Semmelweis University has established eight separate prizes to recognise outstanding scientific and innovation activities.

Founded in 2009, the Semmelweis Budapest Award serves to recognise the achievements of an international researcher working in the field of medical biology, whose research activities have produced internationally acknowledged results, contributed to the benefit of humanity, and opened up new ways of understanding living natural science.
The Award Ceremony incorporating the awardee’s lecture takes place in November every year as part of a scientific meeting organised within the framework of Dies Academicus and the Hungarian Science Festival.

The Semmelweis Ignác Medal and Award recognises lifetime research achievement that has established a new school of thought, and is awarded through nomination. It can be awarded not only to Semmelweis citizens but also to researchers from other universities and health care institutions.

Founded in 1990, the Jendrassik and Huzella Medal and Awards aim to facilitate the development of disciplines based on specific research activities. The Jendrassik Medal is awarded to authors, whose publications in the past five years are based on individual clinical research, while the Huzella Medal is given to recognise research in the fields of theoretical medicine and medical biology presenting outstanding work at Semmelweis University. Recipients are chosen through an application process.

With the Hugonnai Vilma Medal and Award, established in 2010, Semmelweis University recognises the achievements of young female physician-researchers to encourage talent support and the development of the next generation of female scientists.

The Hári Mári Medal and Award was established in recognition of scientific teaching, research and innovation in the fields of conductive pedagogy and conductive training in education, social sciences and health sciences.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Gedeon Richter’s birth, the Richter Gedeon Medal and Award will be established in 2022 on the initiative of the working group coordinating the cooperation between Richter Gedeon Plc. and Semmelweis University.The aim of the prize is to recognise, honour and motivate outstanding scientific and innovative achievements in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

The Semmelweis Innovation Award aims to recognise the activities of researchers, doctoral candidates and doctoral students who have developed outstanding innovative scientific research results and solutions in the course of their research work related to the University.

The prize is a cash prize and is awarded every year in the following 3 categories:

  • For the most innovative TDK work
  • For the most innovative PhD thesis
  • Most innovative research work

Recipients of the awards

Semmelweis Ignác Medal and Award

2024: Dr. László Rosivall
2023: Dr. Ákos Koller
2022: Dr. József  Tímár 
2021: Dr. György Bagdy 
2020: Dr. Tivadar Tulassay
2019: Dr. István Gera
2019: Dr. Zsuzsanna Fürst
2018: Dr. Emil Monos
2017: Dr. Miklós Szendrői
2016: Dr. Tivadar Zelles
2015: Dr. Miklós Réthelyi
2014: Dr. Imre Romics
2013: Dr. Veronika Ádám
2012: Dr. Béla Noszál
2011: Dr. József Mandl
2010: Dr. Ágoston Szél
2009: Dr. Péter Sótonyi
2008: Dr. András Falus
2007: Dr. Tamás Freund
2006: Dr. Erzsébet Ligeti
2005: Dr. János Gergely
2004: Dr. Ferenc Perner
2003: Dr. Kálmán Magyar
2002: Dr. László Romics
2001: Dr. Raymund Machovich
2000: Dr. Sándor Juhász-Nagy
1999: Dr. Zoltán Papp
1998: Dr. E. Szilveszter Vizi
1997: Dr. Miklós Palkovits
1996: Dr. András Spät
1995: Dr. Edit Gláz
1994: Dr. György Puskás
1993: Dr. Gyula Petrányi
1992:Dr. Zoltán Szabó
1991: Dr. Ferenc Solti
1990: Dr. Endre Kelemen
1989: Dr. László Hársing
1989: Dr. Ferenc Kovács
1988: Dr. István Holló
1987: Dr. Andor Szécsény
1986: Dr. F. Brunó Straub
1985: Dr. Károly Lapis
1984: Dr. Ferenc Gráf
1984: Dr. Béla Halász
1983: Dr. Ferenc Antoni
1982: Dr. István Nász
1981: Dr. József Knoll
1980: not awarded
1979: not awarded
1978: Dr. Imre Magyar
1977: Dr. János Szentágothai
1976: Dr. Gábor Petri
1976: Dr. Imre Zoltán
1975: Dr. Ödön Kerpel Frónius
1974: Dr. Magda Radnót
1973: Dr. Loránd Kesztyűs
1972: Dr. József Sós
1971: Dr. Szilárd Donhoffer
1970: Dr. Pál Gömöri
1969: Dr. Dezső Miskolczy
1968: Dr. László Haranghy
1967: Dr. József Baló
1966: Dr. Ferenc Földvári
1965: Dr. Jenő Ernst
1964: Dr. Géza Petényi
1963: Dr. György Ivanovics
1962: Dr. Béla Issekutz
1961: Dr. Antal Babits
1960: Dr. Pál Gegesi Kiss
1959: Dr. István Rusznyák

Jendrassik Ernő Medal and Award

2024: Dr. Péter Hegyi 
2023: Dr. István Takács
2022: Dr. Attila Szijártó 
2021: Dr. Tamás Masszi 
2020: Dr. Endre Zima
2019: Dr. Kálmán Tory
2018: Dr. Attila Molvarec
2017: Dr. Pál Maurovich-Horvat
2016: Dr. György Nagy
2015: Dr. Attila Patócs
2014: Dr. Ádám Tabák
2013: Dr. Péter Igaz
2012: Dr. Zoltán Zsolt Nagy
2011: Dr. László Hangody
2010: Dr. Barna Vásárhelyi
2009: Dr. Béla Molnár
2008: Dr. Béla Merkely
2007: Dr. Péter László Lakatos
2006: Dr. Róbert Langer
2005: Dr. Henriette Farkas
2004: Dr. Attila Szabó
2003: not awarded
2002: Dr. Csaba Horváth
2001: Dr. Béla Székács
2000: Dr. Gábor Holló
1999: Dr. András Szabó
1998: Dr. Péter Lakatos
1997: Dr. Márk Kollai
1996: Dr. Péter Rajna
1995: Dr. György Reusz
1994: not awarded
1993: Dr. Miklós Szathmári
1992: Dr. János Sólyom
1991: Dr. Zsolt Tulassay
1990: Dr. Raymund Machovich
1989: Dr. László Rosivall
1988: Dr. Pál Hadházy
1987: Dr. József Tenczer
1986: Dr. Eörs Dóra
1985: Dr. Zsuzsa Schaff
1984: Dr. Tibor Raposa
1983: Dr. Judit Daróczy
1982: Dr. Péter Sótonyi
1981: Dr. Mihály Berényi
1980: Dr. Anna Kádár
1979: Dr. Sándor Juhász-Nagy
1978: Dr. Emil Monos
1977: Dr. Kálmán Magyar
1976: Dr. Ilona Szeri
1975: Dr. Jakab Lajos
1974: Dr. Attila Fonyó
1973: Dr. Zoltán Szabó
1972: Dr. János Somogyi
1971: Dr. Tibor Gáti
1970: Dr. András Kovács
1969: Dr. György Bozsik
1968: Dr. Antal Fischer
1967: Dr. Harry Jellinek
1966: Dr. Endre Somogyi
1965: Dr. Béla Vigh

Huzella Tivadar Medal and Award

2024: Dr. Zoltán Ungvári
2023: Dr. Gabriella Juhász
2022: Dr. Pál Czobor
2021: Dr. Zoltán Benyó
2020: Dr. Gábor Varga
2019: Dr. Miklós Geiszt
2018: Dr. Christos Chinopoulos
2017: Dr. Péter Ferdinandy
2016: Dr. Balázs Győrffy
2015: Dr. Csaba Szalai
2014: Dr. Csaba Sőti
2013: Dr. Miklós Kellermayer
2012: Dr. Zoltán Prohászka
2011: Dr. Edit Buzás
2010: Dr. György Bagdy
2009: Dr. Péter Várnai
2008: Dr. László Csanády
2007: Dr. Attila Mócsai
2006: not awarded
2005: Dr. Kolev Kraszimir
2004: Dr. László Tretter
2003: Dr. Péter Enyedi
2003: Dr. György Füst
2002: Dr. Ákos Koller
2001: Dr. Mária Sasvári
2000: Dr. László Hunyady
1999: Dr. Gábor Bánhegyi
1998: Dr. Miklós Tóth
1997: Dr. András Csillag
1996: Dr. Péter Csermely
1995: Dr. Ágoston Szél
1994: not awarded
1993: Dr. József Tímár and colleagues
1992: Dr. György Csaba
1991: Dr. Béla Szende

Hugonnai Vilma Medal and Award

2024: Dr. Ágnes Jermendy
2023: Dr. Otília Menyhart
2022: Dr. Eszter Mária Horváth 
2021: Dr. Orsolya Mészáros-Kapuy
2020: Dr. Katalin Dezső
2019: Dr. Lilla Tamási
2018: Dr. Xénia Gonda
2017: Dr. Anna-Mária Tőkés
2016: Dr. Anna Sebestyén
2015: Dr. Éva Margittai
2014: Dr. Zsófia Nemoda
2013: Dr. Krisztina Ludányi
2012: Dr. Andrea Fekete
2011: Dr. Veronika Müller and Dr. Romána Zelkó

Hári Mária Medal and Award

2024: Dr. Zsuzsanna Szilárd
2023: Dr. Ibolya Túri
2021: Tímea Vissi

Richter Gedeon Medal and Award

2024: Dr. István Mándity
2023: Dr. István Antal
2022: Dr. Romána Zelkó

Semmelweis Innovation Award

Research Category:
2024: Dr. György Tibor Balogh, Dr. Zoltán Zsolt Nagy, Dr. Ágnes Ildikó Takács,
Dr. Anita Csorba
2023: Dr. Zsolt Lohinai, Dr. Anna Földes, Martin Levine
2022: István Hornyák, Adél Hinsenkamp
2022: Dr. Igaz Péter, Dr. Péter István Turai, Dr. Gábor Nyirő, Dr. Zoltán Herold
2021: Dr. Domonkos Pap, Dr. Apor Veres-Székely, Dr. Beáta Szebeni,
Dr. Ádám Vannay
2020: Dr. Csaba Dobó Nagy, Dr. Gábor Orbán
2019: Dr. Tamás Visnovitz ( Dr. Edit Buzás, Dr. Xabier Osteikoetxea Vélez, Dr. Barbara Wernerné Sódar, Dr. Zoltán Varga
2019: Dr. János Vág
2018. Dr. János Imre Barabás
2017: Dr. Attila Kovács, Zoltán Tősér, Dr. Bálint Lakatos
2017: Dr. Bálint Molnár, Dr. Gábor Gerber, Dr. Zsombor Drajkó, Dr. Péter Windisch
2017: Dr. Éva Pállinger, Dr. Júlia Szekeres-Barthó
2016: Dr. Andrea Fekete, Dr. Ádám Vannay
2016: Szabolcs Osváth, Dr. Krisztián Szigeti
2015: Dr. Bálint Sinkó
2015: Dr. Gyula Domos 

TDK Category:
2023: Dr. Marcell Székely
2021: Sarolta Trinh
2020: Dr. Boldizsár Kiss
2019: Bálint Basa
2018: Sándor Erdős
2017: Ágnes Pósa
2015: Dr. Fanni Júlia Kiss, Anna Krisztina Székely

PhD Category:
2024: Dr. Lili Száraz
2024: Kinga Vörös
2023: Dr. Áron Bartha
2022: Krisztián Benedek Csomó, Ferenc Koppány
2021: Bence Gusztáv Stubnya
2021: Orsolya Lea Danics
2021: Alex Ali Sayour
2020: Voniatis Konstantinos
2019: Dr. Sándor Farkasdi, Dr. László Czumbel
2018: Dr. Imre Sallai
2016: Dr. István Sebe
2015: Kristóf Zsolt Szalay