The 6th Summer University kicks off on August 28 with Day Zero dedicated to environmental awareness. This year’s event will again feature a wide range of health, education, and lifestyle topics, with experts, policy-makers, and business leaders among the invited speakers and round-table participants. As the 2024 Summer University is expected to attract more participants than ever before, there will be two venues, with the international students’ program taking place in the Nagyvárad square Theoretical Block (NET).

Each year we integrate the experiences of the previous event and the feedback received from students. As a result, this year we will organize a Green University Day on day zero for both international and Hungarian students, with the cooperation of the Green University Project team coordinated by Dr. Éva Szabó Feketéné, Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development, said Dr. Tamás Hegedüs, Head of the Alumni Directorate, who is one of the main organizers of the 6th Summer University with the professional guidance of Dr. Péter Hermann, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs. As with Days 1 and 2 of the Summer University, proof of attendance on Day Zero is worth one credit. Interestingly, while the Hungarian-language edition of the event is mostly attended by freshmen, the opposite is true for the international programs, noted Dr. Tamás Hegedüs.

With more than 1,800 students attending last year, the event has outgrown the premises of the Basic Medical Science Center (EOK), so this year it will only host the Hungarian-language programs. The international Summer University will take place in the ceremonial hall and lecture halls of the Nagyvárad square Theoretical Block.

As is tradition, the English-language program will be opened by Dr. Alán Alpár, Vice-Rector for International Studies at Semmelweis University.

The program was designed by the Center of International Training Programs and the Directorate of International Relations, using student feedback. Based on the latter, the English-language program will feature, among others, presentations on Hungarian tourism, the diversity of Hungarian wine culture, spas and thermal baths in Budapest, as well as insight into the difficulties of the Hungarian language by experts of the Institute of Languages for Specific Purposes.

The presentation by Dr. Péter Nyirády, the new Dean of the Faculty of Medicine is expected to be of interest to many, alongside talks on drug research related to diseases of the central nervous system, food allergies, the therapeutic potential of psychoactive substances, cyber security, and mental health. As a new feature, two alumni of the university, Dr. Loucas Christodoulou, consultant pediatrician, and Tom Cato Karlsen, a Norwegian anesthesiologist and Governor of Nordland County, will join a roundtable discussion to share their experiences on career options following graduation, Dr. Tamás Hegedüs pointed out.

The main sponsor of the event is Béres Pharmaceuticals. Detailed programs are available here (Green University Day) and here (6th Summer University).

Semmelweis University organized its 1st Summer University in 2019, celebrating the 250th anniversary of the institution. Ever since the success of the event, Summer University has been organized annually before the start of the upcoming academic year. Summer University is available in the Neptun system as a separate optional course. Students can earn 1 credit per day for their uninterrupted attendance, which will be verified by barcode scanning.

Melinda Katalin Kiss
Translation: Judit Szabados-Dőtsch
Photos (illustration) by Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University