The HSUP course is an online, university-based startup course that aims to introduce Hungarian students to the world of innovation, modern entrepreneurship and startups in particular, through a new, common educational platform.

The programme consists of two consecutive courses on innovation/startup topics, delivered in semesters. You can take the training in e-learning format, at your own pace, via the programme’s web interface or mobile app.

In Semester I, you will complete 7 theoretical modules and a related final module exam, as well as a one-pager presenting a start-up vision, business model and implementation team for an entrepreneurial idea.

Semester I focuses on innovative thinking and learning about the startup world.

What awaits you in the second semester?

If your One Pager wins the approval of the university evaluation committee, you will have the opportunity to complete the 5 theoretical modules and build a 3-5 person project team to implement your idea through the HSUP matchmaking platform and networking events in Semester II.

Who will help you?

Successful business planning and project development is supported by a professional mentor and the Programme’s corporate partners.

If your team finishes among the best, you will have the opportunity to present your project to corporate partners, incubators and even get funding to implement your idea.