmelweis University, I love the atmosphere of the Faculty building, and it is good feeling going to classes here. I am very excited to start my clinical practice."

Anna Lili Szirmák-Valent, Faculty of Health Sciences
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"In high school I got to like biology and chemistry but I didn’t want to go too deep into pharmaceutical sciences. I am going to be a public health supervisor and my career is taking clearer shape from day to day. Semmelweis University is an elite higher education institution, which is definitely an advantage on the job market. Whenever people ask me, I am proud to say the name of the institution, and it feels good to see the appreciation in their eyes. In addition to my studies, I am also the president of the faculty’s students’ union, and I am also active in the Instructor Self-Active Group. For me, it was important that the university I choose to go to should have a very active community life."

Cintia Szabó, Faculty of Health Sciences
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"Until the end of the eighth grade I was just drifting aimlessly, I wasn’t interested in anything just playing football all day. The turning point came when I had knee surgery in my teens. The empathy and professionalism of the doctor who operated on me impressed me immensely, and I felt this was what I had to do as well. The University of Szeged would have been a more logical choice, but to my immense luck, the Roma Medical Education Program was just starting at Semmelweis University, so I had an opportunity to get into an internationally renowned elite institution. The training program is very difficult, we have to study a lot, but my plan is to become a family doctor once I get my diploma. I would like to help in areas where Roma live, where medical care is limited or entirely missing."

Gusztáv Rostás, Faculty of Medicine
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"Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve gotten along well with the kids who lived near me, but a career as a traditional teacher never really appealed to me. However, at the András Pető Faculty of Semmelweis University I can get a special diploma that only few people in the world have. Within conductor training, I chose a specialization in kindergarten education, because I believe it is in this life stage that I can help disabled children most effectively. During my practice I witnessed marvelous improvements, which is an indescribable feeling that always gives me new momentum to continue my work."

Emese Pongrácz, András Pető Faculty