What is the National Scholarship Programme?

The National Scholarship Programme for the Support of Mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists is a scholarship programme approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2005.
The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic supports study and research stays at universities and research organisations. It supports two-way mobility — of foreign scholarship holders to Slovakia as well as of Slovak scholarship holders abroad. Scholarships cover living costs related to the scholarship stay. Slovak scholarship applicants may also apply for a travel grant.
The Programme scholarship holders are scholarship holders of the Government of the Slovak Republic. The National Scholarship Programme is fi nanced by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, and administered by SAIA, n. o.

SAIA, n. o.

SAIA, n. o. (Slovak Academic Information Agency) is a non-governmental non-profi t organisation that, since its establishment in 1990, has been implementing programmes and providing services aimed at enhancement of civil society, and assisting in internationalisation of education and research in Slovakia. SAIA provides information and advisory services related to study and research mobility, administers several scholarship and grant programmes, and promotes Slovak universities and research organisations abroad.

SAIA Major Programmes:

  • Academic Mobility
  • Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS)
  • Action Austria – Slovakia, Co-operation in Science and Education
  • National Scholarship Programme for the Support of Mobility
  • Sciex-NMSch – Swiss-Slovak Scholarship Fund
  • EURAXESS Services Centres for Researchers

Foreign Applicants for Scholarship Stays in Slovakia

What is offered?

scholarships covering living costs
related to a study stay (1 — 2 semesters) of foreign university students at a Slovak university during their Master studies related to a study/research stay (1 — 12 months) of PhD students from foreign universities/research organisations at a university or research organisation eligible to carry out PhD study programme in Slovakia during their PhD studies
related to a lecture, research or artistic stay (1 — 12 months) of university teachers, researchers or artists from foreign universities/research organisations at a university, research organisation eligible to carry out PhD study programme or non-governmental organisation in Slovakia
Individuals with permanent residence in Slovakia and citizens of the Slovak Republic studying or working at universities or research organisations abroad cannot apply for the Programme scholarship for foreign applicants.

Citizens of which countries are eligible?

Citizens of the following countries can apply for the scholarship:
a) the Member States of the European Union;
b) other countries participating in the Bologna Process (listed are just non-EU Member States) — Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Russian Federation, Serbia (including Kosovo), Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine;
c) Belarus;
d) Canada, Mexico, USA, countries of Latin and Central America;
e) Australia, China (including Taiwan), Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, Thailand, Vietnam.

What is the amount of a scholarship?

a) university student 280 €
b) PhD student 470 €
c) university teacher, researcher or artist:
• without PhD degree and less than 4 years of practice 670 €
• with PhD degree or more than 4 years of practice 850 €
• with PhD degree and more than 10 years of practice 1 000 €
The amount of a scholarship shall cover average living costs of a scholarship holder.

How to apply?

Applicants shall apply on-line at www.scholarships.sk. System opens not later than 6 weeks before the deadline. After submitting on-line application form (with all attachments), applicant shall deliver original hard copy of host institution Invitation Letter to SAIA Bratislava before the deadline. Information concerning application forms and required documents can be found at the Programme website.

What are the deadlines for submitting application forms?

  • 30 April by 16:00 CET — scholarship stays for the next academic year
  • 31 October by 16:00 CET — scholarship stays for the summer semester of the running academic year

Mandatory conditions and more information about the Programme at: www.scholarships.sk

Slovak Applicants for Scholarship Stays and Travel Grants Abroad

What is offered?

  • scholarships covering living costs
    related to a study stay abroad (1 — 2 semesters or 1 — 3 trimesters) of Slovak university students during their Master studies related to a study/research stay abroad (1 — 12 months) of PhD students from Slovak universities or research organisations eligible to carry out PhD study programme (e. g. the Slovak Academy of Sciences) during their PhD studies
  • travel grants — contributions to travel costs related to study, research/artistic or lecture stays abroad of students of Slovak universities during their Master studies, full-time PhD students of Slovak universities during their PhD studies and university teachers, researchers or artists from Slovak universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences*

* Students and PhD students can apply for travel grant directly together with a scholarship (they submit just a scholarship application form), or independently, without a scholarship (they submit just a travel grant application form)

Which country can you choose for your scholarship stay?

The Programme scholarship is not country limited. After being awarded a scholarship, you can carry out your scholarship stay in any country of the world

What is the amount of a scholarship?

The amount of a scholarship is set for every country individually. It shall cover average living costs during scholarship stay. When setting the amount of a scholarship, just living costs are taken into consideration. It does not cover other costs, e. g. tuition fee.
At www.stipendia.sk a list of countries can be found, to which scholarships have already been granted.

What is the amount of a travel grant?

Travel grant is a contribution related to travel costs to and from a scholarship stay. Scholarship stay shall last at least one month, in the case of students at least one academic term (semester/trimester). Selection Committee awards the amount of a travel grant taking into consideration up-to-date prices of transportation and fi nancial possibilities of the Programme.

How to apply?

Applicants shall apply on-line at www.stipendia.sk. System opens not later than 6 weeks before the deadline. After submitting on-line application form (with all attachments), applicant shall deliver original of signed hard copy of application form to SAIA Bratislava before the deadline. Information concerning application forms and required documents can be found at the Programme website.

What are the deadlines for submitting application forms?

  • 30 April by 16:00 CET — scholarship stays for the next academic year
  • 31 October by 16:00 CET — scholarship stays for the summer semester of the running academic year

Mandatory conditions and more information about the Programme at www.stipendia.sk