The tournament was attended by 269 competitors from 9 nationalities, 7 universities and 30 senior teams. Semmelweis University was represented by 56 participants, and the institution’s team finished second overall.

On 6 April, the 1st Semmelweis Swim Open was held, with senior competitors competing alongside university students, including separate age and category classifications.

The competition was designed to provide a short course competition opportunity for amateur university and college students in the spring semester, as well as for senior swimmers, who could not only connect with athletes under 25, but also promote senior swimming to the next generation, thanks to this opportunity. It added an interesting and exciting atmosphere to the event, which is an official ranking competition recognized by the Senior Swimming Federation.

The tournament was attended by 269 competitors from 9 nationalities, 7 universities and 30 senior teams. Semmelweis University was represented by 56 participants. Swimmers from the institution competed in 15 events and 15 age groups. overall, the Semmelweis team came 2nd in the points competition. The main organizer of the competition was Anikó Doharné Buczkó, a teacher of physical education at the P.E. and Sport Centre of Semmelweis University, who won two gold and one silver medal.

Semmelweis University results

50 m freestyle

1st place: Balakrihnan Shakti (A category)
3rd place: Mila Schowtka (category A)

1st place: Janka Bíró (category B)
3rd place: Kost Lucca (category B)

2nd place: Krüger Rufus (category B)

1st place: Tamás Koltai (age group IV)

2nd place: Imre Nagy (age group IX)

50 m breaststroke

2nd place: Fanni Tubics (category B)

1st place: Balakrishnan Shakthi (category A)

3rd place: Krüger Rufus (category B)

50 m backstroke

1st place: Zsófia Andrási (category A)
2nd place: Balakrishnan Shakthi (category A)

2nd place: Kost Lucca (category B)
3rd place: Janka Bíró (category B)

1st place: Buczkó Anikó (age group IV)

2nd place: Kristóf Juhász (category B)

1st place: Imre Nagy (age group IX)

50 m butterfly

1st place: Balakrishnan Shakthi (category A)

2nd place: Fanni Tubics (category B)

3rd place: Imre Nagy (age group IX)

100 m medley

1st place: Balakrishnan Shakthi (category A)
2nd place: Zsófia Andrási (category A)

3rd place: Tubics Fanni (category B)

1st place: Buczkó Anikó (age group IV)

1st place: Tamás Koltai (age group IV)

2nd place: Imre Nagy (age group IX)

100 m freestyle

1st place: Balakrishnan Shakthi (category A)
2nd place: Mila Schowtka (category A)

1st place: Janka Bíró (category B)
2nd place: Kost Lucca (category B)

4 x 50 m rapid relay

Age group 0-99 years:
1st place: Semmelweis University “A” (Bíró Janka, Schowtka Mila, Kost Lucca, Balakrishnan Shakthi)
2nd place: Semmelweis University “B” (Heinemann Anne, Deck Selina, Habermalz Clara, Rosok Julia)

4 x 50 m mixed relay

Age group 0-99 years:
1st place: Semmelweis University 1st (Kristóf Juhász, Kristóf Kovács, Fanni Tubics, Katalin Heitz)
2nd place: Semmelweis University “A” (Kost Lucca, Krüger Rufus, Schütz Constantin, Bíró Janka)

Age group III:
2nd place: Semmelweis University III (Imre Nagy, Zsuzsanna Papp, Anikó Buczkó, Tamás Koltai)

Anikó Doharné Buczkó, P.E. and Sport Centre
Translation: Viktória Kiss
Photo: Midián Ruha – Students’ Union